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Jeremy Ashkenas jashkenas

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// Spin up a new Ruby VM, start Ruby-Processing in it.
private void spinUp(String command, String path) {
final RubyInstanceConfig config = new RubyInstanceConfig() {{
if (_ruby != null) _ruby.tearDown();
_ruby = Ruby.newInstance(config);
_ruby.evalScriptlet("RP5_EMBEDDED = true; ARGV[0] = '" + path + "'; require 'ruby-processing/lib/ruby-processing/runners/" + command + ".rb'");
# Change:
import “processing.core”
# to this:
include_package “processing.core”
raise “hell” unless defined? Java::ProcessingCore::PApplet
# Change:
import "processing.core"
# to this:
include_package "processing.core"
raise "hell" unless defined? Java::ProcessingCore::PApplet
# Note: If you've been using VMWare recently, it leaves some network
# services dangling. Kill the before you start the sketch:
# sudo killall vmnet-netifup
load_library 'carnivore'
require 'packet_listener'
include Java::PacketListener
def setup
@nodes = {}
load_library 'pdf'
import 'processing.pdf'
def setup
begin_record PDF, "/path/to/file.pdf"
def draw
# Insert code here.
load_library 'video'
import ''
def setup
size 300, 150
@mm =, width, height, "")
background 20, 20, 100
fill 147, 246, 258, 20
# Move the mouse left and right to change the field of view (fov).
# Click to modify the aspect ratio. The perspective method
# sets a perspective projection applying foreshortening, making
# distant objects appear smaller than closer ones. The parameters
# define a viewing volume with the shape of truncated pyramid.
# Objects near to the front of the volume appear their actual size,
# while farther objects appear smaller. This projection simulates
# the perspective of the world more accurately than orthographic projection.
# The version of perspective without parameters sets the default
# perspective and the version with four parameters allows the programmer
var shttpd = net.http.server.shttpd
var Server = shttpd.Server;
var httpd = new Server(8080);
print ("Starting server on port 8080")
function (request) {
request.print("HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\n\r\n");
request.print("<html><body>Hello, v8 world</body></html>");
# This method will be called on any create or update, and should be the central
# clearing house for data processing and conversion.
def request_update_attributes(data, user=User.current, instance_id=ZenbeInstance.current)
instance_id ||= 'NO_INSTANCE_ID'
return false unless self.accessible_to?(user)
describe("The array [1,2,3]", function() {
before(function() {
ary = [1,2,3];
should('not be empty', function() {