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Jeremy Ashkenas jashkenas

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jquery.hover (arg) ->
, (arg) ->
# Or:
(arg) -> value
<div class="review_it_wrapper marg_top1">
<table class="header">
<td class="col1">
<span class="header_title bold">Review this movie</span>
<td class="col2">
<div class="fr">
<table class="rating_wrapper">
var Y;
Y = function(le) {
return (function(f) {
return f(f);
})(function(f) {
return le(function(x) {
return f(f)(x);
# emoji-data.txt
# Date: 2017-06-19, 11:13:24 GMT
# © 2017 Unicode®, Inc.
# Unicode and the Unicode Logo are registered trademarks of Unicode, Inc. in the U.S. and other countries.
# For terms of use, see
# Emoji Data for UTR #51
# Version: 5.0
# For documentation and usage, see
// Demonstration of dynamic super() calls.
// Because of JS reserved words, "ssuper()" is the method name,
// and is passed the current object, as well as the name of
// the current method.
function GreatGrandParent() {};
GreatGrandParent.prototype.method = function() {
console.log("In the GreatGrandParent.");
# The Buddhabrot is a relative of the Mandelbrot fractal. You iterate the usual
# Mandelbrot set for random points on the picure plane, and if the point exits
# at high speed, you re-iterate the point, recording its progress around the
# page. Here's the [original Usenet post](
# from 1993, discovering the rendering.
# Adjustable constants. Tweak these in order to change the resolution and
# exposure of the buddhabrot.
iterations = 500
points = 100000
sensitivity = 0.02 # Sensitivity of the sketch to mouse coordinates.
iterations = 8000 # Base of the iterations of the attractor per frame.
density = 2 # Each time the attractor hits a pixel, the density bump.
start = 0 # Start x,y coordinate for the attractor.
limit = 200 # The number of frames to render before being finished.
# Grab the `canvas` and the drawing context (`context`) from the DOM.
# canvas = document.getElementById 'canvas'
context = canvas.getContext '2d'
exports[key] = value for key, value of {
run : run
document : document
parse : parse
resolveSource : resolveSource
version : version
defaults : defaults
languages : languages

FIRST THINGS FIRST Resist the temptation to buy the first bike you see. Look at a few of them to get a better idea of the used bike market/options before you buy one. Bring a friend to help you stick to your guns, or to help you load your new bikes onto a truck, or as ballast in case the bike has a centerstand and you wish to inspect the front wheel. Bike-savvy friends may also notice things that you forgot to check. Make sure they also read this guide ahead of time. Bring a flashlight to aid inspection. Even in daylight. Request that the owner not have the bike warmed up when you get there, but tell him/her to make sure that the bike will start. If the owner asks why, tell them that you want to test the bike's ability to start when cold. (It's a lot easier for engines to start when pre-warmed.) You needn't follow these instructions in any particular order, or even follow them at all, but if you are going to read them, you should probably do so before you get to the seller's house. If you're new to motorcycli