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Created August 12, 2017 18:45
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Reason script to traverse a native JSON object
type json = Js.Json.t;
let x: json = [%bs.raw {|{"a": [1, "hello", 2, {"b": {"c": [100,200, "d", [10,20,30]]}}]}|}];
let rec json_to_string json => {
let array_to_string a => a |> Array.to_list |> String.concat ",";
let emitObject o =>
"{" ^
let emitKV (key, value) => key ^ ": " ^ json_to_string value;
let dict = Js.Dict.entries o;
array_to_string ( emitKV dict)
} ^ "}";
let emitArray a => "[" ^ array_to_string ( json_to_string a) ^ "]";
switch (Js.Json.classify json) {
| JSONNull => "null"
| JSONTrue => "true"
| JSONFalse => "false"
| JSONNumber n => string_of_float n
| JSONString s => "\"" ^ s ^ "\""
| JSONArray a => emitArray a
| JSONObject o => emitObject o
Js.log (json_to_string x);
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