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Last active July 9, 2016 16:41
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log scraper for my FreeBSD server written in Perl as an exercise
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
################# FreeBSD Log scraper #######################
# Basic usage:
# Perl -keywords=[KEYWORD,(S)] -log=[LOGNAME]
# -keywords= List of keywords to search for in logs
# -log= Name of the log file(s)
# -dir= Location of remote log file(s)
# Author: Jasin Colegrove
use strict;
use Net::SCP;
use IO::Uncompress::Bunzip2 qw(bunzip2 $Bunzip2Error);
# set up some global variables for this script.
my ($logname, $remoteDir, @files, @keys);
# functions
sub scrape_logs {
# Pull the logs locally so we can parse them
my $file;
my $hostname = "";
my $username = "jasin";
# Setup our secure copy connection
my $scp = Net::SCP->new( {"host"=>$hostname, "user"=>$username} );
# Do work! Pull weeks worth of logs
# TODO: dynamic number of log files to fetch
for ((my $i = 0) .. 6) {
$file = "$logname.$i.bz2";
print "Receiving $file...";
if ($scp->get("$remoteDir/$file")) {
push @files, $file and print "Done\n";
} else {
print "$scp->{errstr}\n";
sub parse_logs {
for my $file (@files) {
my $z = new IO::Uncompress::Bunzip2 $file or print $Bunzip2Error;
while (not $z->eof()) { # Keep looping till EOF
my $x = $z->getline();
# Check each line against the keys in the @keywords array
for my $key (@keys) {
print $x if ($x =~ /$key/); # if exist, write to file
sub email_output {
# TODO: Let someone know that the logs are prepared and ready to be read
# main entry point to the script
sub parse_args {
my ($flag, $keywords);
while (@_) {
if($_[0] =~ /^-keywords/) {
($flag,$keywords) = split(/=/, $_[0]) and @keys = split(/,/, $keywords);
print "$flag=$keywords\n";
} elsif ($_[0] =~ /^-log/) {
($flag,$logname) = split(/=/, $_[0]);
print "$flag=$logname\n";
} elsif ($_[0] =~ /^-dir/) {
($flag,$remoteDir) = split(/=/, $_[0]);
print "$flag=$remoteDir\n";
} else {
pgm_exit(1, "Unknown arg: $_[0]\n");
shift @_; # end switch, get next @ARGV
pgm_exit(1, "Keywords and/or log switches must not be empty\n") if (not length $keywords && length $logname); #cheeky way to test for undef
sub pgm_exit ($$) {
my($exitcode, $msg) = @_;
print $msg;
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jasin commented Jul 8, 2016

@geoffmcl I took the liberty of posting this here. Allows one to easily see the diffs overtime.

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geoffmcl commented Jul 9, 2016

@jasin, I played with some revisions to, but no idea how to post those to gist???

The main things were to move the main entry point to down just before the parse_args(), revert parse_args to explicit user declaration, but absolutely do not see the addition of use Switch;... use your own regex, and stop trying to make the UI of the app just a few lines... this should be the most important parsing... take control...

And realize that in a cross-port to WIN32, the = sign is lost, without adding double quotes... accept both forms...

But as I say, do not know how to post those suggested changes here...

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jasin commented Jul 9, 2016

And realize that in a cross-port to WIN32, the = sign is lost, without adding double quotes... accept both forms...

What do you mean exactly? In CMD.exe -keywords=BANNED,SPAM needs to be "-keywords=BANNED,SPAM"

revert parse_args to explicit user declaration
use your own regex

again not sure exactly what you mean here.

stop trying to make the UI of the app just a few lines... this should be the most important parsing... take control...

point taken. I went with the switch route because I thought this was a general consensus on the way to parse command line arguments across other languages as well. I see this case usage a lot when reading source code.

I asked github contact support how one can have multiple editors for a gist, waiting on a reply. But for the time being I see gist are in fact git repo. so if you fork my gist, you get my history, plus any edits you do on top. Gives a full history. Fork the gist and make your changes. I can view them on your gist page

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