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James O'Brien jasinjames

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mike-myers-tob / Working GDB on macOS
Last active June 13, 2024 15:27
Steps to get GDB actually working in April 2021 on macOS (Intel x86-64 only)

Debug with GDB on macOS 11

The big reason to do this is that LLDB has no ability to "follow-fork-mode child", in other words, a multi-process target that doesn't have a single-process mode (or, a bug that only manifests when in multi-process mode) is going to be difficult or impossible to debug, especially if you have to run the target over and over in order to make the bug manifest. If you have a repeatable bug, no big deal, break on the fork from the parent process and attach to the child in a second lldb instance. Otherwise, read on.

Install GDB

Don't make the mistake of thinking you can just brew install gdb. Currently this is version 10.2 and it's mostly broken, with at least two annoying bugs as of April 29th 2021, but the big one is

$ xcode-select install  # install the XCode command-line tools
YumaInaura /
Last active May 23, 2024 20:02
Vim — What is the name of "q and colon" mode? ( A. command-line window )

Vim — What is the name of "q and colon" mode? ( A. command line window )

Or named "command window".

I mean "q and colon" ( q: ).

Not "colon and q" means quit vim ( :q ).


jonlidgard /
Last active January 15, 2022 02:54
PRU's on the Beaglebone Black

PRU’s on the Beaglebone - ( Using UIO with the TI Kernel )

This guide is written for fellow newbies to the BBB as an aid to understanding how to talk to the onboard PRU's. As a newbie some of my terminology and understanding may not be quite correct, however it's hopefully enough to give you an idea what is going on. The whole subject is a bit of a minefield for the beginner; a lot of things have changed over the last few years and most of the guides you come across are only partially correct, you have to pick through the bones to find the nuggets!. If you're using a modern stock debian image then blindly following them will lead to nothing but frustration. This guide will surely become irrelevant with time too but hopefully as of Oct 2017 it will be of some use.

My system

I'm using the stock debian 9.1 IOT image from on an old 2GB Beaglebone Black.

rproc & uio, Kernel images, dtb's, uboot overlays, omg wtf?

In the beginning there was the Linux Userspace I/O interface (UIO) for commu