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Last active August 4, 2018 05:09
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Triangle grid stream based on Turf.js triangle grid function.
"use strict"
exports.__esModule = true
var distance_1 = require("@turf/distance")
var intersect_1 = require("@turf/intersect")
var helpers_1 = require("@turf/helpers")
* Takes a bounding box and a cell depth and returns a set of triangular {@link Polygon|polygons} in a grid.
* @name triangleGrid
* @param {Array<number>} bbox extent in [minX, minY, maxX, maxY] order
* @param {number} cellSide dimension of each cell
* @param {Object} [options={}] Optional parameters
* @param {string} [options.units='kilometers'] used in calculating cellSide, can be degrees, radians, miles, or kilometers
* @param {Feature<Polygon>} [options.mask] if passed a Polygon or MultiPolygon, the grid Points will be created only inside it
* @param {Object} [{}] passed to each point of the grid
* @returns {FeatureCollection<Polygon>} grid of polygons
* @example
* var bbox = [-95, 30 ,-85, 40]
* var cellSide = 50
* var options = {units: 'miles'}
* var triangleGrid = turf.triangleGrid(bbox, cellSide, options)
* //addToMap
* var addToMap = [triangleGrid]
var triangleStream = null
function triangleGridStream(bbox, cellSide, options) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
triangleStream = triangleGridGenerator(bbox, cellSide, options)
if (triangleStream)
reject("Failed to generate stream")
function* triangleGridGenerator(bbox, cellSide, options) {
if (options === void 0) { options = {} }
// Containers
var results = []
// Input Validation is being handled by Typescript
// if (cellSide === null || cellSide === undefined) throw new Error('cellSide is required')
// if (!isNumber(cellSide)) throw new Error('cellSide is invalid')
// if (!bbox) throw new Error('bbox is required')
// if (!Array.isArray(bbox)) throw new Error('bbox must be array')
// if (bbox.length !== 4) throw new Error('bbox must contain 4 numbers')
// if (mask && ['Polygon', 'MultiPolygon'].indexOf(getType(mask)) === -1) throw new Error('options.mask must be a (Multi)Polygon')
// Main
var xFraction = cellSide / (distance_1["default"]([bbox[0], bbox[1]], [bbox[2], bbox[1]], options))
var cellWidth = xFraction * (bbox[2] - bbox[0])
var yFraction = cellSide / (distance_1["default"]([bbox[0], bbox[1]], [bbox[0], bbox[3]], options))
var cellHeight = yFraction * (bbox[3] - bbox[1])
var xi = 0
var currentX = bbox[0]
while (currentX <= bbox[2]) {
var yi = 0
var currentY = bbox[1]
while (currentY <= bbox[3]) {
var cellTriangle1 = null
var cellTriangle2 = null
if (xi % 2 === 0 && yi % 2 === 0) {
cellTriangle1 = helpers_1.polygon([
[currentX, currentY],
[currentX, currentY + cellHeight],
[currentX + cellWidth, currentY],
[currentX, currentY]
cellTriangle2 = helpers_1.polygon([
[currentX, currentY + cellHeight],
[currentX + cellWidth, currentY + cellHeight],
[currentX + cellWidth, currentY],
[currentX, currentY + cellHeight]
} else if (xi % 2 === 0 && yi % 2 === 1) {
cellTriangle1 = helpers_1.polygon([
[currentX, currentY],
[currentX + cellWidth, currentY + cellHeight],
[currentX + cellWidth, currentY],
[currentX, currentY]
cellTriangle2 = helpers_1.polygon([
[currentX, currentY],
[currentX, currentY + cellHeight],
[currentX + cellWidth, currentY + cellHeight],
[currentX, currentY]
} else if (yi % 2 === 0 && xi % 2 === 1) {
cellTriangle1 = helpers_1.polygon([
[currentX, currentY],
[currentX, currentY + cellHeight],
[currentX + cellWidth, currentY + cellHeight],
[currentX, currentY]
cellTriangle2 = helpers_1.polygon([
[currentX, currentY],
[currentX + cellWidth, currentY + cellHeight],
[currentX + cellWidth, currentY],
[currentX, currentY]
} else if (yi % 2 === 1 && xi % 2 === 1) {
cellTriangle1 = helpers_1.polygon([
[currentX, currentY],
[currentX, currentY + cellHeight],
[currentX + cellWidth, currentY],
[currentX, currentY]
cellTriangle2 = helpers_1.polygon([
[currentX, currentY + cellHeight],
[currentX + cellWidth, currentY + cellHeight],
[currentX + cellWidth, currentY],
[currentX, currentY + cellHeight]
if (options.mask) {
// if (intersect_1["default"](options.mask, cellTriangle1))
// // results.push(cellTriangle1)
// if (intersect_1["default"](options.mask, cellTriangle2))
// results.push(cellTriangle2)
cellTriangle1 = intersect_1["default"](options.mask, cellTriangle1)
cellTriangle2 = intersect_1["default"](options.mask, cellTriangle2)
if (typeof(cellTriangle1) !== 'undefined' && typeof(cellTriangle2) !== 'undefined') {
yield [cellTriangle1, cellTriangle2]
} else if (typeof(cellTriangle1) !== 'undefined' && typeof(cellTriangle2) === 'undefined') {
yield [cellTriangle1]
} else if (typeof(cellTriangle1) === 'undefined' && typeof(cellTriangle2) !== 'undefined') {
yield [cellTriangle2]
} else if (typeof(cellTriangle1) === 'undefined' && typeof(cellTriangle2) === 'undefined') {
yield null
} else {
yield [cellTriangle1, cellTriangle2]
// results.push(cellTriangle1)
// results.push(cellTriangle2)
currentY += cellHeight
currentX += cellWidth
// yield helpers_1.featureCollection([cellTriangle1,cellTriangle2])
// return helpers_1.featureCollection(results)
exports["default"] = triangleGridStream
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