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Last active October 28, 2020 15:29
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<h2>American Academy in Rome</h2>
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<p>We hope you had a chance to join us for the <a
href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><em>One
Moment / Infinite Ideas</em></a> Virtual Benefit last night. If you
weren&rsquo;t able to make it, the event will stream on the <a
href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">AAR
website</a> until 11:59 pm ET, Saturday, November 7.<br /><br />If you have not
had a chance to bid on ARTWORKS and the one-of-a-kind EXPERIENCES, generously
donated by AAR Fellows and Residents, you still have a few hours&mdash;the benefit
auction closes TODAY, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 28 at 2:00 pm ET.<br /><br />VISIT the
Academy&rsquo;s auction site at <a href=""
target="_blank" rel="noopener"></a> to register
and bid on works by:</p>
<p>Polly Apfelbaum (2013 Fellow), Mary Beard (2019 Resident), Sanford Biggers (2018
Fellow), Patricia Cronin (2007 Fellow), Carl D&rsquo;Alvia (2013 Fellow), E. V.
Day (2017 Fellow), Allen Frame (2018 Fellow), Stephen Greenblatt (2010 Resident),
Ann Hamilton (2017 Resident), Lyle Ashton Harris (2001 Fellow), Bunny Harvey (1976
Fellow), Michelle Hobart, Deborah Kass, Sze Tsung Nicol&aacute;s Leong (2019
Fellow), Beverly McIver (2018 Fellow), Glendalys Medina (2013 Fellow), Susan
Meiselas (2017 Resident), Sarah Oppenheimer (2011 Fellow), Gregg Pasquarelli/SHoP
Architects, Kyle Pierce (RSFP Chef), Mark Robbins (1997 Fellow), Jackie Saccoccio
(2005 Fellow), Yasmin Vobis (2017 Fellow).</p>
<p>Auction powered by:<br /><br /></p>
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Image: Sze Tsung Nicol&aacute;s Leong, <em>Matera 1</em>, 2018, archival
pigment print, 31 &times; 38 in. (artwork &copy; Sze Tsung Nicol&aacute;s
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