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Last active July 1, 2019 20:29
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"srb init" produces stack trace with "unexpected errors" message on rails_app5_2 sample app
"srb init" produces stack trace with "unexpected errors" message on rails_app5_2 sample app
#### Versions
- Ruby: ruby 2.4.6p354 (2019-04-01 revision 67394) [x86_64-darwin16]
- Rails: Rails 5.2.3
- Sorbet: Sorbet typechecker 0.4.4358 git 1beae38af163add1e13e897e4771727a0a40c338 built on 2019-06-30 00:44:42 GMT with debug symbols
- Sorbet-Rails: 0.2.0
- OS/Hardware: Mac OS 10.12.6 (Sierra) on Mid-2014 MacBookPro.
#### Input
When I run "srb init" on this repo (,
I produces a stack trace with "unexpected errors" message.
Before this step, I ran the 3 commands listed in the "Adopting Sorbet" web page to verify installation.
#### Observed output
"SRB_YES=1 srb init 2>&1 |tee output" output:
Hey there!
This script will get this project ready to use with Sorbet by creating a
sorbet/ folder for your project. It will contain:
- a config file
- a bunch of 'RBI files'
RBI stands for 'Ruby Interface'; these files define classes, methods, and
constants that exist, but which Sorbet doesn't always know about.
Heads up:
To set up your project, this script will take two potentially destructive
1. It will require every file in your project. Specifically, every script in
your project will be run, unless that script checks if __FILE__ == $PROGRAM_NAME
before running any code, or has the magic comment # typed: ignore in it.
2. It will add a comment to the top of every file (like # typed: false or
# typed: true, depending on how many errors were found in that file.)
SRB_YES set, continuing
Generating: sorbet/config
Generating: sorbet/rbi/sorbet-typed/
Generating: sorbet/rbi/gems/
[12/32] require_relative './config/boot.rb'
[24/32] require_relative './config/puma.rb'
[27/32] require_relative './db/migrate/20190620001234_create_wizards.rb'
[28/32] require_relative './db/migrate/20190620003037_create_wands.rb'
[29/32] require_relative './db/migrate/20190620003739_create_spell_books.rb'
[30/32] require_relative './db/schema.rb'
-- create_table("spell_books", {:force=>:cascade})
-> 0.0099s
-- create_table("wands", {:force=>:cascade})
-> 0.0039s
-- create_table("wizards", {:force=>:cascade})
-> 0.0027s
[31/32] require_relative './db/seeds.rb'
[32/32] require_relative './test/test_helper.rb'
Generating: sorbet/rbi/hidden-definitions/
Requiring all of your code
Naming all Modules
Failed to load ActionCable::Server::ActiveRecordConnectionManagement
Failed to load ActionController::Middleware
Failed to load ActionDispatch::SystemTestCase
Failed to load ActionDispatch::Http::Upload
You don't have dalli installed in your application. Please add it to your Gemfile and run bundle install
Failed to load ActionDispatch::Session::MemCacheStore
Failed to load ActiveJob::QueueAdapters::BackburnerAdapter
Failed to load ActiveJob::QueueAdapters::DelayedJobAdapter
Failed to load ActiveJob::QueueAdapters::QuAdapter
Failed to load ActiveJob::QueueAdapters::QueAdapter
Failed to load ActiveJob::QueueAdapters::QueueClassicAdapter
Failed to load ActiveJob::QueueAdapters::ResqueAdapter
Failed to load ActiveJob::QueueAdapters::SidekiqAdapter
Failed to load ActiveJob::QueueAdapters::SneakersAdapter
Failed to load ActiveJob::QueueAdapters::SuckerPunchAdapter
You don't have dalli installed in your application. Please add it to your Gemfile and run bundle install
Failed to load ActiveSupport::Cache::MemCacheStore
The Redis cache store requires the redis gem, version 4.0.1 or later. Please add it to your Gemfile: `gem "redis", "~> 4.0"`
Failed to load ActiveSupport::Cache::RedisCacheStore
Failed to load I18n::Tests::Pluralization
Failed to load I18n::Tests::Basics
Failed to load I18n::Tests::Defaults
Failed to load I18n::Tests::Interpolation
Failed to load I18n::Tests::Link
Failed to load I18n::Tests::Lookup
Failed to load I18n::Tests::Procs
Failed to load I18n::Tests::Localization::Time
Failed to load I18n::Tests::Localization::Date
Failed to load I18n::Tests::Localization::DateTime
Failed to load I18n::Tests::Localization::Procs
Failed to load Rack::Handler::FastCGI
Failed to load Rack::Handler::LSWS
Failed to load Rack::Handler::SCGI
Failed to load Rack::Handler::Thin
Failed to load Rack::Session::Memcache
Failed to load Rails::Application::Railties
Failed to load ThreadSafe::JRubyCacheBackend
Generating /var/folders/lc/72klfq0j6x9dq5hysj5nsc7w0000gn/T/d20190701-37833-yqwyf/reflection.rbi with 3755 modules and 102 aliases
Printing your code's symbol table into /var/folders/lc/72klfq0j6x9dq5hysj5nsc7w0000gn/T/d20190701-37833-yqwyf/from-source.json
Printing /var/folders/lc/72klfq0j6x9dq5hysj5nsc7w0000gn/T/d20190701-37833-yqwyf/reflection.rbi's symbol table into /var/folders/lc/72klfq0j6x9dq5hysj5nsc7w0000gn/T/d20190701-37833-yqwyf/reflection.json
/Users/USER/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.4.6@ruby2.4-rails5.2/gems/sorbet-0.4.4358/lib/hidden-definition-finder.rb:145:in `write_constants': /var/folders/lc/72klfq0j6x9dq5hysj5nsc7w0000gn/T/d20190701-37833-yqwyf/reflection.rbi had unexpected errors. Check this file for a clue: /var/folders/lc/72klfq0j6x9dq5hysj5nsc7w0000gn/T/d20190701-37833-yqwyf/reflection.json.err (RuntimeError)
from /Users/USER/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.4.6@ruby2.4-rails5.2/gems/sorbet-0.4.4358/lib/hidden-definition-finder.rb:47:in `main'
from /Users/USER/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.4.6@ruby2.4-rails5.2/gems/sorbet-0.4.4358/lib/hidden-definition-finder.rb:38:in `main'
from /Users/USER/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.4.6@ruby2.4-rails5.2/gems/sorbet-0.4.4358/bin/srb-rbi:227:in `block in make_step'
from /Users/USER/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.4.6@ruby2.4-rails5.2/gems/sorbet-0.4.4358/bin/srb-rbi:101:in `main'
from /Users/USER/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.4.6@ruby2.4-rails5.2/gems/sorbet-0.4.4358/bin/srb-rbi:232:in `<main>'
The reflection.json.err file follows:
/var/folders/lc/72klfq0j6x9dq5hysj5nsc7w0000gn/T/d20190701-37833-yqwyf/reflection.rbi:36166: Type `Elem` declared by parent `T.class_of(ActiveRecord::Base)` must be re-declared in `T.class_of(ActiveRecord::InternalMetadata)`
36166 |class ActiveRecord::InternalMetadata < ActiveRecord::Base
/Users/USER/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.4.6@ruby2.4-rails5.2/gems/sorbet-rails-0.2.0/rbi/activerecord.rbi:144: `Elem` declared in parent here
144 | Elem = type_template(fixed: ActiveRecord::Base)
/var/folders/lc/72klfq0j6x9dq5hysj5nsc7w0000gn/T/d20190701-37833-yqwyf/reflection.rbi:42217: Type `Elem` declared by parent `T.class_of(ActiveRecord::Base)` must be re-declared in `T.class_of(ActiveRecord::SchemaMigration)`
42217 |class ActiveRecord::SchemaMigration < ActiveRecord::Base
/Users/USER/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.4.6@ruby2.4-rails5.2/gems/sorbet-rails-0.2.0/rbi/activerecord.rbi:144: `Elem` declared in parent here
144 | Elem = type_template(fixed: ActiveRecord::Base)
/var/folders/lc/72klfq0j6x9dq5hysj5nsc7w0000gn/T/d20190701-37833-yqwyf/reflection.rbi:156261: Type `Elem` declared by parent `T.class_of(ApplicationRecord)` must be re-declared in `T.class_of(SpellBook)`
156261 |class SpellBook < ApplicationRecord
/Users/USER/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.4.6@ruby2.4-rails5.2/gems/sorbet-rails-0.2.0/rbi/activerecord.rbi:149: `Elem` declared in parent here
149 | Elem = type_template(fixed: ApplicationRecord)
/var/folders/lc/72klfq0j6x9dq5hysj5nsc7w0000gn/T/d20190701-37833-yqwyf/reflection.rbi:169247: Type `Elem` declared by parent `T.class_of(ApplicationRecord)` must be re-declared in `T.class_of(Wand)`
169247 |class Wand < ApplicationRecord
/Users/USER/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.4.6@ruby2.4-rails5.2/gems/sorbet-rails-0.2.0/rbi/activerecord.rbi:149: `Elem` declared in parent here
149 | Elem = type_template(fixed: ApplicationRecord)
/var/folders/lc/72klfq0j6x9dq5hysj5nsc7w0000gn/T/d20190701-37833-yqwyf/reflection.rbi:169385: Type `Elem` declared by parent `T.class_of(ApplicationRecord)` must be re-declared in `T.class_of(Wizard)`
169385 |class Wizard < ApplicationRecord
/Users/USER/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.4.6@ruby2.4-rails5.2/gems/sorbet-rails-0.2.0/rbi/activerecord.rbi:149: `Elem` declared in parent here
149 | Elem = type_template(fixed: ApplicationRecord)
### Expected behavior
I expect to not get these errors
.../sorbet-0.4.4358/lib/hidden-definition-finder.rb:145:in `write_constants':
had unexpected errors. Check this file for a clue:
.../sorbet-0.4.4358/lib/hidden-definition-finder.rb:47:in `main'
Thanks for this new toolset.
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