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Last active July 10, 2023 16:46
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Summary of additional Pre-537 work needed after running github_advisory_sync.rb script (related to GitHub Action; issue #537)
Here are the additional Pre-537 work needed after running
github_advisory_sync.rb script (related to GitHub Action; issue #537):
I. ISS#647: "Add an explicit ignore list to the github_advisory_sync.rb script"
* OR: "Summary the categories of advisories that must
be deleted after a sync script run (script).
* Will cover:
* (GHSA/BUG/#52) D1. (A) Delete duplicated advisories based
on filename/"gems:" character case:
* GHSA: arabic-prawn and redcloth
* RAD:: Arabic-Prawn and RedCloth
-- 6/18/2023; Blocked by GHSA Bug:
* (FIXED) D2. (B) Delete old versions for GHSA "rails" advisories
split into 1 or more sub-rails gems in ruby-advisory-db, such
as [actionpack, activerecord, activesupport, actionview].
* Examples: CVE-2009-3009, CVE-2011-2197
* D3. (C) Delete GSHA-* names
advisories with CVE values which we renamed (4 of them).
* D4. (D) Delete GSHA "gems" advisories that
ruby-advisory-db have as "ruby" (webrick/CVE-2009-4492).
* (FIXED BY Postmodern) D5. (E) Delete GHSA "gems" name ("grit")
is different from ruby-advisory-db "gems" name. (gitlab-grit).
II. ISS#648: Patched_versions field
* M1/P. Convert patched_versions: field.
* Previously "patched_versions" => ["<FILL IN SEE BELOW>"],
III. ISS#649: Unaffected_versions field
* M1/U. Convert unaffected_versions field.
* Previously: "unaffected_versions" => ["<OPTIONAL: FILL IN SEE BELOW>"]
* A3. Fix indentation for related:/url:, patched_versions:
and unafffected_versions fields.
* M6. Fix description: multi-line format syntax.
* A4. Remove extra "url:" from related:/url: values.
* M4. Line wrap description: field to 80 columns.
V. ISS#651: CVSS_V[2345] field (Issue: TBD)
* M5. Add cvss_v2 field using NVD link.
* Previously "cvss_v3" => ("<FILL IN IF AVAILABLE>" unless cvss),
VI. Remove Debug output
* PR#620(Removed): M7. Remove two blanks lines at end of file.
* PR#637(Canceled) A1. Remove extra "debug" sync code/text output from sync script.
VII. Probably Still Manual
* (TBD) M2. Pick better "url: and title: field values.
* ISS#674: M3. Verify all url: and related:/url: values are
available or convert them to using wayback machine web site.
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