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Created September 7, 2011 18:27
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World's Slowest tnetstring parser
(asdf:load-system :parser-combinators)
(use-package :parser-combinators)
(defparameter *true* t)
(defparameter *false* nil)
(defparameter *null* nil)
(defparameter *empty-dict* nil)
(defparameter *empty-list* nil)
(declaim (optimize (speed 3)))
(defun <tnetstring> ()
(mdo (<- length (nat*))
(<- val
(if (= length 0) (result nil)
(times? (item) length)))
(<- tag (choices "," "#" "]" "}" "^" "!" "~"))
(case tag
(#\, (result (map 'string (lambda (x) x) val)))
(#\# (result (parse-string* (int*) val :complete t)))
(#\^ (result
(parse-string* (seq-list* (int*) "." (int*)) val :complete t)
(read-from-string (map 'string (lambda (x) x) val)))))
(#\! (cond
((parse-string* "true" val :complete t) (result *true*))
((parse-string* "false" val :complete t) (result *false*))
(t (zero))))
(#\~ (if (= 0 (length val)) (result *null*) (zero)))
(multiple-value-bind (stuff _ success __)
(parse-string* (many? (seq-list* (<tnetstring>) (<tnetstring>))) val :complete :first)
(declare (ignore _ __))
(if success
(if (null stuff) (result *empty-dict*)
(result (loop
for (key value) in stuff
collect (cons key value))))
(multiple-value-bind (stuff _ success __)
(parse-string* (many? (<tnetstring>)) val :complete :first)
(declare (ignore _ __))
(if success
(if (null stuff) *empty-list*
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