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Last active December 6, 2024 10:50
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Basic .lem/init.lisp showing some ugly workarounds for getting cxxxr/valtan to work along with paredit and the monokai theme
(in-package :lem-user)
;; beautiful monokai
(define-color-theme "monokai" ()
(:foreground "#eeeeee")
(:background "#262626")
(cursor :foreground "#262626" :background "#eeeeee")
(syntax-warning-attribute :foreground "#87005f" :background "#262626")
(syntax-string-attribute :foreground "#d7d787" :background "#262626")
(syntax-comment-attribute :foreground "#666666" :background "#262626")
(syntax-keyword-attribute :foreground "#5fd7ff" :background "#262626")
(syntax-constant-attribute :foreground "#5fd7ff" :background "#262626")
(syntax-function-name-attribute :foreground "#afd700" :background "#262626")
(syntax-variable-attribute :foreground nil :background "#262626")
(syntax-type-attribute :foreground nil :background "#262626")
(syntax-builtin-attribute :foreground nil :background "#262626"))
(load-theme "monokai")
;; use the ultralisp dist for quicklisp
(unless (member "ultralisp" (ql-dist:all-dists)
:key 'ql-dist:name
:test 'string=)
(ql-dist:install-dist ""
:prompt nil))
(define-file-type ("system") lem-lisp-mode:lisp-mode)
;; grab and load up individual pieces of valtan compiler
(dolist (valtan-lib '("valtan" "cl-source-map" "valtan/library/valtan-core" "lem/modes/lisp-mode" "valtan/lem"))
(let ((lib-path (concatenate 'string "~/.roswell/local-projects/cxxxr/" valtan-lib "/")))
(push lib-path asdf:*central-registry*)))
(ql:quickload :valtan)
(ql:quickload :trivial-ws)
(dolist (lem-script '("remote-eval" "valtan-mode" "main"))
(let ((script-path (concatenate 'string "~/.roswell/local-projects/cxxxr/valtan/lem/" lem-script)))
(load script-path))))
;; automatically load paredit when opening a lisp file
(defun pared-hook ()
(lem-paredit-mode:paredit-mode t))
(add-hook lem-lisp-mode:*lisp-mode-hook* #'pared-hook)
;; spin up a server and host the system in working directory as a valtan-compiled project
(define-command start-web-serve () ()
(labels ((split-/ (path) (split-sequence:split-sequence "/" path :test #'string-equal :remove-empty-subseqs t))
(concatenate-string (&rest seqs) (apply #'concatenate 'string seqs))
(get-system (dir) (concatenate-string dir (car (last (split-/ dir))) ".system"))
(concatenate-/ (target) (concatenate-string target "/"))
(up-dir (path) (butlast (butlast path))))
(let ((system-path (get-system (buffer-directory))))
(loop :while (and (not (cl-fad:file-exists-p (pathname system-path))) (string-not-equal system-path ".system"))
:do (let ((next-path (apply #'concatenate-string (mapcar #'concatenate-/ (up-dir (split-/ system-path))))))
(setf system-path (concatenate-string "/" (get-system next-path)))))
( system-path :force nil)
(define-command stop-web-serve () ()
(define-command web-serve-repl () ()
(unwind-protect (lem-valtan/remote-eval:repl)
(define-command valtan-paredit-mode () ()
(define-command lisp-paredit-mode () ()
(define-command valtan-save-file () ()
;; add some keybinds i'm used to for paredit and valtan, shift + alt + f to slurp forward etc.
;; valtan-mode allows a SLIME-like connection to a running web-hosted lisp project
(defun define-keys-in-maps (&rest keymap-pairs)
(loop :for (keymap . new-key-list) :in keymap-pairs
:do (loop :for (key . action) :in new-key-list
:do (define-key keymap key action))))
(defparameter *new-global-keys*
`(,lem:*global-keymap* . (("M-W" . lem-user::start-web-serve)
("M-R" . lem-user::web-serve-repl)
("M-Q" . lem-user::stop-web-serve)
("M-M" . lem-paredit-mode:paredit-mode)
("M-V" . lem-user::valtan-paredit-mode)
("M-L" . lem-user::lisp-paredit-mode))))
(defparameter *new-paredit-keys*
`(,lem-paredit-mode:*paredit-mode-keymap* . (("M-F" . lem-paredit-mode:paredit-slurp)
("M-B" . lem-paredit-mode:paredit-barf))))
(defparameter *new-valtan-mode-keys*
`(,lem-valtan.valtan-mode::*valtan-mode-keymap* . (("C-x C-s" . lem-user::valtan-save-file))))
(define-keys-in-maps *new-global-keys* *new-paredit-keys*)
(define-keys-in-maps *new-global-keys* *new-valtan-mode-keys*)
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Just picked this editor up, is there any way to set the interface background to be the unmodified terminal background?

Yeah I’m pretty sure there is. It uses curses for the non-GUI version and I know you can grab default terminal colors with that.

I’ll try some stuff out and put up another gist when I get it.

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Thanks! That'd be a really big help.

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