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Last active February 1, 2018 03:46
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Just some notes on file access control lists...
All About FACLs on Linux... (POSIX) Cheat Sheet and Examples…
Viewing ACLs for file:
root@server # getfacl /tmp/test
# file: test —> File name
# owner: root —> Owner of file
# group: root —> Group owner of file
user::rw- —> Standard file permissions for owner
user:john:rw- —> First ACL given to user John
user:sam:rwx —> Second ACL given to user Sam
group::r-- —> Standard group permissions for owner
mask::rwx —> Maximum effective permissions for everyone. (see #effective:perms) you can modify this to limit everyones permissions.
IF you are the OWNER or GROUP of the original permissions of the file, you MUST use these.
Setting FACLs (User):
root@server# setfacl -m u:john:rw /tmp/test
(-m modify) u:(user):rw(permissions) /path/to/file
Setting FACLs (Group):
root@server# setfacl -m g:admins:rw /tmp/test
(-m modify) g:(group):rw(permissions) /path/to/file
Setting Multiple FACLs:
root@server# setfacl -m u:john:rw,g:admins:rw /path/to/file
(-m modify) u:(user):rw(permissions),g:(group):rw(permissions) /path/to/file
Setting Default FACL for directory:
root@server# setfacl -m d:u:john:rw /accounts
(Now everything created within this directory will have a default of which was specified above)
root@server# getfacl /accounts
# file: accounts/
# owner: root
# group: root
default:user::rwx —> This is the permissions for the actual file (Not ACL)
default:user:john:rw- —> This is the default we set above.
default:group::r-x —> This is the default for the actual group owner (Not ACL)
** Any file s created within /accounts will be given the default FACL specified above. **
Removing ACLs:
root@server# setfacl -x u:john /tmp/test
(-x remove) u:(user) /path/to/file * This will not affect any other users with FACLs set *
root@server# setfacl -b /tmp/test
(This will remove ALL FACLs for /tmp/test)
Backing up ACLs:
root@server# cd /accounts
root@server# getfacl -R * > accounts_facl (backup FACLs recursively for /accounts/*)
-R (recursive) * > (save to) accounts_facl (file name)
Restoring ACLs:
root@server# setfacl --restore=accounts_facl
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