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Forked from adilbaig/git-updater
Last active May 2, 2018 10:17
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A bash script to update your git repos in the background. It also pops up a user notification when a repo is synced
# This is required for `notify-send` to work from within a cron.
# For Ubuntu
# eval "export $(egrep -z DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS /proc/$(pgrep -u $LOGNAME gnome-session)/environ)";
# For Fedora
export DISPLAY=:0.0
export $(egrep -z DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS /proc/$(pgrep -u $LOGNAME session)/environ)
# syncAndWink
# Syncs all remotely-tracked branches on a git repo passed as first argument ($1). It also pulls any new branches
# and tags attached to the repo.
# $1 - The dir to check
# $2 - Toggle 'git push'. Set to '0' to disable automatically pushing new local commits.
# Toggle 'git push'.
local ENABLE_PUSH="$2"
# Check if $1 is a git repository
stat "$1" > /dev/null || return 1;
cd $1; echo "Checking $PWD (ENABLE_PUSH=$ENABLE_PUSH)";
git status --porcelain || return 1; # A fatal error if $PWD is not a git repo
local MESSAGE=""
local PUSH=0; # If > 0, call `git push`
# Use `git fetch` to fetch all updates across branches from all remotes. This will also fetch any NEW branches from the remote.
# Use --tags to fetch any additional tags not associated with these branches.
git fetch --tags
# Loop through all local remote-tracking branches and count how many commits differ.
# If required, merge fast-forward changes into branch
declare -a LOCAL_BRANCHES=$(git branch -l | cut -c3- | tr "\n" " ")
for BRANCH in ${LOCAL_BRANCHES[*]}; do
# If a local branch does not track a remote, skip it
local REMOTE_BRANCH=$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref --symbolic-full-name $BRANCH@{u}) || continue;
local REMOTE_COMMITS=$(git log $BRANCH..$REMOTE_BRANCH --oneline | wc -l) # Remote commits not in my local
local LOCAL_COMMITS=$(git log $REMOTE_BRANCH..$BRANCH --oneline | wc -l) # Local commits not pushed to remote
local CURR_BRANCH=$(git branch | grep '*' | cut -c3-) # Check the current branch at the last minute.
if [ $REMOTE_COMMITS != "0" ]; then
# If on a checked-out branch, only pull if all there are no uncomitted local changes. Skip otherwise
# For other branches, merge remote changes
if [ "$CURR_BRANCH" = "$BRANCH" ]; then
if [ "$(git status --porcelain)" = "" ]; then
git pull
git fetch origin $BRANCH:$BRANCH
# If there are any new commits, and push is enabled, log the message and increment PUSH counter
if [ $LOCAL_COMMITS != "0" ] && [ $ENABLE_PUSH -gt 0 ]; then
MESSAGE+="$LOCAL_COMMITS local commits on '$BRANCH'.\n"
# Push all updates across all "matching" branches, if the user has 'push' enabled
if [ $PUSH -gt 0 ]; then
git push origin :
# If there were any updates, notify the user. Include the latest commit on the current branch
if [ "$MESSAGE" != "" ]; then
MESSAGE+="\nLatest commit on '$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)'\n"$(git log --format=format:"%h by %an, %ar%n'%s'%n" -n 1)
notify-send "$PWD Updated" "$MESSAGE" -i /usr/share/icons/gnome/48x48/emotes/face-wink.png -t 2000
if [[ $# -lt 1 ]];
echo "Usage: $0 DIR [GIT_PUSH]";
echo "Synchronizes a git repo at 'DIR'. Pulls and pushes changes to non-working directories.";
echo "If GIT_PUSH == 0, switches off pushing your commits. (Default : 1)";
exit 1;
if [[ $# -gt 1 && $2 -lt 1 ]]; then
syncAndWink $DIR $GIT_PUSH
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