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laurenfazah /
Last active July 13, 2024 16:51
Authentication with an Express API and Postgres

Authentication with an Express API and Postgres

Setting Up

Let's make sure our Express app has the required base modules:

# within root of API
npm install --save express pg knex bcrypt
npm install --save-dev nodemon
zcaceres /
Last active November 20, 2024 16:53
Child Routers in Express

Nested Routers in Express.js

Express makes it easy to nest routes in your routers. But I always had trouble accessing the request object's .params when you had a long URI with multiple parameters and nested routes.

Let's say you're building routes for a website Music is organized into albums with multiple tracks. Users can click to see a track list. Then they can select a single track and see a sub-page about that specific track.

At our application level, we could first have a Router to handle any requests to our albums.

const express = require('express');
xuwang / get-aws-metadata
Last active August 23, 2023 18:40
Utility script to get commonly used AWS instance metadata (e.g., id, role, account, region, security credentials etc.). Just need curl.
# Retrieve AWS instrance's commonly used metadata. Require curl.
# ./get-metadata help
# ./get-metadata id
# Input is case insensitive; format to uppper case to generate self-help page.
roleProfile=$(curl -s \
| grep -Eo 'instance-profile/([a-zA-Z.-]+)' | sed 's#instance-profile/##')