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Last active March 23, 2016 22:17
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angular websockets json-rpc2 service that uses [angular-websockets]( JSFiddle example:
angular.module('ngWebsocketRpc', ['ngWebSocket', 'guid'])
.factory('$rpc', ['$websocket', '$q', 'guid', function($websocket, $q, guid) {
var seconds = 1000;
var history = {};
var methods = {};
var $ws;
var handlers = {
onOpen: angular.noop,
onClose: angular.noop,
onError: angular.noop
var rpcErrors = {
ParseError: RpcError(-32700, 'Parse error'),
InvalidRequest: RpcError(-32600, 'Invalid Request'),
MethodNotFound: RpcError(-32601, 'Method not found'),
InvalidParams: RpcError(-32602, 'Invalid params'),
InternalError: RpcError(-32603, 'Internal error'),
ServerError: RpcError(-32000, 'Server Error'),
function open(url) {
$ws = $websocket(url);
function close(force) {
return $ws.close(force);
function messageRouter(event, message) {
message = JSON.parse(;
if (!!message.method) {
handlerMethodCall(event, message);
handleCallResponse(event, message);
function handleCallResponse(event, message){
var call = history[];
if (!!message.result) {
call.deferred.resolve(message.result, message, event);
call.deferred.reject(message.error, message, event);
function handlerMethodCall(event, message) {
var response = {
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
var params = message.params;
var fn = methods[message.method];
if (typeof fn === 'function'){
response = angular.extend(response, fn(params));
} else {
response = angular.extend(response, {
error: rpcErrors.MethodNotFound
var promise = $ws.send(JSON.stringify(response));
function callMethod(method, parameters) {
var id = guid();
var data = {
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": method,
"params": parameters,
"id": id
var deferred = $q.defer();
var send = $ws.send(JSON.stringify(data));
history[id] = {
call: data,
messages: [],
send: send,
deferred: deferred
// cancel if somehow it doesn't make it to the websocket.
send.then(angular.noop, deferred.reject);
return deferred.promise;
function exposeMethod(method, handler){
methods[method] = handler;
function RpcError(code, message) {
return {
error: {
code: code,
message: message
function RpcResult(result) {
return {
result: result
function onEventHandlerFactory(eventName) {
return function(fn){
return {
$ws: $ws,
open: open,
close: close,
onOpen: onEventHandlerFactory('onOpen'),
onClose: onEventHandlerFactory('onClose'),
onError: onEventHandlerFactory('onError'),
call: callMethod,
expose: exposeMethod,
_: {
Result: RpcResult,
Errors: rpcErrors
angular.module('guid', [])
.factory('guid', [function() {
return function Guid() {
function S4() {
var num = (((1 + Math.random()) * 0x10000) | 0);
if (!!crypto && !!crypto.getRandomValues) {
num = crypto.getRandomValues(new Uint32Array(1))[0];
return num.toString(16).substring(1, 5);
// x = 4 characters, y = 3 characters
return 'xx-x-4y-x-xxx'.replace(/[xy]/g, function(v) {
return v === 'x' ? S4() : S4().substring(0, 3);
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