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Created February 15, 2014 19:45
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define(['jquery', 'backbone', 'marionette'],
function($, Backbone, Marionette){
"use strict";
var MarionetteModule = Marionette.Module;
//create new Marionette constructor
Marionette.Module = function(name, app){ = name;
this.vent = new Backbone.Wreqr.EventAggregator();
//by default, do not start module with the application
this.startWithParent = false;
MarionetteModule.apply(this, arguments);
/* This is an imperfect solution, but without a rewrite of Marionette.Module it'll have
to do...
Marionette.Module currently provides no way of checking for the existence of a module definition
via a module name string without automatically creating it if it does not exist...
So, for now dependencies can only be siblings (that is, other modules defined as submodules of the
object... dependency checking doesn't function for nested modules until I can find a way to check
for their existence)
this.dependencies = [];
//copy over all static methods and properties
_.extend(Marionette.Module, MarionetteModule);
//copy over the old Marionette.Module prototype
_.extend(Marionette.Module.prototype, MarionetteModule.prototype);
_.extend(Marionette.Module.prototype, {
constructor: Marionette.Module,
//create a convenience reference to the old start method
_start: Marionette.Module.prototype.start,
start: function(){
//an array of promises returned by module dependencies
var dependencyPromises = [];
//start module dependencies first
if( this.dependencies.length ){
_( this.dependencies ).each( function( moduleName ){
//only start it if it's already defined and hasn't already been initialized
if([moduleName] && ![moduleName]._isInitialized){'Module %o is a dependency of module %o but is not initialized. Lazy initializing...', moduleName,;
//start the dependency[moduleName].start();
//add the module promise to the stack
dependencyPromises.push([moduleName].done );
}, this);
//when all module dependencies are resolved, start this module
$.when.apply( this, dependencyPromises )
.done( function(){'All module dependencies loaded for %o. Starting.',;
this._start.apply(this, arguments);
.fail( function(){'Module initialization failed.');
//no dependencies, so just start the module
this._start.apply(this, arguments);
isDependentOn: function(moduleName){
return Marionette.Module;
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