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Last active April 9, 2019 16:03
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function Get-FancyNetstat {
param (
[Parameter( Position=0,
) #param
process {
$GetFancyNetstat = [scriptblock]::Create({
) #param
$Procs = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_Process
$ProcsHashTable = $Procs | Group-Object -Property ProcessId -AsHashTable
foreach ($Proc in $Procs) {
$ErrorActionPreferenceBak = $Global:ErrorActionPreference
$ErrorActionPreference = [System.Management.Automation.ActionPreference]::SilentlyContinue
$GetOwner = $Proc | Invoke-CimMethod -MethodName GetOwner
$GetOwnerSid = $Proc | Invoke-CimMethod -MethodName GetOwnerSid
$ErrorActionPreference = $ErrorActionPreferenceBak
if ($GetOwnerSid.Sid) { $OwnerSid = $GetOwnerSid.Sid } else { $OwnerSid = [System.String]::Empty }
if ($GetOwner.Domain) { $Domain = $GetOwner.Domain + '\' } else { $Domain = [System.String]::Empty }
$User = $GetOwner.User
$Owner = $Domain + $User
$ParentProcessName = $($ProcsHashTable[$($Proc.ParentProcessId)].Name)
Add-Member -InputObject $Proc -MemberType NoteProperty -Name ParentProcessName -Value $ParentProcessName
Add-Member -InputObject $Proc -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Owner -Value $Owner
Add-Member -InputObject $Proc -MemberType NoteProperty -Name OwnerSid -Value $OwnerSid
} #foreach ($Proc in $Procs)
$ProcsHashTable = $Procs | Group-Object -Property ProcessId -AsHashTable
$AllNetStat = Get-CimInstance -Namespace root/StandardCimv2 -ClassName MSFT_NetTCPConnection
foreach ($NetStat in $AllNetStat) {
$ErrorActionPreferenceBak = $Global:ErrorActionPreference
$ErrorActionPreference = [System.Management.Automation.ActionPreference]::SilentlyContinue
$ProcId = $NetStat.OwningProcess
$ParentProcessId = $ProcsHashTable[$ProcId].ParentProcessId
$EachNetstat = [pscustomobject][ordered]@{
PSComputerName = $env:COMPUTERNAME
CreationTime = $NetStat.CreationTime
LocalAddress = $NetStat.LocalAddress
LocalPort = $NetStat.LocalPort
RemoteAddress = $NetStat.RemoteAddress
RemotePort = $NetStat.RemotePort
State = [int]($NetStat.State)
ProcessId = $ProcId
ProcessName = $ProcsHashTable[$ProcId].Name
CommandLine = $ProcsHashTable[$ProcId].CommandLine
Owner = $ProcsHashTable[$ProcId].Owner
OwnerSid = $ProcsHashTable[$ProcId].OwnerSid
ParentProcessId = $ProcsHashTable[$ProcId].ParentProcessId
ParentProcessName = $ProcsHashTable[$ParentProcessId].Name
} #$EachNetstat
if ((-not $Listening) -and (-not $Established)) {
} elseif ($Listening -and (-not $Established)) {
$EachNetstat | Where-Object { $_.State -eq 2 }
} elseif ((-not $Listening) -and $Established) {
$EachNetstat | Where-Object { $_.State -eq 5 }
} #if
$ErrorActionPreference = $ErrorActionPreferenceBak
} #foreach ($NetStat in $AllNetStat)
if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -match 'Local') {
$Params = @{ ScriptBlock = $GetFancyNetstat
ArgumentList = ($Listening,$Established) }
Invoke-Command @Params
} elseif ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -match 'Remote') {
$Params = @{ ComputerName = $ComputerName
ScriptBlock = $GetFancyNetstat
ArgumentList = ($Listening,$Established) }
Invoke-Command @Params | ForEach-Object {
PSComputerName = $_.PSComputerName
CreationTime = $_.CreationTime
LocalAddress = $_.LocalAddress
LocalPort = $_.LocalPort
RemoteAddress = $_.RemoteAddress
RemotePort = $_.RemotePort
State = $_.State
ProcessId = $_.ProcessId
ProcessName = $_.ProcessName
CommandLine = $_.CommandLine
Owner = $_.Owner
OwnerSid = $_.OwnerSid
ParentProcessId = $_.ParentProcessId
ParentProcessName = $_.ParentProcessName
} #if Local or Remote
} #process
} #function Get-FancyNetstat
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