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Created April 9, 2015 16:46
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Light Point Extraction
typedef std::set< osg::Node* > NodeSet;
typedef std::map< osg::Node*, osg::ref_ptr< osg::Node > > CloneMap;
struct CopyNodesVisitor : public osg::NodeVisitor
CopyNodesVisitor(NodeSet& keepers):
_root = new osg::Group;
_currentParent = _root;
virtual void apply(osg::Node& node)
if (isKeeper(&node))
osg::Node* clone = getClone(&node);
//osg::Node* clone = &node;
if (_currentParent.valid())
OSG_NOTICE << "Node cloning a " << node.className() << std::endl;
virtual void apply(osg::Group& group)
if (isKeeper(&group))
OSG_NOTICE << "Group cloning a " << group.className() << std::endl;
// Clone the group
osg::Group* cloneGroup = (osg::Group*)getClone(&group);
// Remove all the children from the group so that only valid children will be kept
cloneGroup->removeChildren(0, cloneGroup->getNumChildren());
if (_currentParent.valid())
osg::ref_ptr< osg::Group > prevParent = _currentParent;
_currentParent = cloneGroup;
_currentParent = prevParent;
osg::Node* getClone(osg::Node* node)
CloneMap::iterator itr = _clones.find(node);
if (itr == _clones.end())
osg::Node* clone = (osg::Node*)node->clone(osg::CopyOp::SHALLOW_COPY);
_clones[node] = clone;
return clone;
return itr->second.get();
bool isKeeper(osg::Node* node)
return (_keepers.find(node) != _keepers.end());
osg::ref_ptr< osg::Group > _root;
osg::ref_ptr< osg::Group > _currentParent;
CloneMap _clones;
NodeSet& _keepers;
osg::Node* extractLightPointsSmart(osg::Node* node)
// First, find all the lightpoints
FindNodesVisitor<osgSim::LightPointNode> v;
if (v._results.empty())
return 0;
OSG_NOTICE << "Found " << v._results.size() << " light points" << std::endl;
// Now get the parental node paths of each of the light points and use that to create a new scene graph that only contains the light point nodes and all their parents
NodeSet keepers;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < v._results.size(); i++)
osg::NodePathList parentPaths = v._results[i]->getParentalNodePaths(node);
for (unsigned int j = 0; j < parentPaths.size(); j++)
for (unsigned int k = 0; k < parentPaths[j].size(); k++)
OSG_NOTICE << "Keeping " << keepers.size() << " nodes" << std::endl;
CopyNodesVisitor copyNodes(keepers);
osgDB::writeNodeFile(*copyNodes._currentParent.get(), "c:/temp/lightpoints.osg");
osgDB::writeNodeFile(*copyNodes._currentParent.get(), "c:/temp/");
if (copyNodes._root.get() != copyNodes._currentParent.get() )
OSG_NOTICE << "Parent's not equal" << std::endl;
OSG_NOTICE << "Parent's good" << std::endl;
return copyNodes._root.release();
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