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Last active December 25, 2015 02:49
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def join_string(fn):
def fn_(*a, **k):
return "".join(reversed(list(fn(*a, **k))))
return fn_
def binary_string(number, bit_count):
for bit in xrange(bit_count):
yield "1" if number & 1 == 1 else "0"
number = number >> 1
def numbers_up_to_bit_count(bit_count):
for x in xrange(1 << bit_count):
yield x
def has_adjacent_bits(number, bit_ct):
for bit in xrange(bit_ct - 1):
bits = number & 3
if bits == 3:
return True
number = number >> 1
return False
def numbers_without_adjacent_bits(bit_count):
return [n for n in numbers_up_to_bit_count(bit_count)
if not has_adjacent_bits(n, bit_count)]
def sum_of_numbers_without_adjacent_bits(bit_count):
return sum(1 for number in numbers_up_to_bit_count(bits)
if not has_adjacent_bits(number, bits))
def fib(x):
a, b = 1, 1
for n in xrange(x):
a, b = b, a + b
return b
for bits in xrange(2, 7):
print "{} has {} ({}) without adjacent 1s".format(bits,
#print "\n".join(" {} -> {}".format(n, binary_string(n, bits)) for n in numbers_without_adjacent_bits(bits))
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