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Created April 7, 2017 00:55
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FastLED RGB Dials - Example project showing how to use Red, Green, and Blue to create color.
#include "FastLED.h"
// How many leds in your strip?
#define NUM_LEDS 8
#define DATA_PIN 0
#define RED_PIN A7
#define GREEN_PIN A8
#define BLUE_PIN A9
// Define the array of leds
byte hue = 0;
void setup() {
FastLED.addLeds<WS2811, DATA_PIN, GRB>(leds, NUM_LEDS);
void loop() {
int value = analogRead(RED_PIN); // read the value from the potentiometer
byte red = value / 4; // scale value from 0-1024 to 0-255
value = analogRead(GREEN_PIN); // read the value from the potentiometer
byte green = value / 4; // scale value from 0-1024 to 0-255
value = analogRead(BLUE_PIN); // read the value from the potentiometer
byte blue = value / 4; // scale value from 0-1024 to 0-255
CRGB color = CRGB(red, green, blue);
fill_solid(leds, NUM_LEDS, color);;
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