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Created February 23, 2018 00:03
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AutoHotScript (AHK) Markdown 2 HTML GUI App
#SingleInstance force
#Include jsonFormatter.ahk
SetBatchLines, -1
Gui, Add, Text, X10 Y10, Markdown:
Gui, Add, Edit, x10 y36 w400 h600 vmarkdown
Gui, Add, Text, X420 y10, HTML Text Result:
Gui, Add, Edit, X420 y36 w400 h600 vresult ReadOnly
;Gui, Font, s12
Gui, Add, Button, Section w350 h40 gbtn_go, Convert Markdown 2 HTML
Gui, Add, Button, ys w50 h40 gbtn_copy, Copy
Gui, Add, Text, X830 y10, HTML Browser Result:
Gui, Add, ActiveX, X830 y36 w400 h600 vWB1, Shell.Explorer
Gui, Add, Text, ys w100 vcopyPrompt cRed
;json = {"version":"1","window":{"state":3,"screenX":25,"screenY":25,"width":790,"height":605,"test":{"nested":"object"}},"sidebar":{"visible":false,"width":"200"}}
MsgBox, % FormatJson(json)
Gui, Show, W1250
GuiControlGet, markdown
if markdown
text := markdown
html := Markdown2HTML(ByRef text, 0)
GuiControl,, result, % html
HTML_Page :=
"<!DOCTYPE html>
body {
background-color: #FFFFFF;
img {
top: 0px;
left: 0px;
" html "
WB1.Navigate("about:" HTML_Page)
GuiControlGet, result
if result
Clipboard := result
GuiControl,, copyPrompt, Copyed!
Sleep, 2000
GuiControl,, copyPrompt
Markdown2HTML() + StrStartsWith() functions
from GenDocs v3.0-alpha004 - Author: fincs
+ Table function source:
+ KeepHTML (Lintalist addition):
using a ~~~ block HTML-code is included as is
See documentation "Formatted Text Snippets", "Markdown" for more information on tables
and how to use the simplyfied version of the Markdown syntax that is supported by
this function.
; File encoding: UTF-8
MD_IsMultiP(ByRef htmQ)
StringReplace, html, htmQ, <p>, <p>, UseErrorLevel
if ErrorLevel > 1
return true
StringReplace, html, html, <pre, <pre, UseErrorLevel
return !!ErrorLevel
Markdown2HTML(ByRef text, simplify=0)
if !simplify
return Markdown2HTML_(text)
t := Markdown2HTML_(text)
if !MD_IsMultiP(t)
StringReplace, t, t, <p>,, All
StringReplace, t, t, </p>,, All
return t
Markdown2HTML_(ByRef text)
blankLine := 1, inCode := 0, inUList := 0, inOList := 0
Loop, Parse, text, `n, `r
isList := false
t := LTrim(A_LoopField)
beg := SubStr(t, 1, 2)
if t =
blankLine ++
if blankLine = 1
out .= !inCode ? !inUList ? !inOList ? "</p>`n" : "</ol>`n" : "</ul>`n" : "</pre>`n"
inCode := 0
inUList := 0
inOList := 0
if blankLine
if RegExMatch(t, "^(#{1,3})\s+(.+)$", o)
h := StrLen(o1)
out .= "<h" h " id=""" _ElemID(o2) """>" _HTML(o2) "</h" h ">`n"
inCode := (beg = "> ")
inUList := (beg = "* ")
inOList := (t ~= "^([1-9]+|[a-z]+)\.\s+")
if inOList
listTag := t ~= "\d" ? "<ol>`n" : "<ol style=""list-style-type: lower-alpha"">`n", isList := true
out .= !inCode ? !inUList ? !inOList ? "<p>`n" : listTag : "<ul>`n" : "<pre>`n"
blankLine := 0
if inCode
if (beg = "> ")
t := SubStr(t, 3)
t := _HTML(t)
out .= "</pre>`n"
SetStatus(out, t, inCode, inUList, inOList)
goto _reprocess
}else if inUList
if (beg = "* ")
t := SubStr(t, 3)
t := "<li>" _MD(t) "</li>"
out .= "</ul>`n"
SetStatus(out, t, inCode, inUList, inOList)
goto _reprocess
}else if inOList
if RegExMatch(t, "O)^([1-9]+|[a-z]+)\.\s+", mObj)
StringTrimLeft, t, t, % mObj.Len
t := "<li>" _MD(t) "</li>"
out .= "</ol>`n"
SetStatus(out, t, inCode, inUList, inOList)
goto _reprocess
if (beg != "> ") && (beg != "* ") && !isList
t := _MD(t)
if SubStr(t, -1) = " "
StringTrimRight, t, t, 2
t .= "<br/>"
out .= "</p>`n"
SetStatus(out, t, inCode, inUList, inOList)
goto _reprocess
out .= t "`n"
if !blankLine
out .= !inCode ? !inUList ? !inOList ? "</p>`n" : "</ol>`n" : "</ul>`n" : "</pre>`n"
StringTrimRight, out, out, 1
StringReplace, out, out, <p>`n, <p>, All
StringReplace, out, out, `n</p>, </p>, All
; Fix comments
_s := 1
while p := InStr(out, "<pre>", false, _s)
p2 := InStr(out, "</pre>", false, p += 5)
code := HighlightCode(SubStr(out, p, p2-p))
out := SubStr(out, 1, p-1) code SubStr(out, p2)
_s := p + StrLen(code)
StringReplace, out, out, <pre>`n, <pre class="NoIndent">, All
StringReplace, out, out, `n</pre>, </pre>, All
While RegExMatch(out,"m)\n<p>\|") ; we have a table
While RegExMatch(out,"m)\~\~\~") ; we have a html code block (lintalist)
return out
SetStatus(ByRef out, t, ByRef inCode, ByRef inUList, ByRef inOList)
beg := SubStr(t, 1, 2)
inCode := beg = "> "
inUList := beg = "* "
inOList := t ~= "^([1-9]+|[a-z]+)\.\s+"
out .= !inCode ? !inUList ? !inOList ? "<p>`n" : "<ol>`n" : "<ul>`n" : "<pre>`n"
_MD(ByRef v)
static pcre_callout := "_MD_Callout"
t := _HTML(v)
t := RegExReplace(t, "P)\*\*(.+?)\*\*(?C1)", "<strong>$1</strong>")
t := RegExReplace(t, "P)\*(.+?)\*(?C2)", "<em>$1</em>")
t := RegExReplace(t, "P)``(.+?)``(?C3)", "<code>$1</code>")
t := RegExReplace(t, "P)!\[(.*?)\](?C4)\((.+?)\)", "<img src=""$2"" alt=""$1""/>")
t := RegExReplace(t, "P)\[(.+?)\](?C5)\((.+?)\)", "<a href=""$2"">$1</a>")
StringReplace, t, t, \*, *, All
StringReplace, t, t, \``, ``, All
StringReplace, t, t, \[, [, All
StringReplace, t, t, \], ], All
StringReplace, t, t, \!, !, All
StringReplace, t, t, \\, \, All
return t
_HTML(ByRef v)
StringReplace, t, v, &, &amp;, All
StringReplace, t, t, ", &quot;, All
StringReplace, t, t, <, &lt;, All
StringReplace, t, t, >, &gt;, All
return t
_ElemID(ByRef v)
t := Trim(_HTML(v))
StringReplace, t, t, ',, All
StringReplace, t, t, ",, All
StringReplace, t, t, (,, All
StringReplace, t, t, ),, All
StringReplace, t, t, [,, All
StringReplace, t, t, ],, All
StringReplace, t, t, ?,, All
StringReplace, t, t, %A_Space%, -, All
StringLower, t, t
return t
HighlightCode(ByRef code)
Loop, Parse, code, `n, `r
line := A_LoopField
tline := Trim(line)
if StrStartsWith(tline, ";")
line := "<em>" line "</em>"
else line := RegExReplace(line, "(\s+)(;.*)$", "$1<em>$2</em>")
StringReplace, line, line, %A_Tab%, %A_Space%%A_Space%%A_Space%%A_Space%, All
out .= line "`n"
StringTrimRight, out, out, 1
return out
_MD_Callout(m, cId, foundPos, haystack)
; cId = 1 -> **text**
; cId = 2 -> *text*
; cId = 3 -> `text`
; cId = 4 -> ![img alt text](img url)
; cId = 5 -> [link text](link url)
p := foundPos, e := 0
while SubStr(haystack, --p, 1) = "\"
e ++
if e & 1
return 1
p := foundPos + m - 1, e := 0
if cId = 1
p --
while SubStr(haystack, --p, 1) = "\"
e ++
if e & 1
return 1
if cId = 4
global imglist
imglist._Insert(SubStr(haystack, mPos2, mLen2))
return 0
_Tables(byref t)
Loop, parse, table1, `n, `r
If A_Index = 1
htmltable .= "<thead><th>" A_LoopField "</th></thead>`n"
StringReplace, htmltable, htmltable,|,</th><th>,All
htmltable .= "<tr><td>" A_LoopField "</td></tr>`n"
StringReplace, htmltable, htmltable,|,</td><td>,All
StringReplace, t, t, <p>|%table1%</p>, <table>`n%htmltable%</table> ; remove unformatted table from t
Return t
_KeepHTML(byref t) ; Lintalist addition
stringreplace, replace, match1, &lt;, <, All
stringreplace, replace, replace, &gt;, >, All
stringreplace, t, t, ~~~%match1%~~~, %replace%, All
Return t
; StrStartsWith()
; also from from GenDocs v3.0-alpha004
StrStartsWith(ByRef v, ByRef w)
return SubStr(v, 1, StrLen(w)) = w
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