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Created September 1, 2021 04:18
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Notable md-calc custom js
Description: This function will evaluate and update markdown tables similar to excel
Just Copy and paste this gist into Notable's Custom JS Editor
Requirements: v1.9.0-alpha.6 or newer (older versions don't have the Custom JS Editor)
Table Example:
|Home Evaluation 2020||
| ----------------- | -------: |
| Tax Land Value | [C]=14726 |
| Tax Improvement Value | [C]=67700 |
| Tax Current Value | [C]=B1+B2 |
| Purchase Price | [C]=100000 |
| Home Value % | [P]{1}=B2/B3 |
| Home Value | [C]=B4*B5 |
| Land Value | [C]=B4*(1-B5) |
| Yearly Deduction | [C]=B6/27.5 |
Original Repo:
Suported Features:
Basic Math: =(3+5)*2 -> 30
Cell References: =A1+B1
- Currency: [C]=1156.54 -> $1,156.54
- Percent: [P]=0.567 -> 56.7%
- Decimal: {2}=3.14159 -> 3.14
const mdCalc = function () {
const generalRegex = /[{}[\]0-9CP]+?(?==)/g;
const decimalRegex = /{([0-9]+?)}/g;
const formatRegex = /\[([CP]+?)\]/g;
const matchCellName = /[A-Z][0-9]+/g;
const errorText = '!REF';
const cellFormatParser = (cellValue) => {
const formatSettings = {};
const remainingCellValue = cellValue.replace(generalRegex, '');
const match = cellValue.match(generalRegex);
if (!match) {
return [remainingCellValue, {}];
const formatText = match[0];
const decimalMatch = formatText.match(decimalRegex);
if (decimalMatch) {
formatSettings.decimal = parseInt(
decimalMatch[0].replace(/{|}/g, ''),
const formatMatch = formatText.match(formatRegex);
if (formatMatch) {
formatSettings.format = formatMatch[0].replace(/\[|\]/g, '');
return [remainingCellValue, formatSettings];
const formatCell = (cellValue, formats) => {
let formattedCellValue = cellValue;
if (formats.decimal && formats.format !== 'P') {
formattedCellValue = cellValue.toFixed(formats.decimal);
if (formats.format) {
switch (formats.format) {
case 'C':
formattedCellValue = formattedCellValue.toLocaleString('en-US', {
style: 'currency',
currency: 'USD',
case 'P': {
let percent = formattedCellValue * 100;
if (formats.decimal) {
percent = percent.toFixed(formats.decimal);
formattedCellValue = `${percent}%`;
return formattedCellValue;
const convertPositionToCell = (row, col) =>
String.fromCharCode(col + 65).toString() + (row + 1).toString();
const convertCellToPosition = (cell) => {
const col = cell.charCodeAt(0) - 65;
const row = parseInt(cell.substr(1, cell.length - 1), 10) - 1;
return [row, col];
const getValueByCell = (cell, table) => {
if (table === null || table === undefined || table.length < 1) {
throw new Error('Invalid table');
if (!cell.match(/^[A-Z][0-9]+/)) {
throw new Error('Invalid cell');
const [row, col] = convertCellToPosition(cell);
if (row > table.length - 1 || col > table[0].length - 1) {
throw new Error('Invalid cell location');
return table[row][col];
const evaluateCell = (cell, table, prev = null, ref = false) => {
let cellValue;
try {
cellValue = getValueByCell(cell, table);
} catch (err) {
return errorText;
if (typeof cellValue === 'number') {
return cellValue;
if (!Number.isNaN(Number(cellValue))) {
return parseFloat(cellValue);
if (cellValue.charAt(0) === '=') {
const evaluatedCell = cellValue
.replace(matchCellName, (match) => {
if (match === cell || match === prev) {
return errorText;
return evaluateCell(match, table, cell, true);
.replace('=', '');
if (evaluatedCell.includes(errorText)) {
return errorText;
return eval(evaluatedCell);
if (ref === true && typeof cellValue === 'string') {
return errorText;
return cellValue;
const evaluate = (table) => {
const updatedTable = table;
updatedTable.forEach((row, i) => {
row.forEach((_, j) => {
const cell = convertPositionToCell(i, j);
const newValue = evaluateCell(cell, updatedTable);
updatedTable[i][j] = newValue;
return updatedTable;
const getCellFormatting = (data) => {
const newData = [];
const formatting = [];
data.forEach((row) => {
const newDataRow = [];
const formattingRow = [];
row.forEach((cell) => {
const [newCell, format] = cellFormatParser(cell);
return [newData, formatting];
const tables = document.getElementsByTagName('table');
for (let i = 0; i < tables.length; i++) {
const table = tables[i];
const body = table.lastElementChild;
const tableData = [];
const rows = body.children;
for (let j = 0; j < rows.length; j++) {
const cells = rows[j].children;
const newRow = [];
for (let k = 0; k < cells.length; k++) {
const cell = cells[k];
const [newData, formats] = getCellFormatting(tableData);
const evaluatedData = evaluate(newData);
const formattedData =, i) =>, j) => formatCell(cell, formats[i][j]))
for (let j = 0; j < rows.length; j++) {
const cells = rows[j].children;
for (let k = 0; k < cells.length; k++) {
const cell = cells[k];
cell.textContent = formattedData[j][k];
document.addEventListener('preview:render', () => {
console.log('md-calc ran.');
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