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Jason Dew jasondew

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jasondew@phi /tmp $ cat 3q.hs
q a b c=putStrLn $ b ++ [toEnum 10,'q','('] ++ show b ++ [','] ++ show c ++ [','] ++ show a ++ [')']
main=q "q a b c=putStrLn $ b ++ [toEnum 10,'q','('] ++ show b ++ [','] ++ show c ++ [','] ++ show a ++ [')']" "def q(a,b,c):print b+chr(10)+'q('+repr(b)+','+repr(c)+','+repr(a)+')'" "def e(x) return 34.chr+x+34.chr end;def q(a,b,c) print b+10.chr+'main=q '+e(b)+' '+e(c)+' '+e(a)+' '+10.chr end"
jasondew@phi /tmp $ cat 3q.hs | runhaskell | python | ruby
q a b c=putStrLn $ b ++ [toEnum 10,'q','('] ++ show b ++ [','] ++ show c ++ [','] ++ show a ++ [')']
main=q "q a b c=putStrLn $ b ++ [toEnum 10,'q','('] ++ show b ++ [','] ++ show c ++ [','] ++ show a ++ [')']" "def q(a,b,c):print b+chr(10)+'q('+repr(b)+','+repr(c)+','+repr(a)+')'" "def e(x) return 34.chr+x+34.chr end;def q(a,b,c) print b+10.chr+'main=q '+e(b)+' '+e(c)+' '+e(a)+' '+10.chr end"
diff --git a/app/controllers/reviews_controller.rb b/app/controllers/reviews_controller.rb
index fdaa06b..85133e5 100644
--- a/app/controllers/reviews_controller.rb
+++ b/app/controllers/reviews_controller.rb
@@ -26,8 +26,9 @@ class ReviewsController < ApplicationController
duplicated_room = @duplicate_center_version.rooms.create room.duplicated_attributes
room.memberships.each do |membership|
- new_staff_id = staff_id_map[membership.staff_id]
- duplicated_room.memberships.create membership.attributes.merge(:staff_id => new_staff_id)
def validate
# elided
errors.add(:assessed_on, "must be in the past") if assessed_on and assessed_on >
end > # true??!?
static VALUE
time_cmp(time1, time2)
VALUE time1, time2;
struct time_object *tobj1, *tobj2;
GetTimeval(time1, tobj1);
if (TYPE(time2) == T_DATA && RDATA(time2)->dfree == time_free) {
GetTimeval(time2, tobj2);
if (tobj1->tv.tv_sec == tobj2->tv.tv_sec)
class Client < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :diagnoses
class Diagnosis < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :client
# or, worse
@client.diagnoses.detect {|diagnosis| == 42 }
@client.diagnoses.include? Diagnosis.get(:hiv)
POSSCON = Conference.create(:awesome => true) do
starts_on "2010-04-15"
ends_on "2010-04-17"
speakers %w(Obie Yehuda Wanstrath)
POSSCON.include?(self) or fail
class Courier < ActionMailer::Base
CIPHER ="redacted", "aes-256-cbc")
module ClassMethods
delegate :encrypt, :to => :"Courier::CIPHER"
def valid_email_address? email_address
(not email_address.blank?) and email_address.include?("@")