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import sys
import locust
import gevent
from gevent.socket import socket
from gevent.queue import Queue
import time
from utils.bootstrap import test_conf as TEST_CONFIG
import insight
graphite_queue = Queue()
user_count_map = {}
HOST = TEST_CONFIG.get('graphite', 'HOST')
PORT = TEST_CONFIG.get('graphite', 'PORT')
def graphite_worker():
"""The worker pops each item off the queue and sends it to graphite."""
print 'connecting to graphite on (%s, %s)' % (HOST, PORT)
sock = socket()
sock.connect((HOST, PORT))
except Exception as e:
raise Exception(
"Couldn't connect to Graphite server {0} on port {1}: {2}"
.format(HOST, PORT, e))
print 'done connecting to graphite'
while True:
data = graphite_queue.get()
# print "graphite_worker: got data {0!r}".format(data)
# print "sending data"
def _get_requests_per_second_graphite_message(stat, client_id):
request = stat['method'] + '.' + stat['name'].replace(' - ', '.').replace('/', '-')
graphite_key = "locust.{0}.reqs_per_sec".format(request)
graphite_data = "".join(
"{0} {1} {2}\n".format(graphite_key, count, epoch_time)
for epoch_time, count in stat['num_reqs_per_sec'].iteritems())
return graphite_data
def _get_response_time_graphite_message(stat, client_id):
request = stat['method'] + '.' + stat['name'].replace(' - ', '.').replace('/', '-')
graphite_key = "locust.{0}.response_time".format(request)
epoch_time = int(stat['start_time'])
# flatten a dictionary of {time: count} to [time, time, time, ...]
response_times = []
for t, count in stat['response_times'].iteritems():
for _ in xrange(count):
graphite_data = "".join(
"{0} {1} {2}\n".format(graphite_key, response_time, epoch_time)
for response_time in response_times)
return graphite_data
def graphite_producer(client_id, data):
"""This takes a Locust client_id and some data, as given to
locust.event.slave_report handlers."""
#print "Got data: ", data, 'from client', client_id
for stat in data['stats']:
graphite_data = (
_get_response_time_graphite_message(stat, client_id)
+ _get_requests_per_second_graphite_message(stat, client_id))
def setup_graphite_communication():
# only the master sends data to graphite
if not insight.is_slave():
gevent.spawn(graphite_worker) += graphite_producer
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