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Created May 29, 2013 17:56
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Save jasongaylord/5672298 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
We have CD-Roms that float around and for some reason, we can never find it. This PowerShell script will connect to Active Directory, pull all of the computers, and check each for a CD-Rom. It will populate the machine name, drive letter, disk name (if available), and any errors that result. Keep in mind that a Windows XP machine reports the CD-…
Function Get-ADComputerCDRomInfo
# Search Active Directory for computers
([adsisearcher]"objectcategory=computer").findall() | ForEach-Object {
# Set computer name
$c = ([adsi]$_.path).Name;
# Function variables
$deviceId = ""
$volumeName = ""
$err = ""
# Grab WMI object
$w = Get-WmiObject -ComputerName $c -Class Win32_LogicalDisk -Filter "DriveType = 2 or DriveType = 5" -errorvariable MyErr -erroraction Stop;
# If more than one item is returned, loop through items
if ($w.Count -gt 0)
$w | ForEach-Object {
# Populate the properties
$deviceId = $_.DeviceID
$volumeName = $_.VolumeName
# If the drive letter length is 0, populate the default error
if ($deviceId.Length -eq 0)
$err = "No drive found."
# Build the object and write the output
$obj = new-object psobject
$obj | Add-Member noteproperty Computer ($c)
$obj | Add-Member noteproperty DriveLetter ($deviceId)
$obj | Add-Member noteproperty VolumeName ($volumeName)
$obj | Add-Member noteproperty Error ($err)
Write-Output $obj
} else {
# Populate the properties
$deviceId = $w.DeviceID
$volumeName = $w.VolumeName
# If the drive letter length is 0, populate the default error
if ($deviceId.Length -eq 0)
$err = "No drive found."
# Build the object and write the output
$obj = new-object psobject
$obj | Add-Member noteproperty Computer ($c)
$obj | Add-Member noteproperty DriveLetter ($deviceId)
$obj | Add-Member noteproperty VolumeName ($volumeName)
$obj | Add-Member noteproperty Error ($err)
Write-Output $obj
Catch [system.exception]
# Let's make sure we're populating the correct error
if ($MyErr.Count -gt 0)
$err = $MyErr
} else {
$err = $error[0].tostring()
# Build the object and write the output
$obj = new-object psobject
$obj | Add-Member noteproperty Computer ($c)
$obj | Add-Member noteproperty DriveLetter ($deviceId)
$obj | Add-Member noteproperty VolumeName ($volumeName)
$obj | Add-Member noteproperty Error ($err)
Write-Output $obj
# Execute this function
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