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Created March 10, 2023 15:29
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Generated by
@use "sass:selector";
@use "sass:string";
.grid {
display: grid;
grid-template-columns: repeat(2, 1fr);
grid-template-rows: repeat(5, 1fr);
grid-column-gap: 16px;
grid-row-gap: 24px;
&_item {
background-color: blue;
:host-context(section) {
background-color: red;
.grid-container {
background: blue;
.grid-item > & {
color: black;
@extend .grid-container
app-column-selector {
div.mat > & {
div.mat-mdc > & {
color: black;
@mixin test($config) {
#{$config}: 14px;
.main {
color: black;
@include test(font-size);
>span::before {
color: green;
content: "FOO";
/* Multiple Modifier */
@mixin mm($modifier, $mat-element: null) {
$len: str-length(#{&}); /* Get parent string length */
$elementLength: str-length($mat-element);
$elementDot: str-insert($mat-element, ".", $elementLength + 10);
$element: str-quote($elementDot);
$parent: str-slice(#{&}, 2, $len); /* Remove leading . */
@if $mat-element {
@at-root #{$mat-element}[class*='#{$parent}'][class*='_#{$modifier}'] {
// @content;
& {
color: black;
} @else {
@at-root [class*="#{$parent}"][class*="_#{$modifier}"] {
@extend .#{$parent};
.test-override {
&--mat-form-field {
color: red;
// @include mm(no-label) {
// font-size: 28px;
// }
@include mm(fat-border,div) {
border: 6px solid black;
.child-span {
color: blue;
@include mm(green-label, div){
color: green;
@mixin unify-parent($child) {
@at-root #{selector.unify(&, $child)} {
.field {
@include unify-parent("input") {
/* ... */
@include unify-parent("p") {
/* ... */
.aprimo-override {
&--mat-form-field {
@include mm(margin-bottom, mat-form-field) {
margin-bottom: 1.34375em !important;
// div {
// &[class*="test-override--mat-form-field"][class*="_fat-border"] {
// border: 2px solid orange;
// }
// }
<section class="grid-container test">
<div class="grid">
<div class="grid_item">item</div>
<div class="grid_item">item</div>
<div class="grid_item">item</div>
<div class="grid_item">item</div>
<div class="grid_item">item</div>
<div class="grid_item">item</div>
<span class="main test">This is the main <span class="test"> test</span></span>
<div class="mat-mdc-form-field some-class test-override--mat-form-field_no-label_fat-border">
This is the div-override
<span class="child-span">child span</span>
<div class="test-override--mat-form-field_fat-border_green-label">
This is the div-override
<span class="child-span">child span</span>
.grid {
display: grid;
grid-template-columns: repeat(2, 1fr);
grid-template-rows: repeat(5, 1fr);
grid-column-gap: 16px;
grid-row-gap: 24px;
.grid_item {
background-color: blue;
:host-context(section) {
background-color: red;
.grid-container, .grid-item > .grid-container {
background: blue;
.grid-item > .grid-container {
color: black;
div.mat-mdc > div.mat > app-column-selector {
color: black;
.main {
color: black;
font-size: 14px;
.main > span::before {
color: green;
content: "FOO";
/* Multiple Modifier */
.test-override--mat-form-field {
color: red;
/* Get parent string length */
/* Remove leading . */
/* Get parent string length */
/* Remove leading . */
div[class*=test-override--mat-form-field][class*=_fat-border] {
border: 6px solid black;
color: black;
div[class*=test-override--mat-form-field][class*=_fat-border] .child-span {
color: blue;
div[class*=test-override--mat-form-field][class*=_green-label] {
color: green;
color: black;
input.field {
/* ... */
p.field {
/* ... */
.aprimo-override--mat-form-field {
/* Get parent string length */
/* Remove leading . */
mat-form-field[class*=aprimo-override--mat-form-field][class*=_margin-bottom] {
margin-bottom: 1.34375em !important;
color: black;
"sass": {
"compiler": "dart-sass/1.32.12",
"extensions": {},
"syntax": "SCSS",
"outputStyle": "expanded"
"autoprefixer": false
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