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Forked from nimbupani/color-overlay.scss
Last active August 29, 2015 13:57
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Collection of SCSS mixins
// Use @include colorize('image.png', red, 0.5)
@mixin colorize($image, $color, $opacity) {
background: $color;
$color: transparentize($color, 1 - $opacity);
background: -webkit-linear-gradient(left, $color, $color), url($image);
background: -moz-linear-gradient(left, $color, $color), url($image);
background: -ms-linear-gradient(left, $color, $color), url($image);
background: -o-linear-gradient(left, $color, $color), url($image);
// =============================================================================
// Modernizr mixin
// Table of contents:
// 1. Modernizr mixin
// 1.1 Generate placholder name and selectors
// 1.2 Define placholder and print @content
// 1.3 Define feature selector and extend the placeholder
// 2. Aliases
// 2.1 Yep alias
// 2.2 Nope alias
// 3. Demo
// Usage:
// .my-selector {
// @include yep($features) { ... }
// @include nope($features) { ... {
// }
// =============================================================================
// =============================================================================
// 1. Modernizr mixin
// =============================================================================
@mixin modernizr($features, $supports) {
$everything-okay: true;
// Use the 'no-' prefix if checking for unsuported features (e.g. `.no-translate3d`)
$prefix: if($supports, '', 'no-');
// Features selector
// a) create a string if checking for supported features. We'll concatenate class names later on (e.g. `.translate3d.opacity selector`)
// b) create a list if checking for unsuported features. We'll append the class names later on (e.g. `.no-js selector, .no-translate3d selector`)
$selector: if($supports, '', (unquote('.no-js')));
// The placeholder (e.g. `%yep-translate3d` or `%nope-opacity`)
$placeholder: if($supports, '%yep', '%nope');
// 1.1 Generate placeholder and selectors
// =====================================
@each $feature in $features {
// Making sure $feature is a string
@if type-of($feature) != string {
$everything-okay: false;
@warn '`#{$feature} is not a string for `modernizr`';
} @else {
// Add feature name to the placeholder string (e.g. '%yep' + '-' + 'translate3d' or '%nope' + '-' + 'translate3d')
$placeholder: $placeholder + '-' + $feature;
// Define the new selector string (e.g. `.translate3d` or `.no-translate3d`)
$new-selector: #{'.' + $prefix + $feature};
// Append the new selector
// a) to the string if yep (e.g. `.translate3d.opacity`)
// b) to the list if nope (e.g. `.no-translate3d, .no-opacity`)
$selector: if($supports, $selector + $new-selector, append($selector, $new-selector, comma));
@if $everything-okay == true {
// 1.2 Define the placholder and print @content
// =====================================
#{$placeholder} & {
// 1.3 Define feature selector(s) and extend the placeholder
// =====================================
@at-root #{$selector} {
@extend #{$placeholder};
// =============================================================================
// 2. Aliases
// =============================================================================
// 2.1 Yep alias
// =====================================
@mixin yep($features) {
@include modernizr($features, $supports: true) {
// 2.2 Nope alias
// =====================================
@mixin nope($features) {
@include modernizr($features, $supports: false) {
// =============================================================================
// 3. Demo
// =============================================================================
// Uncoment the code below and check the generated css output
// .my-selector {
// @include yep(translate3d opacity) {
// opacity: 0;
// transform: translateY(100%);
// }
// @include nope(translate3d opacity) {
// position: relative;
// top: 100%;
// display: none;
// }
// }
@function blockytextshadows($positions, $shadows) {
$x: 0;
$y: 0;
$x-delta: 0;
$y-delta: 0;
$output: null;
$currentwidth: 1;
$shadows-count: length($shadows);
@each $position in $positions {
@if($position == left){
$x-delta: -1;
} @else if $position == right {
$x-delta: 1;
} @else if $position == top {
$y-delta: -1;
} @else if $position == bottom {
$y-delta: 1;
@for $i from 1 through $shadows-count {
$shadow: nth($shadows, $i);
$color: nth($shadow, 1);
$count: nth($shadow, 2);
@for $i from $currentwidth to ($currentwidth + $count) {
$x: $x + $x-delta;
$y: $y + $y-delta;
$shadowvalue: #{$color} #{$x}px #{$y}px 1px;
@if $output == null {
$output: $shadowvalue;
} @else {
$output: join($output, $shadowvalue, comma);
$currentwidth: $currentwidth + $count;
@return unquote($output);
// Tests & Usage reference
// blockytextshadows(direction, [color number-of-times-to-repeat-color]+);
/* body {
text-shadow: blockytextshadows(left top, (#fff 1, #000 5));
text-shadow: blockytextshadows(right top, (#fff 1, #000 5));
text-shadow: blockytextshadows(top left, (#fff 1, #000 5));
text-shadow: blockytextshadows(top, (#fff 1, #000 5));
text-shadow: blockytextshadows(bottom, (#fff 1, #000 5));
text-shadow: blockytextshadows(left, (#fff 1, #000 5));
text-shadow: blockytextshadows(right, (#fff 1, #000 5));
text-shadow: blockytextshadows(right, (#fff 5, #000 2, #ddd 3));
// Use @include remfallback('margin-left', 2);
@mixin remfallback($property, $value) {
#{$property}: $value * 16px;
#{$property}: #{$value}rem;
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