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jasonian / OmniFocus Taks to Evernote.applescript
Created April 29, 2013 07:42
Copy selected tasks from OmiFocus to Evernote. No error checking, written for a one-time import. Worked perfectly for my needs.
tell application "OmniFocus"
tell content of first document window of front document
set tasksSelected to value of (selected trees where (class of its value is not item) and (class of its value is not folder))
if length of tasksSelected is 0 then
display alert "Select some tasks in OmniFocus."
end if
end tell
jasonian / VoodooPad to Evernote.applescript
Created April 18, 2013 07:49
Copy notes from VoodooPad app to Evernote. No error checking, written for a one-time import. Worked perfectly for my needs.
tell application "VoodooPad"
tell document 1
repeat with thisPage from 1 to number of items in pages
set theName to display name of page thisPage
set creationDate to created of page thisPage
set theText to text of page thisPage
tell application "Evernote"
create note with text theText title theName notebook "VoodooPad Imported Notes" tags "imported_from_VoodooPad" created creationDate
end tell
end repeat
jasonian / Apple Notes to Evernote.applescript
Created April 9, 2013 00:11
Copy notes from Apple Notes app to Evernote. No error checking, written for a one-time import. Worked perfectly for my needs.
tell application "Notes"
set theMessages to every note
repeat with thisMessage in theMessages
set theNoteName to name of thisMessage
set theNoteBody to the body of thisMessage
set theNoteCreationDate to the creation date of thisMessage
set theNoteModificationDate to the modification date of thisMessage
tell application "Evernote"
create note with html theNoteBody title theNoteName notebook "Imported Notes" tags "imported_note" created theNoteCreationDate