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Last active September 17, 2024 20:34
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  • Save jasonk/4772d1cd5154069cfc9eed07acb2057a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save jasonk/4772d1cd5154069cfc9eed07acb2057a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Simple Bash Examples for Reolink API
HOST="$REOLINK_NVR_HOST" # Your NVR or Camera IP Address
USER="$REOLINK_NVR_USER" # Your username
PASS="$REOLINK_NVR_PASS" # Your password
# Set this to true and the script will dump the request/response
# payloads to stderr.
# TOKEN must initially be set to null, so that it gets passed to the
# login command as `?cmd=Login&token=null`
# Takes an API command as the first argument, and JSON-ish payload as
# an optional second argument. If a payload is provided it's
# processed with `jq -n` to make it easier (jq -n doesn't require
# property names to be quoted, you can have trailing commas and other
# stuff that isn't actually valid JSON)
rl-api() {
local CMD="$1" PARAM='{}'
if [ -n "$2" ]; then PARAM="$(jq -n "$2")"; fi
local REQ="$(
jq -n --arg CMD "$CMD" --argjson PARAM "$PARAM" '{
cmd: $CMD,
action: 0,
param: $PARAM,
local TGT="$URL?cmd=$CMD&token=$TOKEN"
if $DEBUG; then
echo ">>> REQUEST >>>" 1>&2
echo "TARGET: $TGT" 1>&2
jq -C . <<<"$REQ" 1>&2
local RES="$(
curl -kfsSLH 'Content-Type: application/json' -d "[$REQ]" -XPOST "$TGT" |
jq '.[0]'
if $DEBUG; then
echo "<<< RESPONSE <<<" 1>&2
jq -C . <<<"$RES" 1>&2
# If the response had "code: 0" then it was successful, otherwise it
# was an error
if [ "$(jq -r '.code' <<<"$RES")" -eq "0" ]; then
jq '.value' <<<"$RES"
return 0
echo -n "$CMD ERROR: " 1>&2
jq -r '"\(.error.detail) (\(.error.rspCode))"' <<< "$RES" 1>&2
return 1
# Send a Login command to the API
rl-login() {
rl-api Login "$(
jq -n --arg USER "$USER" --arg PASS "$PASS" '{
User: { userName: $USER, password: $PASS }
)" | jq -r ''
# Send a Logout command to the API
rl-logout() {
if [ "$TOKEN" = "null" ] || [ "$TOKEN" = "" ]; then return; fi
rl-api Logout > /dev/null
# Login with username and password and get a session token
if [ -z "$TOKEN" ]; then exit 1; fi
# Now that we have a token, we add an exit hook to remove it when the
# script exits, if you leave it around you may get the dreaded (and
# annoying) "max session" error. If that happens all you can really
# do is wait, by default the tokens are good for an hour (and the
# session limit is global, so using multiple usernames won't help)
trap 'rl-logout' EXIT
# Process any arguments on the command line as commands, if the
# command is followed by something that looks like a payload, then
# pass that as the payload to the command.
while (( $# )); do
CMD="$1" ; shift
#if (( $# )) && jq -eR 'try(fromjson)' <<<"$1"; then
if (( $# )) && [[ $1 == *[{}]* ]]; then
PAYLOAD="$1" ; shift
rl-api "$CMD" "$PAYLOAD" || exit 1

List all of your cameras, nicely formatted

./rl-api GetChannelStatus |
  jq -r '.status[] | [.channel,.online,.typeInfo,.name] | @tsv' |
  column -t -s $'\t'

Get abilities for currently logged in user

./rl-api GetAbility '{User:{userName:""}}'

Get abilitiies for specific user

./rl-api GetAbility '{User:{userName:"admin"}}'

Some other useful commands

./rl-api GetDevInfo
./rl-api GetDevName
./rl-api GetTime
./rl-api GetAutoMaint
./rl-api GetHddInfo
./rl-api GetAutoUpgrade
./rl-api GetChannelStatus
./rl-api GetUser
./rl-api GetOnline
./rl-api GetLocalLink
./rl-api GetDdns
./rl-api GetEmail
./rl-api GetFtp
./rl-api GetNtp
./rl-api GetNetPort
./rl-api GetUpnp
./rl-api GetWifi
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./r Search '{ "Search": { "channel": 0, "onlyStatus": 0, "streamType": "main", "StartTime": { "year": 2022, "mon": 10, "day": 1, "hour": 0, "min": 0, "sec": 0 }, "EndTime": { "year": 2022, "mon": 11, "day": 1, "hour": 23, "min": 59, "sec": 59 } } }'

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inch1957 commented Nov 4, 2022

Great stuff!
Any way I can trigger en export of the camera's configuration? I tried the ExportCfg command but seems I'm missing something...

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Great stuff! Any way I can trigger en export of the camera's configuration? I tried the ExportCfg command but seems I'm missing something... :-)

not sure ...

is what I am using to dump

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@jasonk awesome, thanks for the script!

Tested the script with a Reolink TrackMix POE Camera.

Note: PTZ Positions and Names can be setup with Reolink App.

Get PTZ Presets

./rl-api GetPtzPreset '{channel:0}'
  "PtzPreset": [
      "channel": 0,
      "enable": 1,
      "id": 0,
      "imgName": "",
      "name": "Standard"
      "channel": 0,
      "enable": 1,
      "id": 1,
      "imgName": "preset_01",
      "name": "Door"
      "channel": 0,
      "enable": 1,
      "id": 2,
      "imgName": "preset_02",
      "name": "Foo"
      "channel": 0,
      "enable": 0,
      "id": 63,
      "imgName": "",
      "name": "pos64"

Trigger PTZ Preset by id

./rl-api PtzCtrl '{"channel":0, "op":"ToPos", "id":2, "speed":32}'
  "rspCode": 200

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mnpg commented Apr 16, 2023

Thanks for the script @jasonk :
Here another commands tested on E1-Outdoor (these commands can work also with the PTZ AI cameras)

Check calibration status (GetPtzCheckState command)

./ GetPtzCheckState
  "PtzCheckState": 0

PtzCheckState = 0 --> calibration required
PtzCheckState = 1 --> calibration is running
PtzCheckState = 2 --> calibration done

Start the calibration of the camera (PtzCheck command)

./ PtzCheck
  "rspCode": 200


  • the script works fine with the Set*** Reolink commands
  • You can find more documentations in my github repo. You'll found official and unofficial documentations. In the unofficial folder, most commands are detailled in the pdf files (AI, non AI, PTZ or not, Zoom or not,…) but not all commands or the recent ones (check the “official” doc). All unofficial docs are in french but easy to translate them.

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mnpg commented Apr 21, 2023

How to set differents privacy masks for each PTZ Preset (PTZ cameras AI and NON-AI)

For those which had a PTZ camera with PTZ Presets, generally you need to redefine your privacy mask to suit with your image of the preset and it's boring.

Here the method, with @jasonk script, how you can apply a new privacy mask after moving to a preset (without losing the others privacy masks) :

Example : I have 3 presets (id1: -preset garage-, id2 : -preset entrance- and id:3 -preset road-)

  • For the first one which your have defined a privacy mask (in my example id:1 -garage-), launch the command bellow and save the result in a file called, for example, json_mask_id1 :
    ./rl-api GetMask '{"channel":0}' | jq '.' -c > json_mask_id1

  • Switch to the second preset -id:2- and redefined a new privacy mask, apply it, and and also launch the command to saved the result in a second file called json_mask_id2:
    ./rl-api GetMask '{"channel":0}' | jq '.' -c > json_mask_id2

  • Switch to the third preset -id:3- and do the same method like the second preset and save the result in a file called json_mask_id3.

After that, when you trigger PTZ Preset by id with the command (taken for @pixeldoc2000) and in my case the id:2 entrance-
./rl-api PtzCtrl '{"channel":0, "op":"ToPos", "id":2, "speed":32}

launch, after that previous command, the command dedicated to apply the privacy mask file for id:2 :
./rl-api SetMask $(cat json_mask_id2)

NB : all the files json_mask_idX are located in the same repository of the executable.

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mnpg commented Apr 22, 2023

How to set differents detection zone for the PTZ Cameras (AI and NON-AI)

Like the method for the privacy masks in the post bellow, here the commands (depends on cameras types) to generate multiple detection zones on the preset you choose.

Here the method, with @jasonk script, how you can apply a new detection zone after moving to a preset (without losing the others detection zones) :

Example : I have 2 presets (id1: -preset garage-, id2 : -preset entrance-)


  • For the first one which your have defined a detection zone (in my example id:1 -garage-), launch the command bellow and save the result in a file called, for example, json_detectionzone_id1 :
    ./rl-api GetMdAlarm '{"channel":0}' | jq '.[]|={channel,scope}' -c > json_detectionzone_id1

  • Switch to the second preset -id:2- and redefined a new detection zone (here the entrance), apply it, and and also launch the command to saved the result in a second file called json_detectionzone_id2:
    ./rl-api GetMdAlarm '{"channel":0}' | jq '.[]|={channel,scope}' -c > json_detectionzone_id2

After that, when you trigger PTZ Preset by id with the command (taken for @pixeldoc2000) and in my case the id:2 entrance-
./rl-api PtzCtrl '{"channel":0, "op":"ToPos", "id":2, "speed":32}

launch, after that previous command, the command dedicated to apply the detectionzone file for id:2 :
./rl-api SetMdAlarm $(cat json_detectionzone_id2)

NB : all the files json_detectionzone_idX are located in the same repository of the executable.

FOR CAMERAS AI (without PetDetection) : based on the same example

  • For the first one which your have defined a detection zone (in my example id:1 -garage-), launch the command bellow and save the result in a file called, for example, json_detectionzoneAI_id1 :
    ./rl-api GetAiAlarm '{"channel":0,"ai_type":"people"}' | jq '{channel:.[].channel,md:.[].scope,people:.[].scope,vehicle:.[].scope}' -c > json_detectionzoneAI_id1

  • Switch to the second preset -id:2- and redefined a new detection zone (here the entrance), apply it, and and also launch the command to saved the result in a second file called json_detectionzoneAI_id2:
    ./rl-api GetAiAlarm '{"channel":0,"ai_type":"people"}' | jq '{channel:.[].channel,md:.[].scope,people:.[].scope,vehicle:.[].scope}' -c > json_detectionzoneAI_id2

After that, when you trigger PTZ Preset by id with the command (taken for @pixeldoc2000) and in my case the id:2 entrance-
./rl-api PtzCtrl '{"channel":0, "op":"ToPos", "id":2, "speed":32}

launch, after that previous command, the command dedicated to apply the json_detectionzoneAI file for id:2 :
./rl-api SetAlarmArea $(cat json_detectionzoneAI_id2)

NB : all the files json_detectionzoneAI_idX are located in the same repository of the executable.

FOR CAMERAS AI (with PetDetection) : based on the same example

  • For the first one which your have defined a detection zone (in my example id:1 -garage-), launch the command bellow and save the result in a file called, for example, json_detectionzoneAI_pet_id1 :
    ./rl-api GetAiAlarm '{"channel":0,"ai_type":"people"}' | jq '{channel:.[].channel,md:.[].scope,people:.[].scope,vehicle:.[].scope,dog_cat:.[].scope}' -c > json_detectionzoneAI_pet_id1

  • Switch to the second preset -id:2- and redefined a new detection zone, apply it, and and also launch the command to saved the result in a second file called json_detectionzoneAI_pet_id2:
    ./rl-api GetAiAlarm '{"channel":0,"ai_type":"people"}' | jq '{channel:.[].channel,md:.[].scope,people:.[].scope,vehicle:.[].scope,dog_cat:.[].scope}' -c > json_detectionzoneAI_pet_id2

After that, when you trigger PTZ Preset by id with the command (taken for @pixeldoc2000) and in my case the id:2 -entrance-
./rl-api PtzCtrl '{"channel":0, "op":"ToPos", "id":2, "speed":32}

launch, after that previous command, the command dedicated to apply the json_detectionzoneAI_pet file for id:2 :
./rl-api SetAlarmArea $(cat json_detectionzoneAI_pet_id2)

NB : all the files json_detectionzoneAI_pet_idX are located in the same repository of the executable.

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mnpg commented Apr 23, 2023

Instead of adding more reply messages with another examples, I regroup them on my github repo > Folder Bash-scripts

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@mnpg awesome examples, nicely documented, thanx!

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pixeldoc2000 commented Apr 28, 2023

Just for kicks, here is GetAbility Result for Reolink TrackMix POE with Firmware: v3.0.0.1817_23022700

./rl-api GetAbility '{User:{userName:""}}'
  "Ability": {
    "3g": {
      "permit": 0,
      "ver": 0
    "abilityChn": [
        "aiTrack": {
          "permit": 6,
          "ver": 1
        "aiTrackDogCat": {
          "permit": 6,
          "ver": 1
        "alarmAudio": {
          "permit": 6,
          "ver": 1
        "alarmIoIn": {
          "permit": 0,
          "ver": 0
        "alarmIoOut": {
          "permit": 0,
          "ver": 0
        "alarmMd": {
          "permit": 6,
          "ver": 1
        "alarmRf": {
          "permit": 0,
          "ver": 0
        "batAnalysis": {
          "permit": 0,
          "ver": 0
        "battery": {
          "permit": 0,
          "ver": 0
        "cameraMode": {
          "permit": 6,
          "ver": 0
        "disableAutoFocus": {
          "permit": 0,
          "ver": 0
        "enc": {
          "permit": 6,
          "ver": 1
        "floodLight": {
          "permit": 0,
          "ver": 0
        "ftp": {
          "permit": 6,
          "ver": 6
        "image": {
          "permit": 6,
          "ver": 1
        "indicatorLight": {
          "permit": 0,
          "ver": 0
        "isp": {
          "permit": 6,
          "ver": 1
        "isp3Dnr": {
          "permit": 0,
          "ver": 0
        "ispAntiFlick": {
          "permit": 6,
          "ver": 1
        "ispBackLight": {
          "permit": 0,
          "ver": 0
        "ispBright": {
          "permit": 6,
          "ver": 1
        "ispContrast": {
          "permit": 6,
          "ver": 1
        "ispDayNight": {
          "permit": 6,
          "ver": 1
        "ispExposureMode": {
          "permit": 0,
          "ver": 0
        "ispFlip": {
          "permit": 6,
          "ver": 1
        "ispHue": {
          "permit": 0,
          "ver": 0
        "ispMirror": {
          "permit": 6,
          "ver": 1
        "ispSatruation": {
          "permit": 6,
          "ver": 1
        "ispSharpen": {
          "permit": 6,
          "ver": 1
        "ispWhiteBalance": {
          "permit": 6,
          "ver": 0
        "ledControl": {
          "permit": 6,
          "ver": 1
        "live": {
          "permit": 4,
          "ver": 2
        "mainEncType": {
          "permit": 0,
          "ver": 1
        "mask": {
          "permit": 6,
          "ver": 1
        "mdTriggerAudio": {
          "permit": 0,
          "ver": 0
        "mdTriggerRecord": {
          "permit": 0,
          "ver": 0
        "mdWithPir": {
          "permit": 0,
          "ver": 0
        "osd": {
          "permit": 6,
          "ver": 1
        "powerLed": {
          "permit": 0,
          "ver": 0
        "ptzCtrl": {
          "permit": 7,
          "ver": 2
        "ptzDirection": {
          "permit": 1,
          "ver": 1
        "ptzPatrol": {
          "permit": 7,
          "ver": 0
        "ptzPreset": {
          "permit": 7,
          "ver": 1
        "ptzTattern": {
          "permit": 7,
          "ver": 0
        "ptzType": {
          "permit": 0,
          "ver": 3
        "recCfg": {
          "permit": 6,
          "ver": 1
        "recDownload": {
          "permit": 6,
          "ver": 1
        "recReplay": {
          "permit": 6,
          "ver": 1
        "recSchedule": {
          "permit": 6,
          "ver": 2
        "shelterCfg": {
          "permit": 6,
          "ver": 1
        "snap": {
          "permit": 6,
          "ver": 1
        "supportAIDenoise": {
          "permit": 6,
          "ver": 1
        "supportAITrackLimit": {
          "permit": 6,
          "ver": 1
        "supportAITrackSchedule": {
          "permit": 6,
          "ver": 1
        "supportAi": {
          "permit": 6,
          "ver": 1
        "supportAiAnimal": {
          "permit": 0,
          "ver": 0
        "supportAiDetectConfig": {
          "permit": 6,
          "ver": 1
        "supportAiDogCat": {
          "permit": 6,
          "ver": 1
        "supportAiFace": {
          "permit": 0,
          "ver": 0
        "supportAiPeople": {
          "permit": 6,
          "ver": 1
        "supportAiSensitivity": {
          "permit": 6,
          "ver": 1
        "supportAiStayTime": {
          "permit": 6,
          "ver": 1
        "supportAiTargetSize": {
          "permit": 6,
          "ver": 1
        "supportAiTrackClassify": {
          "permit": 6,
          "ver": 1
        "supportAiVehicle": {
          "permit": 6,
          "ver": 1
        "supportAoAdjust": {
          "permit": 0,
          "ver": 1
        "supportAutoTrackStream": {
          "permit": 6,
          "ver": 1
        "supportDigitalZoom": {
          "permit": 0,
          "ver": 1
        "supportFLBrightness": {
          "permit": 6,
          "ver": 1
        "supportFLIntelligent": {
          "permit": 6,
          "ver": 1
        "supportFLKeepOn": {
          "permit": 0,
          "ver": 0
        "supportFLSchedule": {
          "permit": 6,
          "ver": 1
        "supportFLswitch": {
          "permit": 6,
          "ver": 1
        "supportFocus": {
          "permit": 0,
          "ver": 0
        "supportGop": {
          "permit": 0,
          "ver": 1
        "supportGuardPointImage": {
          "permit": 0,
          "ver": 1
        "supportImportExportImage": {
          "permit": 0,
          "ver": 1
        "supportMd": {
          "permit": 6,
          "ver": 1
        "supportPt": {
          "permit": 0,
          "ver": 1
        "supportPtzCalibration": {
          "permit": 0,
          "ver": 1
        "supportPtzCheck": {
          "permit": 6,
          "ver": 0
        "supportPtzPresetImage": {
          "permit": 0,
          "ver": 1
        "supportPtzSpeed": {
          "permit": 0,
          "ver": 1
        "supportThresholdAdjust": {
          "permit": 6,
          "ver": 1
        "supportWhiteDark": {
          "permit": 6,
          "ver": 1
        "supportZoom": {
          "permit": 0,
          "ver": 1
        "supportZoomAndFocusSliderCfg": {
          "permit": 0,
          "ver": 1
        "videoClip": {
          "permit": 0,
          "ver": 0
        "waterMark": {
          "permit": 6,
          "ver": 1
        "white_balance": {
          "permit": 6,
          "ver": 0
    "alarmAudio": {
      "permit": 6,
      "ver": 1
    "alarmDisconnet": {
      "permit": 6,
      "ver": 1
    "alarmHddErr": {
      "permit": 6,
      "ver": 1
    "alarmHddFull": {
      "permit": 6,
      "ver": 1
    "alarmIpConflict": {
      "permit": 6,
      "ver": 1
    "auth": {
      "permit": 6,
      "ver": 1
    "autoMaint": {
      "permit": 6,
      "ver": 1
    "cloudStorage": {
      "permit": 0,
      "ver": 0
    "customAudio": {
      "permit": 1,
      "ver": 1
    "dateFormat": {
      "permit": 6,
      "ver": 1
    "ddns": {
      "permit": 6,
      "ver": 9
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      "permit": 6,
      "ver": 1
    "devInfo": {
      "permit": 4,
      "ver": 1
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      "permit": 6,
      "ver": 2
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      "permit": 0,
      "ver": 0
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      "permit": 0,
      "ver": 0
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      "permit": 6,
      "ver": 1
    "email": {
      "permit": 6,
      "ver": 3
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      "permit": 6,
      "ver": 1
    "emailSchedule": {
      "permit": 6,
      "ver": 1
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      "permit": 4,
      "ver": 0
    "ftpAutoDir": {
      "permit": 6,
      "ver": 1
    "ftpExtStream": {
      "permit": 0,
      "ver": 0
    "ftpPic": {
      "permit": 0,
      "ver": 0
    "ftpSubStream": {
      "permit": 6,
      "ver": 1
    "ftpTest": {
      "permit": 6,
      "ver": 0
    "hourFmt": {
      "permit": 6,
      "ver": 2
    "http": {
      "permit": 6,
      "ver": 3
    "httpFlv": {
      "permit": 6,
      "ver": 1
    "https": {
      "permit": 6,
      "ver": 3
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      "permit": 1,
      "ver": 0
    "ipcManager": {
      "permit": 6,
      "ver": 1
    "ledControl": {
      "permit": 7,
      "ver": 1
    "localLink": {
      "permit": 6,
      "ver": 1
    "log": {
      "permit": 6,
      "ver": 1
    "mediaPort": {
      "permit": 6,
      "ver": 1
    "ntp": {
      "permit": 6,
      "ver": 1
    "online": {
      "permit": 6,
      "ver": 1
    "onvif": {
      "permit": 6,
      "ver": 3
    "p2p": {
      "permit": 6,
      "ver": 1
    "performance": {
      "permit": 4,
      "ver": 1
    "pppoe": {
      "permit": 6,
      "ver": 0
    "push": {
      "permit": 6,
      "ver": 1
    "pushSchedule": {
      "permit": 6,
      "ver": 1
    "reboot": {
      "permit": 1,
      "ver": 1
    "recExtensionTimeList": {
      "permit": 6,
      "ver": 1
    "recOverWrite": {
      "permit": 6,
      "ver": 1
    "recPackDuration": {
      "permit": 6,
      "ver": 0
    "recPreRecord": {
      "permit": 6,
      "ver": 1
    "restore": {
      "permit": 1,
      "ver": 1
    "rtmp": {
      "permit": 6,
      "ver": 3
    "rtsp": {
      "permit": 6,
      "ver": 3
    "scheduleVersion": {
      "permit": 6,
      "ver": 1
    "sdCard": {
      "permit": 6,
      "ver": 1
    "showQrCode": {
      "permit": 6,
      "ver": 0
    "simMoudule": {
      "permit": 6,
      "ver": 0
    "supportAudioAlarm": {
      "permit": 6,
      "ver": 1
    "supportAudioAlarmEnable": {
      "permit": 6,
      "ver": 1
    "supportAudioAlarmSchedule": {
      "permit": 6,
      "ver": 1
    "supportAudioAlarmTaskEnable": {
      "permit": 6,
      "ver": 1
    "supportBuzzer": {
      "permit": 0,
      "ver": 0
    "supportBuzzerEnable": {
      "permit": 0,
      "ver": 0
    "supportBuzzerTask": {
      "permit": 0,
      "ver": 0
    "supportBuzzerTaskEnable": {
      "permit": 0,
      "ver": 0
    "supportEmailEnable": {
      "permit": 6,
      "ver": 1
    "supportEmailTaskEnable": {
      "permit": 6,
      "ver": 1
    "supportFtpCoverPicture": {
      "permit": 6,
      "ver": 1
    "supportFtpCoverVideo": {
      "permit": 6,
      "ver": 1
    "supportFtpDirYM": {
      "permit": 6,
      "ver": 1
    "supportFtpEnable": {
      "permit": 6,
      "ver": 1
    "supportFtpPicCaptureMode": {
      "permit": 6,
      "ver": 1
    "supportFtpPicResoCustom": {
      "permit": 6,
      "ver": 0
    "supportFtpPictureSwap": {
      "permit": 6,
      "ver": 1
    "supportFtpTask": {
      "permit": 6,
      "ver": 1
    "supportFtpTaskEnable": {
      "permit": 6,
      "ver": 1
    "supportFtpVideoSwap": {
      "permit": 6,
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mnpg commented May 5, 2023

Hi @pixeldoc2000, can you confirm that the examples work fine with your camera.
waiting for your answer

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pixeldoc2000 commented May 25, 2023

@mnpg I am using it to change between different PTZ Presets for Day and Night.

Hi @pixeldoc2000, can you confirm that the examples work fine with your camera.

Which examples do you mean? Everything i posted works with Reolink TrackMix PoE.

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mnpg commented May 25, 2023


I am using it to change between differenz PTZ Presets for Day and Night

I understand the way you use the PTZ Presets

Which examples do you mean? Everything i posted works with Reolink TrackMix PoE.

I'm talking about the examples i've create (detection zones or privacy masks). Did they work for your TrackMix?

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I guess a basic question, $REOLINK_NVR_HOST, I have three Reolink cameras behind a fixed IP address, 213.X.X.122, the reolink app however shows under System - User Management IP address 83.X.X.182 for all three cameras. I seem not to be able to connect, which HOST address do I use, is it the the local IP or some reolink managed address?

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mnpg commented Mar 27, 2024

I guess a basic question, $REOLINK_NVR_HOST, I have three Reolink cameras behind a fixed IP address, 213.X.X.122, the reolink app however shows under System - User Management IP address 83.X.X.182 for all three cameras. I seem not to be able to connect, which HOST address do I use, is it the the local IP or some reolink managed address?

Hi @Jens1966a, if your cameras are behind a NVR, change the channel number of your camera in the commands (with the same IP of your NVR) to see if these commands are understood and functional for a particular camera (channel:3 for example). Sorry, I can't test myself to verify if it's working, i 'ain't got a NVR

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Jens1966a commented Mar 27, 2024 via email

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4920441 commented Apr 21, 2024

is there any way to download the stored mp4 files from the sd card from a reolink camera by an api call?

there is also running an ftp server on the cam, but I wasn't able to login...maybe thats the easier way for that purpose?

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Jens1966a commented Apr 21, 2024 via email

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4920441 commented Apr 21, 2024

Since I don't wanna use android, ios nor windows, I am stuck with that, I guess? no way to get the stored pics and videos on another way by the provided api or something?

P.S.: who/what is vulkan? the graphic subsystem?

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