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Created March 20, 2012 19:33
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Python implementation of Conway's Game of Life
"""Python implementation of Conway's Game of Life
Somewhat inspired by Jack Diederich's talk `Stop Writing Classes`
Ironically, as I extended the functionality of this module it seems obvious
that the next step would be to refactor board into a class with advance and
constrain as methods and print_board as __str__.
import sys
import time
(2, 2),
(1, 2),
(0, 2),
(2, 1),
(1, 0),
def neighbors(cell, distance=1):
"""Return the neighbors of cell."""
x, y = cell
r = xrange(0 - distance, 1 + distance)
return ((x + i, y + j) # new cell offset from center
for i in r for j in r # iterate over range in 2d
if not i == j == 0) # exclude the center cell
def advance(board):
"""Advance the board one step and return it."""
new_board = set()
for cell in board:
cell_neighbors = set(neighbors(cell))
# test if live cell dies
if len(board & cell_neighbors) in [2, 3]:
# test dead neighbors to see if alive
for n in cell_neighbors:
if len(board & set(neighbors(n))) is 3:
return new_board
def print_board(board, size=None):
sizex = sizey = size or 0
for x, y in board:
sizex = x if x > sizex else sizex
sizey = y if y > sizey else sizey
for i in xrange(sizex + 1):
for j in xrange(sizey + 1):
sys.stdout.write(' x ' if (i, j) in board else ' . ')
def constrain(board, size):
return set(cell for cell in board if cell[0] <= size and cell[1] <= size)
def main(board, steps=75, size=20):
for i in xrange(1, steps + 1):
sys.stdout.write('\033[H') # move to the top
sys.stdout.write('\033[J') # clear the screen
print 'step:', i, '/', steps
print_board(board, size)
board = constrain(advance(board), size)
if __name__ == '__main__':
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oh, haha, interesting! so brilliant

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