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Created May 12, 2012 15:58
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Introduction to Python Notes

Installing Python

Binary installation from
Binary installation from
sudo apt-get install python2.7

What version? 2.6/2.7/3.2

Reference Material

Discussion Outline

  • Audience experience with programming? python?

  • My level of experience.

  • Why Python?
    • Python was designed to be a middle layer between then shell and systems programming
    • Fast prototyping/quick turn around/no compilation
  • Interactive Interpreter
    • Read/eval/print loop
  • Whitespace

  • Writing and Running Scripts/Modules
    • using python binary:

      python -i
    • shebang + execution bit:

      #!/usr/bin/env python
      chmod 755
    • importing modules

    • running modules:

      python -m module
    • script boilerplate:

      if __name__ == '__main__': main()
  • Variables
    • Case sensitive
    • Variables are simply labels that reference objects.
    • Pass by reference/value vs mutability
    • Varibales do not have types, objects have types.
    • Types are not coerced.
    • Strict/Dynamic Typing
    • Everything is done at runtime (late binding)
    • Namespaces are basically dicts
  • Conditionals

  • Loops

  • Functions
    • Definition
    • Calling
    • First class
    • lambda
  • Builtin Types
    • numeric
      • int (different forms of literals)
      • float
      • complex
      • bool
    • strings
      • str
      • unicode
    • collections
      • list
      • dict
      • tuple
      • set
      • indexing and slicing notation
      • comprehensions
  • Builtin Functions
    • dir/help
    • len/min/max/sum
    • range/enumerate
    • locals/globals
    • eval/input/raw_input
    • repr/str/unicode
    • philosophy/implementation of builtin functions vs methods
    • shadowing
  • Package/Module/Statement/Expression

  • The standard library

  • Working with files?

  • Classes/OOP
    • new style classes vs old style
    • class creation process
    • methods are just functions
    • self is passed implicitly, received explicitly
    • __init__
    • super()
    • classmethod/staticmethod
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