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Last active November 13, 2017 01:13
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Solidity of OpenST's Token Sale TokenSale Smart Contract
pragma solidity ^0.4.17;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Token Trustee Implementation
// Copyright (c) 2017 OpenST Ltd.
// The MIT Licence.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// SafeMath Library Implementation
// Copyright (c) 2017 OpenST Ltd.
// The MIT Licence.
// Based on the SafeMath library by the OpenZeppelin team.
// Copyright (c) 2016 Smart Contract Solutions, Inc.
// The MIT License.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
library SafeMath {
function mul(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) {
uint256 c = a * b;
assert(a == 0 || c / a == b);
return c;
function div(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) {
// Solidity automatically throws when dividing by 0
uint256 c = a / b;
// assert(a == b * c + a % b); // There is no case in which this doesn't hold
return c;
function sub(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) {
assert(b <= a);
return a - b;
function add(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) {
uint256 c = a + b;
assert(c >= a);
return c;
// Implements basic ownership with 2-step transfers.
contract Owned {
address public owner;
address public proposedOwner;
event OwnershipTransferInitiated(address indexed _proposedOwner);
event OwnershipTransferCompleted(address indexed _newOwner);
function Owned() public {
owner = msg.sender;
modifier onlyOwner() {
function isOwner(address _address) internal view returns (bool) {
return (_address == owner);
function initiateOwnershipTransfer(address _proposedOwner) public onlyOwner returns (bool) {
proposedOwner = _proposedOwner;
return true;
function completeOwnershipTransfer() public returns (bool) {
require(msg.sender == proposedOwner);
owner = proposedOwner;
proposedOwner = address(0);
return true;
// Implements a more advanced ownership and permission model based on owner,
// admin and ops per Simple Token key management specification.
contract OpsManaged is Owned {
address public opsAddress;
address public adminAddress;
event AdminAddressChanged(address indexed _newAddress);
event OpsAddressChanged(address indexed _newAddress);
function OpsManaged() public
modifier onlyAdmin() {
modifier onlyAdminOrOps() {
require(isAdmin(msg.sender) || isOps(msg.sender));
modifier onlyOwnerOrAdmin() {
require(isOwner(msg.sender) || isAdmin(msg.sender));
modifier onlyOps() {
function isAdmin(address _address) internal view returns (bool) {
return (adminAddress != address(0) && _address == adminAddress);
function isOps(address _address) internal view returns (bool) {
return (opsAddress != address(0) && _address == opsAddress);
function isOwnerOrOps(address _address) internal view returns (bool) {
return (isOwner(_address) || isOps(_address));
// Owner and Admin can change the admin address. Address can also be set to 0 to 'disable' it.
function setAdminAddress(address _adminAddress) external onlyOwnerOrAdmin returns (bool) {
require(_adminAddress != owner);
require(_adminAddress != address(this));
adminAddress = _adminAddress;
return true;
// Owner and Admin can change the operations address. Address can also be set to 0 to 'disable' it.
function setOpsAddress(address _opsAddress) external onlyOwnerOrAdmin returns (bool) {
require(_opsAddress != owner);
require(_opsAddress != address(this));
opsAddress = _opsAddress;
return true;
contract SimpleTokenConfig {
string public constant TOKEN_SYMBOL = "ST";
string public constant TOKEN_NAME = "Simple Token";
uint8 public constant TOKEN_DECIMALS = 18;
uint256 public constant DECIMALSFACTOR = 10**uint256(TOKEN_DECIMALS);
uint256 public constant TOKENS_MAX = 800000000 * DECIMALSFACTOR;
contract ERC20Interface {
event Transfer(address indexed _from, address indexed _to, uint256 _value);
event Approval(address indexed _owner, address indexed _spender, uint256 _value);
function name() public view returns (string);
function symbol() public view returns (string);
function decimals() public view returns (uint8);
function totalSupply() public view returns (uint256);
function balanceOf(address _owner) public view returns (uint256 balance);
function allowance(address _owner, address _spender) public view returns (uint256 remaining);
function transfer(address _to, uint256 _value) public returns (bool success);
function transferFrom(address _from, address _to, uint256 _value) public returns (bool success);
function approve(address _spender, uint256 _value) public returns (bool success);
// Standard ERC20 implementation, with ownership.
contract ERC20Token is ERC20Interface, Owned {
using SafeMath for uint256;
string private tokenName;
string private tokenSymbol;
uint8 private tokenDecimals;
uint256 internal tokenTotalSupply;
mapping(address => uint256) balances;
mapping(address => mapping (address => uint256)) allowed;
function ERC20Token(string _symbol, string _name, uint8 _decimals, uint256 _totalSupply) public
tokenSymbol = _symbol;
tokenName = _name;
tokenDecimals = _decimals;
tokenTotalSupply = _totalSupply;
balances[owner] = _totalSupply;
// According to the ERC20 standard, a token contract which creates new tokens should trigger
// a Transfer event and transfers of 0 values must also fire the event.
Transfer(0x0, owner, _totalSupply);
function name() public view returns (string) {
return tokenName;
function symbol() public view returns (string) {
return tokenSymbol;
function decimals() public view returns (uint8) {
return tokenDecimals;
function totalSupply() public view returns (uint256) {
return tokenTotalSupply;
function balanceOf(address _owner) public view returns (uint256) {
return balances[_owner];
function allowance(address _owner, address _spender) public view returns (uint256 remaining) {
return allowed[_owner][_spender];
function transfer(address _to, uint256 _value) public returns (bool success) {
// According to the EIP20 spec, "transfers of 0 values MUST be treated as normal
// transfers and fire the Transfer event".
// Also, should throw if not enough balance. This is taken care of by SafeMath.
balances[msg.sender] = balances[msg.sender].sub(_value);
balances[_to] = balances[_to].add(_value);
Transfer(msg.sender, _to, _value);
return true;
function transferFrom(address _from, address _to, uint256 _value) public returns (bool success) {
balances[_from] = balances[_from].sub(_value);
allowed[_from][msg.sender] = allowed[_from][msg.sender].sub(_value);
balances[_to] = balances[_to].add(_value);
Transfer(_from, _to, _value);
return true;
function approve(address _spender, uint256 _value) public returns (bool success) {
allowed[msg.sender][_spender] = _value;
Approval(msg.sender, _spender, _value);
return true;
// SimpleToken is a standard ERC20 token with some additional functionality:
// - It has a concept of finalize
// - Before finalize, nobody can transfer tokens except:
// - Owner and operations can transfer tokens
// - Anybody can send back tokens to owner
// - After finalize, no restrictions on token transfers
// Permissions, according to the ST key management specification.
// Owner Admin Ops
// transfer (before finalize) x x
// transferForm (before finalize) x x
// finalize x
contract SimpleToken is ERC20Token, OpsManaged, SimpleTokenConfig {
bool public finalized;
// Events
event Burnt(address indexed _from, uint256 _amount);
event Finalized();
function SimpleToken() public
finalized = false;
// Implementation of the standard transfer method that takes into account the finalize flag.
function transfer(address _to, uint256 _value) public returns (bool success) {
checkTransferAllowed(msg.sender, _to);
return super.transfer(_to, _value);
// Implementation of the standard transferFrom method that takes into account the finalize flag.
function transferFrom(address _from, address _to, uint256 _value) public returns (bool success) {
checkTransferAllowed(msg.sender, _to);
return super.transferFrom(_from, _to, _value);
function checkTransferAllowed(address _sender, address _to) private view {
if (finalized) {
// Everybody should be ok to transfer once the token is finalized.
// Owner and Ops are allowed to transfer tokens before the sale is finalized.
// This allows the tokens to move from the TokenSale contract to a beneficiary.
// We also allow someone to send tokens back to the owner. This is useful among other
// cases, for the Trustee to transfer unlocked tokens back to the owner (reclaimTokens).
require(isOwnerOrOps(_sender) || _to == owner);
// Implement a burn function to permit msg.sender to reduce its balance
// which also reduces tokenTotalSupply
function burn(uint256 _value) public returns (bool success) {
require(_value <= balances[msg.sender]);
balances[msg.sender] = balances[msg.sender].sub(_value);
tokenTotalSupply = tokenTotalSupply.sub(_value);
Burnt(msg.sender, _value);
return true;
// Finalize method marks the point where token transfers are finally allowed for everybody.
function finalize() external onlyAdmin returns (bool success) {
finalized = true;
return true;
// Implements a simple trustee which can release tokens based on
// an explicit call from the owner.
// Permissions, according to the ST key management specification.
// Owner Admin Ops Revoke
// grantAllocation x x
// revokeAllocation x
// processAllocation x
// reclaimTokens x
// setRevokeAddress x x
contract Trustee is OpsManaged {
using SafeMath for uint256;
SimpleToken public tokenContract;
struct Allocation {
uint256 amountGranted;
uint256 amountTransferred;
bool revokable;
// The trustee has a special 'revoke' key which is allowed to revoke allocations.
address public revokeAddress;
// Total number of tokens that are currently allocated.
// This does not include tokens that have been processed (sent to an address) already or
// the ones in the trustee's account that have not been allocated yet.
uint256 public totalLocked;
mapping (address => Allocation) public allocations;
// Events
event AllocationGranted(address indexed _from, address indexed _account, uint256 _amount, bool _revokable);
event AllocationRevoked(address indexed _from, address indexed _account, uint256 _amountRevoked);
event AllocationProcessed(address indexed _from, address indexed _account, uint256 _amount);
event RevokeAddressChanged(address indexed _newAddress);
event TokensReclaimed(uint256 _amount);
function Trustee(SimpleToken _tokenContract) public
require(address(_tokenContract) != address(0));
tokenContract = _tokenContract;
modifier onlyOwnerOrRevoke() {
require(isOwner(msg.sender) || isRevoke(msg.sender));
modifier onlyRevoke() {
function isRevoke(address _address) private view returns (bool) {
return (revokeAddress != address(0) && _address == revokeAddress);
// Owner and revoke can change the revoke address. Address can also be set to 0 to 'disable' it.
function setRevokeAddress(address _revokeAddress) external onlyOwnerOrRevoke returns (bool) {
require(_revokeAddress != owner);
revokeAddress = _revokeAddress;
return true;
// Allows admin or ops to create new allocations for a specific account.
function grantAllocation(address _account, uint256 _amount, bool _revokable) public onlyAdminOrOps returns (bool) {
require(_account != address(0));
require(_account != address(this));
require(_amount > 0);
// Can't create an allocation if there is already one for this account.
require(allocations[_account].amountGranted == 0);
if (isOps(msg.sender)) {
// Once the token contract is finalized, the ops key should not be able to grant allocations any longer.
// Before finalized, it is used by the TokenSale contract to allocate pre-sales.
totalLocked = totalLocked.add(_amount);
require(totalLocked <= tokenContract.balanceOf(address(this)));
allocations[_account] = Allocation({
amountGranted : _amount,
amountTransferred : 0,
revokable : _revokable
AllocationGranted(msg.sender, _account, _amount, _revokable);
return true;
// Allows the revoke key to revoke allocations, if revoke is allowed.
function revokeAllocation(address _account) external onlyRevoke returns (bool) {
require(_account != address(0));
Allocation memory allocation = allocations[_account];
uint256 ownerRefund = allocation.amountGranted.sub(allocation.amountTransferred);
delete allocations[_account];
totalLocked = totalLocked.sub(ownerRefund);
AllocationRevoked(msg.sender, _account, ownerRefund);
return true;
// Push model which allows ops to transfer tokens to the beneficiary.
// The exact amount to transfer is calculated based on agreements with
// the beneficiaries. Here we only restrict that the total amount transfered cannot
// exceed what has been granted.
function processAllocation(address _account, uint256 _amount) external onlyOps returns (bool) {
require(_account != address(0));
require(_amount > 0);
Allocation storage allocation = allocations[_account];
require(allocation.amountGranted > 0);
uint256 transferable = allocation.amountGranted.sub(allocation.amountTransferred);
if (transferable < _amount) {
return false;
allocation.amountTransferred = allocation.amountTransferred.add(_amount);
// Note that transfer will fail if the token contract has not been finalized yet.
require(tokenContract.transfer(_account, _amount));
totalLocked = totalLocked.sub(_amount);
AllocationProcessed(msg.sender, _account, _amount);
return true;
// Allows the admin to claim back all tokens that are not currently allocated.
// Note that the trustee should be able to move tokens even before the token is
// finalized because SimpleToken allows sending back to owner specifically.
function reclaimTokens() external onlyAdmin returns (bool) {
uint256 ownBalance = tokenContract.balanceOf(address(this));
// If balance <= amount locked, there is nothing to reclaim.
require(ownBalance > totalLocked);
uint256 amountReclaimed = ownBalance.sub(totalLocked);
address tokenOwner = tokenContract.owner();
require(tokenOwner != address(0));
require(tokenContract.transfer(tokenOwner, amountReclaimed));
return true;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Pausable Contract Implementation
// Copyright (c) 2017 OpenST Ltd.
// The MIT Licence.
// Based on the Pausable contract by the OpenZeppelin team.
// Copyright (c) 2016 Smart Contract Solutions, Inc.
// The MIT License.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
contract Pausable is OpsManaged {
event Pause();
event Unpause();
bool public paused = false;
modifier whenNotPaused() {
modifier whenPaused() {
function pause() public onlyAdmin whenNotPaused {
paused = true;
function unpause() public onlyAdmin whenPaused {
paused = false;
contract TokenSaleConfig is SimpleTokenConfig {
uint256 public constant PHASE1_START_TIME = 1510664400; // 2017-11-14, 13:00:00 UTC
uint256 public constant PHASE2_START_TIME = 1510750800; // 2017-11-15, 13:00:00 UTC
uint256 public constant END_TIME = 1512133199; // 2017-12-01, 12:59:59 UTC
uint256 public constant CONTRIBUTION_MIN = 0.1 ether;
uint256 public constant CONTRIBUTION_MAX = 10000.0 ether;
// This is the maximum number of tokens each individual account is allowed to
// buy during Phase 1 of the token sale (whitelisted phase)
// Calculated based on 300 USD/ETH * 10 ETH / 0.0833 USD / token = ~36,000
uint256 public constant PHASE1_ACCOUNT_TOKENS_MAX = 36000 * DECIMALSFACTOR;
uint256 public constant TOKENS_SALE = 240000000 * DECIMALSFACTOR;
uint256 public constant TOKENS_FOUNDERS = 80000000 * DECIMALSFACTOR;
uint256 public constant TOKENS_ADVISORS = 80000000 * DECIMALSFACTOR;
uint256 public constant TOKENS_EARLY_BACKERS = 44884831 * DECIMALSFACTOR;
uint256 public constant TOKENS_ACCELERATOR = 217600000 * DECIMALSFACTOR;
uint256 public constant TOKENS_FUTURE = 137515169 * DECIMALSFACTOR;
// We use a default for when the contract is deployed but this can be changed afterwards
// by calling the setTokensPerKEther function
// For the public sale, tokens are priced at 0.0833 USD/token.
// So if we have 300 USD/ETH -> 300,000 USD/KETH / 0.0833 USD/token = ~3,600,000
uint256 public constant TOKENS_PER_KETHER = 3600000;
// Constant used by buyTokens as part of the cost <-> tokens conversion.
// 18 for ETH -> WEI, TOKEN_DECIMALS (18 for Simple Token), 3 for the K in tokensPerKEther.
uint256 public constant PURCHASE_DIVIDER = 10**(uint256(18) - TOKEN_DECIMALS + 3);
// Implementation of the 1st token sale for Simple Token
// * Lifecycle *
// Initialization sequence should be as follow:
// 1. Deploy SimpleToken contract
// 2. Deploy Trustee contract
// 3. Deploy TokenSale contract
// 4. Set operationsAddress of SimpleToken contract to TokenSale contract
// 5. Set operationsAddress of Trustee contract to TokenSale contract
// 6. Set operationsAddress of TokenSale contract to some address
// 7. Transfer tokens from owner to TokenSale contract
// 8. Transfer tokens from owner to Trustee contract
// 9. Initialize TokenSale contract
// Pre-sale sequence:
// - Set tokensPerKEther
// - Set phase1AccountTokensMax
// - Add presales
// - Add allocations for founders, advisors, etc.
// - Update whitelist
// After-sale sequence:
// 1. Finalize the TokenSale contract
// 2. Finalize the SimpleToken contract
// 3. Set operationsAddress of TokenSale contract to 0
// 4. Set operationsAddress of SimpleToken contract to 0
// 5. Set operationsAddress of Trustee contract to some address
// Anytime
// - Add/Remove allocations
// Permissions, according to the ST key management specification.
// Owner Admin Ops
// initialize x
// changeWallet x
// updateWhitelist x
// setTokensPerKEther x
// setPhase1AccountTokensMax x
// addPresale x
// pause / unpause x
// reclaimTokens x
// burnUnsoldTokens x
// finalize x
contract TokenSale is OpsManaged, Pausable, TokenSaleConfig { // Pausable is also Owned
using SafeMath for uint256;
// We keep track of whether the sale has been finalized, at which point
// no additional contributions will be permitted.
bool public finalized;
// The sale end time is initially defined by the END_TIME constant but it
// may get extended if the sale is paused.
uint256 public endTime;
uint256 public pausedTime;
// Number of tokens per 1000 ETH. See TokenSaleConfig for details.
uint256 public tokensPerKEther;
// Keeps track of the maximum amount of tokens that an account is allowed to purchase in phase 1.
uint256 public phase1AccountTokensMax;
// Address where the funds collected during the sale will be forwarded.
address public wallet;
// Token contract that the sale contract will interact with.
SimpleToken public tokenContract;
// Trustee contract to hold on token balances. The following token pools will be held by trustee:
// - Founders
// - Advisors
// - Early investors
// - Presales
Trustee public trusteeContract;
// Total amount of tokens sold during presale + public sale. Excludes pre-sale bonuses.
uint256 public totalTokensSold;
// Total amount of tokens given as bonus during presale. Will influence accelerator token balance.
uint256 public totalPresaleBase;
uint256 public totalPresaleBonus;
// Map of addresses that have been whitelisted in advance (and passed KYC).
// The whitelist value indicates what phase (1 or 2) the address has been whitelisted for.
// Addresses whitelisted for phase 1 can also contribute during phase 2.
mapping(address => uint8) public whitelist;
event Initialized();
event PresaleAdded(address indexed _account, uint256 _baseTokens, uint256 _bonusTokens);
event WhitelistUpdated(address indexed _account, uint8 _phase);
event TokensPurchased(address indexed _beneficiary, uint256 _cost, uint256 _tokens, uint256 _totalSold);
event TokensPerKEtherUpdated(uint256 _amount);
event Phase1AccountTokensMaxUpdated(uint256 _tokens);
event WalletChanged(address _newWallet);
event TokensReclaimed(uint256 _amount);
event UnsoldTokensBurnt(uint256 _amount);
event Finalized();
function TokenSale(SimpleToken _tokenContract, Trustee _trusteeContract, address _wallet) public
require(address(_tokenContract) != address(0));
require(address(_trusteeContract) != address(0));
require(_wallet != address(0));
require(PHASE1_START_TIME >= currentTime());
require(TOKENS_PER_KETHER > 0);
// Basic check that the constants add up to TOKENS_MAX
require(partialAllocations.add(TOKENS_SALE).add(TOKENS_ACCELERATOR).add(TOKENS_FUTURE) == TOKENS_MAX);
wallet = _wallet;
pausedTime = 0;
endTime = END_TIME;
finalized = false;
tokensPerKEther = TOKENS_PER_KETHER;
phase1AccountTokensMax = PHASE1_ACCOUNT_TOKENS_MAX;
tokenContract = _tokenContract;
trusteeContract = _trusteeContract;
// Initialize is called to check some configuration parameters.
// It expects that a certain amount of tokens have already been assigned to the sale contract address.
function initialize() external onlyOwner returns (bool) {
require(totalTokensSold == 0);
require(totalPresaleBase == 0);
require(totalPresaleBonus == 0);
uint256 ownBalance = tokenContract.balanceOf(address(this));
require(ownBalance == TOKENS_SALE);
// Simple check to confirm that tokens are present
uint256 trusteeBalance = tokenContract.balanceOf(address(trusteeContract));
require(trusteeBalance >= TOKENS_FUTURE);
return true;
// Allows the admin to change the wallet where ETH contributions are sent.
function changeWallet(address _wallet) external onlyAdmin returns (bool) {
require(_wallet != address(0));
require(_wallet != address(this));
require(_wallet != address(trusteeContract));
require(_wallet != address(tokenContract));
wallet = _wallet;
return true;
function currentTime() public view returns (uint256 _currentTime) {
return now;
modifier onlyBeforeSale() {
require(hasSaleEnded() == false);
require(currentTime() < PHASE1_START_TIME);
modifier onlyDuringSale() {
require(hasSaleEnded() == false && currentTime() >= PHASE1_START_TIME);
modifier onlyAfterSale() {
// require finalized is stronger than hasSaleEnded
function hasSaleEnded() private view returns (bool) {
// if sold out or finalized, sale has ended
if (totalTokensSold >= TOKENS_SALE || finalized) {
return true;
// else if sale is not paused (pausedTime = 0)
// and endtime has past, then sale has ended
} else if (pausedTime == 0 && currentTime() >= endTime) {
return true;
// otherwise it is not past and not paused; or paused
// and as such not ended
} else {
return false;
// Allows ops to add accounts to the whitelist.
// Only those accounts will be allowed to contribute during the sale.
// _phase = 1: Can contribute during phases 1 and 2 of the sale.
// _phase = 2: Can contribute during phase 2 of the sale only.
// _phase = 0: Cannot contribute at all (not whitelisted).
function updateWhitelist(address _account, uint8 _phase) external onlyOps returns (bool) {
require(_account != address(0));
require(_phase <= 2);
whitelist[_account] = _phase;
WhitelistUpdated(_account, _phase);
return true;
// Allows the admin to set the price for tokens sold during phases 1 and 2 of the sale.
function setTokensPerKEther(uint256 _tokensPerKEther) external onlyAdmin onlyBeforeSale returns (bool) {
require(_tokensPerKEther > 0);
tokensPerKEther = _tokensPerKEther;
return true;
// Allows the admin to set the maximum amount of tokens that an account can buy during phase 1 of the sale.
function setPhase1AccountTokensMax(uint256 _tokens) external onlyAdmin onlyBeforeSale returns (bool) {
require(_tokens > 0);
phase1AccountTokensMax = _tokens;
return true;
function () external payable whenNotPaused onlyDuringSale {
// This is the main function to process incoming ETH contributions.
function buyTokens() public payable whenNotPaused onlyDuringSale returns (bool) {
require(msg.value >= CONTRIBUTION_MIN);
require(msg.value <= CONTRIBUTION_MAX);
require(totalTokensSold < TOKENS_SALE);
// All accounts need to be whitelisted to purchase.
uint8 whitelistedPhase = whitelist[msg.sender];
require(whitelistedPhase > 0);
uint256 tokensMax = TOKENS_SALE.sub(totalTokensSold);
if (currentTime() < PHASE2_START_TIME) {
// We are in phase 1 of the sale
require(whitelistedPhase == 1);
uint256 accountBalance = tokenContract.balanceOf(msg.sender);
// Can only purchase up to a maximum per account.
// Calculate how much of that amount is still available.
uint256 phase1Balance = phase1AccountTokensMax.sub(accountBalance);
if (phase1Balance < tokensMax) {
tokensMax = phase1Balance;
require(tokensMax > 0);
uint256 tokensBought = msg.value.mul(tokensPerKEther).div(PURCHASE_DIVIDER);
require(tokensBought > 0);
uint256 cost = msg.value;
uint256 refund = 0;
if (tokensBought > tokensMax) {
// Not enough tokens available for full contribution, we will do partial.
tokensBought = tokensMax;
// Calculate actual cost for partial amount of tokens.
cost = tokensBought.mul(PURCHASE_DIVIDER).div(tokensPerKEther);
// Calculate refund for contributor.
refund = msg.value.sub(cost);
totalTokensSold = totalTokensSold.add(tokensBought);
// Transfer tokens to the account
require(tokenContract.transfer(msg.sender, tokensBought));
// Issue a ETH refund for any unused portion of the funds.
if (refund > 0) {
// Transfer the contribution to the wallet
TokensPurchased(msg.sender, cost, tokensBought, totalTokensSold);
// If all tokens available for sale have been sold out, finalize the sale automatically.
if (totalTokensSold == TOKENS_SALE) {
return true;
// Allows the admin to record pre-sales, before the public sale starts. Presale base tokens come out of the
// main sale pool (the 30% allocation) while bonus tokens come from the remaining token pool.
function addPresale(address _account, uint256 _baseTokens, uint256 _bonusTokens) external onlyAdmin onlyBeforeSale returns (bool) {
require(_account != address(0));
// Presales may have 0 bonus tokens but need to have a base amount of tokens sold.
require(_baseTokens > 0);
require(_bonusTokens < _baseTokens);
// We do not count bonus tokens as part of the sale cap.
totalTokensSold = totalTokensSold.add(_baseTokens);
require(totalTokensSold <= TOKENS_SALE);
uint256 ownBalance = tokenContract.balanceOf(address(this));
require(_baseTokens <= ownBalance);
totalPresaleBase = totalPresaleBase.add(_baseTokens);
totalPresaleBonus = totalPresaleBonus.add(_bonusTokens);
// Move base tokens to the trustee
require(tokenContract.transfer(address(trusteeContract), _baseTokens));
// Presale allocations are marked as locked, they cannot be removed by the owner.
uint256 tokens = _baseTokens.add(_bonusTokens);
require(trusteeContract.grantAllocation(_account, tokens, false /* revokable */));
PresaleAdded(_account, _baseTokens, _bonusTokens);
return true;
// Allows the owner or admin to pause the sale for any reason.
function pause() public onlyAdmin whenNotPaused {
require(hasSaleEnded() == false);
pausedTime = currentTime();
return super.pause();
// Unpause may extend the end time of the public sale.
// Note that we do not extend the start time of each phase.
// Currently does not extend phase 1 end time, only final end time.
function unpause() public onlyAdmin whenPaused {
// If owner unpauses before sale starts, no impact on end time.
uint256 current = currentTime();
// If owner unpauses after sale starts, calculate how to extend end.
if (current > PHASE1_START_TIME) {
uint256 timeDelta;
if (pausedTime < PHASE1_START_TIME) {
// Pause was triggered before the start time, extend by time that
// passed from proposed start time until now.
timeDelta = current.sub(PHASE1_START_TIME);
} else {
// Pause was triggered while the sale was already started.
// Extend end time by amount of time since pause.
timeDelta = current.sub(pausedTime);
endTime = endTime.add(timeDelta);
pausedTime = 0;
return super.unpause();
// Allows the admin to move bonus tokens still available in the sale contract
// out before burning all remaining unsold tokens in burnUnsoldTokens().
// Used to distribute bonuses to token sale participants when the sale has ended
// and all bonuses are known.
function reclaimTokens(uint256 _amount) external onlyAfterSale onlyAdmin returns (bool) {
uint256 ownBalance = tokenContract.balanceOf(address(this));
require(_amount <= ownBalance);
address tokenOwner = tokenContract.owner();
require(tokenOwner != address(0));
require(tokenContract.transfer(tokenOwner, _amount));
return true;
// Allows the admin to burn all unsold tokens in the sale contract.
function burnUnsoldTokens() external onlyAfterSale onlyAdmin returns (bool) {
uint256 ownBalance = tokenContract.balanceOf(address(this));
return true;
// Allows the admin to finalize the sale and complete allocations.
// The SimpleToken.admin also needs to finalize the token contract
// so that token transfers are enabled.
function finalize() external onlyAdmin returns (bool) {
return finalizeInternal();
// The internal one will be called if tokens are sold out or
// the end time for the sale is reached, in addition to being called
// from the public version of finalize().
function finalizeInternal() private returns (bool) {
finalized = true;
return true;
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