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Created March 21, 2024 23:07
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This example script allows a Google Cloud Healthcare API DICOM Store user to change the StorageClass across all studies. The script reads all StudyUIDs from a metadata BigQuery table, assuming the study metadata has been streamed to BigQuery, then creates a CloudStorage list with those study resources, and finally makes a call to a Healthare API…
# set -x
# This example script allows a Google Cloud Healthcare API DICOM Store user to change the StorageClass across all studies.
# High level instructions can be found at the following:
#TODO: Set to your DICOM store path
#TODO: Set to a bucket you created
#TODO: Set to the BQ table view for your DICOM metadata
#TODO: Set to the StorageClass you prefer
# Query for all studies grouped by StudyInstanceUID and construct study resource paths
QUERY='SELECT CONCAT("/studies/", StudyInstanceUID) FROM '$BQ_TABLE' GROUP BY StudyInstanceUID'
printf "[*] Creating study list from query\n"
bq query --max_rows=100000000 --format=csv --use_legacy_sql=false $QUERY 2>/dev/null | awk 'NR>1' > $STUDIES_FILE
FOUND=`wc -l $STUDIES_FILE | cut -d' ' -f1`
if [ "$FOUND" = 0 ]; then
printf "[*] No studies found. Check query?\n"; exit 1
# TODO: If you need to make the bucket
# gsutil mb $GCS_BUCKET
printf "[*] Confirm changing the StorageClass for $FOUND studies to $STORAGE_CLASS (y/n)? "
read cont
if [ "$cont" == "${cont#[Yy]}" ]; then
exit 0
# Put the file with all studies into a GCS object
# Create a request file for the POST body
echo "{\"filter_config\":{\"resource_paths_gcs_uri\":\"$GCS_BUCKET/$STUDIES_FILE\"},\"blobStorageSettings\":{\"blob_storage_class\":\"$STORAGE_CLASS\"}}" > $REQUEST_FILE
# Create the request, which should yield a Long-Running Operation
curl -X POST \
-H "Authorization: Bearer $(gcloud auth print-access-token)" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d @request.json \
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