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Created October 6, 2017 03:14
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// Falling water
// Calculate the area of sum of areas of water that would be captured in
// valleys of water along a series of constant-width variable-height columns.
// The geometry is grid based meaning there are no curves in this world.
const log = console.log
const sumPools = (cs) => {
let start = null
let end = null
let currentPoolArea = 0
let areaSum = 0
for (let i=0; i < cs.length; i++) {
// Detect pool ending
if (start !== null && (i === cs.length - 1 || cs[start] <= cs[i])) {
end = i
// Detect pool starting
} else if (start === null && cs[i] < cs[i-1]) {
start = i - 1
currentPoolArea += cs[start] - cs[i]
// Detect pool content
} else if (start !== null) {
currentPoolArea += cs[start] - cs[i]
log(start, end, currentPoolArea)
// Once we have found a pool, compute its size and
// reset our state so that we can continue searching
if (start !== null && end !== null) {
log("computing pool of gross size %s", currentPoolArea)
// Water will only rise as high as the lowest column,
// therefore find the rectangle between start<>end above
// said min and subtract it from the pool
let overflowW = end - (start === 0 ? 1 : start)
let overflowH =
(cs[start] > cs[end] ? cs[start] : cs[end]) // max
(cs[start] > cs[end] ? cs[end] : cs[start]) // min
let overflowArea = overflowH * overflowW
// log('overflowW x overflowH', overflowW, overflowH)
// log('overflowArea', overflowArea)
areaSum += currentPoolArea - overflowArea
currentPoolArea = 0
start = null
end = null
return areaSum
const test = (testCases) => {
testCases.forEach((c, i) => {
log("case #%s ==> %s === %s", i, sumPools(c.input), c.output)
// // zero cases
// { input: [0], output: 0 },
// { input: [1,1], output: 0 },
// { input: [1,2,3,4,5], output: 0 },
// // trivial case, first fall appears to make start = i0 (10)
// { input: [10,1,1,10], output: 18 },
// // harder, see how start = i1 (5) here, not i0, depends on end
// { input: [10,5,0,0,5], output: 10 },
// // two trivial pools
// { input: [10,1,1,10,1,1,10], output: 36 },
// // two harder pools
// { input: [10,5,0,0,5,5,4,0,0,4], output: 18 },
{ input: [10,0,5,0,2], output: 7 },
module.exports = sumPools
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