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Created June 14, 2022 06:07
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Brew Help:
Display the version of Homebrew.
$ brew --version
Print Help Information
$ brew help
Print Help Info for a brew command
$ brew help <command>
Check system for potential problems.
$ brew doctor
Brew Updates
Fetch latest version of homebrew and formula
$ brew update
Show formulae with an updated version available
S brew outdated
Upgrade all outdated and unpinned brews
§brew upgrade
Upgrade only the specified brew
$ brew upgrade <formula>
Prevent the specified formulae from being
$ brew pin <formula>
Allow the specified formulae to be upgraded.
$ brew unpin <formula>
Brew Repositories
List all the current tapped repositories (taps)
$ brew tap
Tap a formula repository from Github using https
for tap
$ brew tap <user/repo>
Tap a formula repository from the specified URL
$ brew tap <user/repo> <URL>
Remove the given tap from the repository
$ brew untap <user/repo>
Brew Cask
Tap the Cask repository from Github.
$ brew tap homebrew/cask
List all the installed casks.
$ brew cask list
Search all known casks based on the substring
$ brew search «text>
Install the given cask.
$ brew cask install <cask>
Reinstalls the given Cask
$ brew cask reinstall «cask>
Uninstall the given cask.
Shrew rack uninstall eracks
Brew Search, Install, Remove
List all the installed formulae.
§brew list
Display all locally available formulae for brewing.
$ brew search
Perform a substring search of formulae names for
$ brew search <text>
Display information about the formula
$ brew info «formula>
Install the formula.
$ brew install <formula>
Uninstall the formula.
$ brew uninstall <formula>
Brew Cleanup
Remove older versions of installed formulae.
$ brew cleanup
Remove older versions of specified formula.
brew cleanup formula>
Display all formula that will be removed (dry run)
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