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Created September 17, 2009 19:11
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require 'win32ole'
#PUTS-ing Route table
ole = WIN32OLE.connect("winmgmts://")
query = "select * from Win32_IP4RouteTable"
puts "Network Address\t\tNetmask\t\tGateway Address\t\tMetric"
ole.ExecQuery(query).each do |route|
puts "#{route.Destination}\t\t#{route.Mask}\t\t#{route.NextHop}\t\t#{route.Metric1}"
#PUTS-ing ipconfig type stuff
query = "select * from Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration where IPEnabled = True"
ole.ExecQuery(query).each do |nic|
puts nic.IpAddress
puts nic.IpSubnet
puts nic.DefaultIPGateway
puts nic.DNSHostName
#PUTS-ing Registry entries
obj ='WScript.Shell')
path = "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Path\\To\\Where\\U\\Want\\2\\B\\"
ubd_key = "UserBaseDir"
sql_connect_key = "SQLConnectString"
crlbd_key = "CRLBaseDir"
a = [ubd_key, sql_connect_key, crlbd_key]
a.each do |key|
puts obj.RegRead("#{path}#{key}")
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