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Created June 17, 2012 18:03
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Powerline fancy statusline
;;; mainline.el --- modeline replacement forked from powerline.el
;; Author: Jason Milkins
;; Version: 1.0.2
;; Keywords: statusline / modeline
;;; Changelog:
;; 1.0.1 : added additional xpm shape chamfer14, adjusted chamfer xpm.
;; : mainline-color1, mainline-color2, mainline-arrow-shape
;; : - are now custom variables, to make them available via customize.
;; : - they could be set from deftheme: custom-theme-set-variables
;; : - already, so Emacs24 color themes can set them.
;; 1.0 : added additional xpm shapes.
;;; Commentary:
;;; This is a fork of powerline.el which I began while the original
;;; authorship of powerline was unknown, I will gladly add in
;;; accreditation to the proper author(s), please drop me a line at
;;; and let me know if you have historical
;;; information about poweline.
;;; This fork will not be developed further, the powerline
;;; authors/maintainers are invited to extract the additional
;;; functionality / graphics from here, permission is preemptively
;;; given (and none is needed)
;;; Additional shapes added:
;;; chamfer, rounded, slant, slant-left, slant-right
;;; Using mainline.el.
;;; Add a require to .emacs (or install from elpa/marmalade which will
;;; setup autoloads)
;;; (require 'mainline)
;;; You can customize the separator graphic by setting the custom variable
;;; mainline-arrow-shape
;;; possible values:
;;; chamfer
;;; chamfer14 (default)
;;; rounded
;;; arrow
;;; arrow-14
;;; slant
;;; slant-left
;;; slant-right;
;;; half
;;; percent
;;; curve
;;; For screenshots and additional info see the article at:
(defcustom mainline-color1 "#123550"
"Mainline color 1 info blocks background")
(defcustom mainline-color2 "#112230"
"Mainline color 2 vcs info middle block background")
(defcustom mainline-arrow-shape 'chamfer14
"Mainline graphic shape")
(defvar mainline-minor-modes nil)
(set-face-attribute 'mode-line nil
:background "#112230"
:box nil)
(set-face-attribute 'mode-line-inactive nil
:box nil)
(scroll-bar-mode -1)
(defun chamfer-xpm
(color1 color2)
"Return an XPM chamfer string representing."
(format "/* XPM */
static char * chamfer[] = {
\"12 18 2 1\",
\"@ c %s\",
\" c %s\",
\"@@@@@@@ \",
\"@@@@@@@@ \",
\"@@@@@@@@@ \",
\"@@@@@@@@@ \",
\"@@@@@@@@@ \",
\"@@@@@@@@@ \",
\"@@@@@@@@@ \",
\"@@@@@@@@@ \",
\"@@@@@@@@@ \",
\"@@@@@@@@@ \",
\"@@@@@@@@@ \",
\"@@@@@@@@@ \",
\"@@@@@@@@@ \",
\"@@@@@@@@@ \",
\"@@@@@@@@@ \",
\"@@@@@@@@@ \",
\"@@@@@@@@@ \",
\"@@@@@@@@@ \",
\"@@@@@@@@@ \"};"
(if color1 color1 "None")
(if color2 color2 "None"))
'xpm t :ascent 'center))
(defun chamfer14-xpm
(color1 color2)
"Return an XPM chamfer string representing."
(format "/* XPM */
static char * chamfer[] = {
\"12 14 2 1\",
\"@ c %s\",
\" c %s\",
\"@@@@@@@ \",
\"@@@@@@@@ \",
\"@@@@@@@@@ \",
\"@@@@@@@@@ \",
\"@@@@@@@@@ \",
\"@@@@@@@@@ \",
\"@@@@@@@@@ \",
\"@@@@@@@@@ \",
\"@@@@@@@@@ \",
\"@@@@@@@@@ \",
\"@@@@@@@@@ \",
\"@@@@@@@@@ \",
\"@@@@@@@@@ \",
\"@@@@@@@@@ \"};"
(if color1 color1 "None")
(if color2 color2 "None"))
'xpm t :ascent 'center))
(defun rounded-xpm
(color1 color2)
"Return an XPM rounded string representing."
(format "/* XPM */
static char * rounded[] = {
\"12 18 2 1\",
\"@ c %s\",
\" c %s\",
\"@@@@ \",
\"@@@@@@ \",
\"@@@@@@@ \",
\"@@@@@@@@ \",
\"@@@@@@@@ \",
\"@@@@@@@@@ \",
\"@@@@@@@@@ \",
\"@@@@@@@@@ \",
\"@@@@@@@@@ \",
\"@@@@@@@@@ \",
\"@@@@@@@@@ \",
\"@@@@@@@@@ \",
\"@@@@@@@@@ \",
\"@@@@@@@@@ \",
\"@@@@@@@@@ \",
\"@@@@@@@@@ \",
\"@@@@@@@@@ \",
\"@@@@@@@@@ \"};"
(if color1 color1 "None")
(if color2 color2 "None"))
'xpm t :ascent 'center))
(defun slant-left-xpm
(color1 color2)
"Return an XPM left slant string representing."
(format "/* XPM */
static char * slant_left[] = {
\"12 18 2 1\",
\"@ c %s\",
\" c %s\",
\"@@@@ \",
\"@@@@ \",
\"@@@@@ \",
\"@@@@@ \",
\"@@@@@@ \",
\"@@@@@@ \",
\"@@@@@@@ \",
\"@@@@@@@ \",
\"@@@@@@@@ \",
\"@@@@@@@@ \",
\"@@@@@@@@@ \",
\"@@@@@@@@@ \",
\"@@@@@@@@@@ \",
\"@@@@@@@@@@ \",
\"@@@@@@@@@@@ \",
\"@@@@@@@@@@@ \",
\"@@@@@@@@@@@@ \",
(if color1 color1 "None")
(if color2 color2 "None"))
'xpm t :ascent 'center))
(defun slant-right-xpm
(color1 color2)
"Return an XPM right slant string representing@"
(format "/* XPM */
static char * slant_right[] = {
\"12 18 2 1\",
\"@ c %s\",
\" c %s\",
\" @@@@\",
\" @@@@\",
\" @@@@@\",
\" @@@@@\",
\" @@@@@@\",
\" @@@@@@\",
\" @@@@@@@\",
\" @@@@@@@\",
\" @@@@@@@@\",
\" @@@@@@@@\",
\" @@@@@@@@@\",
\" @@@@@@@@@\",
\" @@@@@@@@@@\",
\" @@@@@@@@@@\",
\" @@@@@@@@@@@\",
\" @@@@@@@@@@@\",
(if color2 color2 "None")
(if color1 color1 "None"))
'xpm t :ascent 'center))
(defun arrow-left-xpm
(color1 color2)
"Return an XPM left arrow string representing@"
(format "/* XPM */
static char * arrow_left[] = {
\"12 18 2 1\",
\"@ c %s\",
\" c %s\",
\"@ \",
\"@@ \",
\"@@@ \",
\"@@@@ \",
\"@@@@@ \",
\"@@@@@@ \",
\"@@@@@@@ \",
\"@@@@@@@@ \",
\"@@@@@@@@@ \",
\"@@@@@@@@@ \",
\"@@@@@@@@ \",
\"@@@@@@@ \",
\"@@@@@@ \",
\"@@@@@ \",
\"@@@@ \",
\"@@@ \",
\"@@ \",
\"@ \"};"
(if color1 color1 "None")
(if color2 color2 "None"))
'xpm t :ascent 'center))
(defun arrow-right-xpm
(color1 color2)
"Return an XPM right arrow string representing@"
(format "/* XPM */
static char * arrow_right[] = {
\"12 18 2 1\",
\"@ c %s\",
\" c %s\",
\" @\",
\" @@\",
\" @@@\",
\" @@@@\",
\" @@@@@\",
\" @@@@@@\",
\" @@@@@@@\",
\" @@@@@@@@\",
\" @@@@@@@@@\",
\" @@@@@@@@@\",
\" @@@@@@@@\",
\" @@@@@@@\",
\" @@@@@@\",
\" @@@@@\",
\" @@@@\",
\" @@@\",
\" @@\",
\" @\"};"
(if color2 color2 "None")
(if color1 color1 "None"))
'xpm t :ascent 'center))
(defun arrow14-left-xpm
(color1 color2)
"Return an XPM left arrow string representing@"
(format "/* XPM */
static char * arrow_left[] = {
\"12 14 2 1\",
\"@ c %s\",
\" c %s\",
\"@ \",
\"@@ \",
\"@@@ \",
\"@@@@ \",
\"@@@@@ \",
\"@@@@@@ \",
\"@@@@@@@ \",
\"@@@@@@@ \",
\"@@@@@@ \",
\"@@@@@ \",
\"@@@@ \",
\"@@@ \",
\"@@ \",
\"@ \"};"
(if color1 color1 "None")
(if color2 color2 "None"))
'xpm t :ascent 'center))
(defun arrow14-right-xpm
(color1 color2)
"Return an XPM right arrow string representing@"
(format "/* XPM */
static char * arrow_right[] = {
\"12 14 2 1\",
\"@ c %s\",
\" c %s\",
\" @\",
\" @@\",
\" @@@\",
\" @@@@\",
\" @@@@@\",
\" @@@@@@\",
\" @@@@@@@\",
\" @@@@@@@\",
\" @@@@@@\",
\" @@@@@\",
\" @@@@\",
\" @@@\",
\" @@\",
\" @\"};"
(if color2 color2 "None")
(if color1 color1 "None"))
'xpm t :ascent 'center))
(defun curve-right-xpm
(color1 color2)
"Return an XPM right curve string representing@"
(format "/* XPM */
static char * curve_right[] = {
\"12 18 2 1\",
\"@ c %s\",
\" c %s\",
\" @\",
\" @@@\",
\" @@@\",
\" @@@@@\",
\" @@@@@\",
\" @@@@@\",
\" @@@@@@\",
\" @@@@@@\",
\" @@@@@@\",
\" @@@@@@\",
\" @@@@@@\",
\" @@@@@@\",
\" @@@@@\",
\" @@@@@\",
\" @@@@@\",
\" @@@\",
\" @@@\",
\" @\"};"
(if color2 color2 "None")
(if color1 color1 "None"))
'xpm t :ascent 'center))
(defun curve-left-xpm
(color1 color2)
"Return an XPM left curve string representing@"
(format "/* XPM */
static char * curve_left[] = {
\"12 18 2 1\",
\"@ c %s\",
\" c %s\",
\"@ \",
\"@@@ \",
\"@@@ \",
\"@@@@@ \",
\"@@@@@ \",
\"@@@@@ \",
\"@@@@@@ \",
\"@@@@@@ \",
\"@@@@@@ \",
\"@@@@@@ \",
\"@@@@@@ \",
\"@@@@@@ \",
\"@@@@@ \",
\"@@@@@ \",
\"@@@@@ \",
\"@@@ \",
\"@@@ \",
\"@ \"};"
(if color1 color1 "None")
(if color2 color2 "None"))
'xpm t :ascent 'center))
(defun make-xpm
(name color1 color2 data)
"Return an XPM image for lol data"
(format "/* XPM */
static char * %s[] = {
\"%i %i 2 1\",
\"@ c %s\",
\" c %s\",
(downcase (replace-regexp-in-string " " "_" name))
(length (car data))
(length data)
(if color1 color1 "None")
(if color2 color2 "None"))
(let ((len (length data))
(idx 0))
(apply 'concat
(mapcar '(lambda (dl)
(setq idx (+ idx 1))
(mapcar '(lambda (d)
(if (eq d 0)
(string-to-char " ")
(string-to-char ".")))
(if (eq idx len)
'xpm t :ascent 'center))
(defun half-xpm
(color1 color2)
(make-xpm "half" color1 color2
(make-list 18
(append (make-list 6 0)
(make-list 6 1)))))
(defun percent-xpm
(pmax pmin we ws width color1 color2)
(let* ((fs (if (eq pmin ws)
(round (* 17 (/ (float ws) (float pmax))))))
(fe (if (eq pmax we)
(round (* 17 (/ (float we) (float pmax))))))
(o nil)
(i 0))
(while (< i 18)
(setq o (cons
(if (and (<= fs i)
(<= i fe))
(append (list 0) (make-list width 1) (list 0))
(append (list 0) (make-list width 0) (list 0)))
(setq i (+ i 1)))
(make-xpm "percent" color1 color2 (reverse o))))
;; from memoize.el @
(defun memoize (func)
"Memoize the given function. If argument is a symbol then
install the memoized function over the original function."
(typecase func
(symbol (fset func (memoize-wrap (symbol-function func))) func)
(function (memoize-wrap func))))
(defun memoize-wrap (func)
"Return the memoized version of the given function."
(let ((table-sym (gensym))
(val-sym (gensym))
(args-sym (gensym)))
(set table-sym (make-hash-table :test 'equal))
`(lambda (&rest ,args-sym)
,(concat (documentation func) "\n(memoized function)")
(let ((,val-sym (gethash ,args-sym ,table-sym)))
(if ,val-sym
(puthash ,args-sym (apply ,func ,args-sym) ,table-sym))))))
(memoize 'rounded-xpm)
(memoize 'chamfer-xpm)
(memoize 'chamfer14-xpm)
(memoize 'slant-left-xpm)
(memoize 'slant-right-xpm)
(memoize 'arrow-left-xpm)
(memoize 'arrow-right-xpm)
(memoize 'arrow14-left-xpm)
(memoize 'arrow14-right-xpm)
(memoize 'curve-left-xpm)
(memoize 'curve-right-xpm)
(memoize 'half-xpm)
(memoize 'percent-xpm)
(defun mainline-make-face
(bg &optional fg)
(if bg
(let ((cface (intern (concat "mainline-"
(if fg
(format "%s" fg)
(make-face cface)2
(if fg
(if (eq fg 0)
(set-face-attribute cface nil
:background bg
:box nil)
(set-face-attribute cface nil
:foreground fg
:background bg
:box nil))
(set-face-attribute cface nil
:foreground "white"
:background bg
:box nil))
(defun mainline-make-left
(string color1 &optional color2 localmap)
(let ((plface (mainline-make-face color1))
(arrow (and color2 (not (string= color1 color2)))))
(if (or (not string) (string= string ""))
(propertize " " 'face plface))
(if string
(if localmap
(propertize string 'face plface 'mouse-face plface 'local-map localmap)
(propertize string 'face plface))
(if arrow
(propertize " " 'face plface)
(if arrow
(propertize " " 'display
(cond ((eq mainline-arrow-shape 'arrow)
(arrow-left-xpm color1 color2))
((eq mainline-arrow-shape 'slant)
(slant-left-xpm color1 color2))
((eq mainline-arrow-shape 'chamfer)
(chamfer-xpm color1 color2))
((eq mainline-arrow-shape 'chamfer14)
(chamfer14-xpm color1 color2))
((eq mainline-arrow-shape 'rounded)
(rounded-xpm color1 color2))
((eq mainline-arrow-shape 'slant-left)
(slant-left-xpm color1 color2))
((eq mainline-arrow-shape 'slant-right)
(slant-right-xpm color1 color2))
((eq mainline-arrow-shape 'arrow14)
(arrow14-left-xpm color1 color2))
((eq mainline-arrow-shape 'curve)
(curve-left-xpm color1 color2))
((eq mainline-arrow-shape 'half)
(half-xpm color2 color1))
(arrow-left-xpm color1 color2)))
'local-map (make-mode-line-mouse-map
'mouse-1 (lambda () (interactive)
(setq mainline-arrow-shape
(cond ((eq mainline-arrow-shape 'chamfer) 'chamfer14)
((eq mainline-arrow-shape 'chamfer14) 'rounded)
((eq mainline-arrow-shape 'rounded) 'arrow)
((eq mainline-arrow-shape 'arrow) 'slant)
((eq mainline-arrow-shape 'slant) 'slant-left)
((eq mainline-arrow-shape 'slant-left) 'slant-right)
((eq mainline-arrow-shape 'slant-right) 'arrow14)
((eq mainline-arrow-shape 'arrow14) 'curve)
((eq mainline-arrow-shape 'curve) 'half)
((eq mainline-arrow-shape 'half) 'arrow)
(t 'chamfer)))
(defun mainline-make-right
(string color2 &optional color1 localmap)
(let ((plface (mainline-make-face color2))
(arrow (and color1 (not (string= color1 color2)))))
(if arrow
(propertize " " 'display
(cond ((eq mainline-arrow-shape 'arrow)
(arrow-right-xpm color1 color2))
((eq mainline-arrow-shape 'slant)
(slant-right-xpm color1 color2))
((eq mainline-arrow-shape 'rounded)
(rounded-xpm color1 color2))
((eq mainline-arrow-shape 'chamfer)
(chamfer-xpm color1 color2))
((eq mainline-arrow-shape 'chamfer14)
(chamfer14-xpm color1 color2))
((eq mainline-arrow-shape 'slant-left)
(slant-left-xpm color1 color2))
((eq mainline-arrow-shape 'slant-right)
(slant-right-xpm color1 color2))
((eq mainline-arrow-shape 'arrow14)
(arrow14-right-xpm color1 color2))
((eq mainline-arrow-shape 'curve)
(curve-right-xpm color1 color2))
((eq mainline-arrow-shape 'half)
(half-xpm color2 color1))
(arrow-right-xpm color1 color2)))
'local-map (make-mode-line-mouse-map
'mouse-1 (lambda () (interactive)
(setq mainline-arrow-shape
(cond ((eq mainline-arrow-shape 'chamfer) 'chamfer14)
((eq mainline-arrow-shape 'chamfer14) 'rounded)
((eq mainline-arrow-shape 'rounded) 'arrow)
((eq mainline-arrow-shape 'arrow) 'slant)
((eq mainline-arrow-shape 'slant) 'slant-left)
((eq mainline-arrow-shape 'slant-left) 'slant-right)
((eq mainline-arrow-shape 'slant-right) 'arrow14)
((eq mainline-arrow-shape 'arrow14) 'curve)
((eq mainline-arrow-shape 'curve) 'half)
((eq mainline-arrow-shape 'half) 'arrow)
(t 'chamfer)))
(if arrow
(propertize " " 'face plface)
(if string
(if localmap
(propertize string 'face plface 'mouse-face plface 'local-map localmap)
(propertize string 'face plface))
(if (or (not string) (string= string ""))
(propertize " " 'face plface)))))
(defun mainline-make-fill
;; justify right by filling with spaces to right fringe, 20 should be calculated
(let ((plface (mainline-make-face color)))
(if (eq 'right (get-scroll-bar-mode))
(propertize " " 'display '((space :align-to (- right-fringe 21)))
'face plface)
(propertize " " 'display '((space :align-to (- right-fringe 24)))
'face plface))))
(defun mainline-make-text
(string color &optional fg localmap)
(let ((plface (mainline-make-face color)))
(if string
(if localmap
(propertize string 'face plface 'mouse-face plface 'local-map localmap)
(propertize string 'face plface))
(defun mainline-make (side string color1 &optional color2 localmap)
(cond ((and (eq side 'right) color2) (mainline-make-right string color1 color2 localmap))
((and (eq side 'left) color2) (mainline-make-left string color1 color2 localmap))
((eq side 'left) (mainline-make-left string color1 color1 localmap))
((eq side 'right) (mainline-make-right string color1 color1 localmap))
(t (mainline-make-text string color1 localmap))))
(defmacro defmainline (name string)
`(defun ,(intern (concat "mainline-" (symbol-name name)))
(side color1 &optional color2)
(mainline-make side
color1 color2)))
(defun mainline-mouse (click-group click-type string)
(cond ((eq click-group 'minor)
(cond ((eq click-type 'menu)
`(lambda (event)
(interactive "@e")
(minor-mode-menu-from-indicator ,string)))
((eq click-type 'help)
`(lambda (event)
(interactive "@e")
(describe-minor-mode-from-indicator ,string)))
`(lambda (event)
(interactive "@e")
`(lambda (event)
(interactive "@e")
(defmainline arrow "")
(defmainline buffer-id (propertize (car (propertized-buffer-identification "%12b"))
'face (mainline-make-face color1)))
(defvar mainline-buffer-size-suffix t)
(defmainline buffer-size (propertize
(if mainline-buffer-size-suffix
'local-map (make-mode-line-mouse-map
'mouse-1 (lambda () (interactive)
(setq mainline-buffer-size-suffix
(not mainline-buffer-size-suffix))
(defmainline rmw "%*")
(defmainline major-mode
(propertize mode-name
'help-echo "Major mode\n\ mouse-1: Display major mode menu\n\ mouse-2: Show help for major mode\n\ mouse-3: Toggle minor modes"
'local-map (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
(define-key map [mode-line down-mouse-1]
`(menu-item ,(purecopy "Menu Bar") ignore
:filter (lambda (_) (mouse-menu-major-mode-map))))
(define-key map [mode-line mouse-2] 'describe-mode)
(define-key map [mode-line down-mouse-3] mode-line-mode-menu)
(defmainline minor-modes
(let ((mms (split-string (format-mode-line minor-mode-alist))))
(apply 'concat
(mapcar '(lambda (mm)
(propertize (if (string= (car mms) mm)
(concat " " mm))
'help-echo "Minor mode\n mouse-1: Display minor mode menu\n mouse-2: Show help for minor mode\n mouse-3: Toggle minor modes"
'local-map (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
(define-key map [mode-line down-mouse-1] (mainline-mouse 'minor 'menu mm))
(define-key map [mode-line mouse-2] (mainline-mouse 'minor 'help mm))
(define-key map [mode-line down-mouse-3] (mainline-mouse 'minor 'menu mm))
(define-key map [header-line down-mouse-3] (mainline-mouse 'minor 'menu mm))
map))) mms))))
(defmainline row "%4l")
(defmainline column "%3c")
(defmainline percent "%6p")
(defmainline narrow (let (real-point-min real-point-max)
(setq real-point-min (point-min) real-point-max (point-max))))
(when (or (/= real-point-min (point-min))
(/= real-point-max (point-max)))
(propertize "Narrow"
'help-echo "mouse-1: Remove narrowing from the current buffer"
'local-map (make-mode-line-mouse-map
'mouse-1 'mode-line-widen)))))
(defmainline status "%s")
(defmainline emacsclient mode-line-client)
(defmainline vc vc-mode)
(defmainline percent-xpm (propertize " "
(let (pmax
(ws (window-start))
(we (window-end)))
(setq pmax (point-max))
(setq pmin (point-min)))
(percent-xpm pmax pmin we ws 15 color1 color2))))
(setq-default mode-line-format
(list "%e"
'(:eval (concat
(mainline-rmw 'left nil )
(mainline-buffer-id 'left nil mainline-color1 )
(mainline-major-mode 'left mainline-color1 )
(mainline-minor-modes 'left mainline-color1 )
(mainline-narrow 'left mainline-color1 mainline-color2 )
(mainline-vc 'center mainline-color2 )
(mainline-make-fill mainline-color2 )
(mainline-row 'right mainline-color1 mainline-color2 )
(mainline-make-text ":" mainline-color1 )
(mainline-column 'right mainline-color1 )
(mainline-percent 'right nil mainline-color1 )
(mainline-make-text " " nil )))))
(provide 'mainline)
;;; mainline.el ends here
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