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Created May 28, 2010 05:34
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Spark project AS3 library list

Spark project AS3 library list

Graphics/Color (AS3)


3D (AS3)

Image Processing (AS3) -------------------

Sound (AS3)

Asyncronous Processing (AS3) -------------------

Network/Load (AS3)

Math/Physics (AS3)

Game Development (AS3) -------------------

Date/Time (AS3)

Text (AS3)

Browser (AS3)

Utility (AS3)

Progression (AS3)



Debug/Test (AS3)

Binary Processing (AS3) -------------------

Service Connection (AS3) -------------------

Device/Sensor (AS3)

etc (AS3)

ASDoc Template

"AverageColor", "", "A util-class to calculate the average between 2 colors (Hex, RGB or HSB format).", "Graphics/Color",
"Frocessing", "", "AS3 drawing library similar to Processing.", "Graphics/Color",
"gunyarapaint", "", "Painting component for picture blog.", "Graphics/Color",
"TeraFire", "", "Fire effect, useful to render animated candles or stoves.", "Graphics/Color",
"UniqueShape", "", "special form of Shape", "Graphics/Color",
"CurveLib", "", "Formula based curve drawing library.", "Graphics/Color",
"LCDBitmap", "", "Displays a BitmapData like a LCD display.", "Graphics/Color",
"SvgEditor", "", "A library for editing SVG formatted vector graphics data.", "Graphics/Color",
"RepeatButton", "", "Special button that triggers on mouse down after a delay in a given interval a event.", "DisplayObject/Filter",
"DepthManager", "", "The class to manage the depths of children within a DisplayObjectContainer", "DisplayObject/Filter",
"RepeatedClickDispatcher", "", "Dispatcher that sends events on a interval basis between mouse-down and mouse-up.", "DisplayObject/Filter",
"HikaToolTips", "", "Simple class to display tooltips.", "DisplayObject/Filter",
"FreezableMovieClip", "", "Util to freeze a MovieClip and all child MovieClips", "DisplayObject/Filter",
"Anime", "", "Class to simplify the playback by code of MovieClips.", "DisplayObject/Filter",
"JPPScrollbar", "", "Simple Scrollbar to be used by just adding it to the stage.", "DisplayObject/Filter",
"mouseZoom", "", "A library which offers events for zooming and panning by mouse-wheel and dragging.", "DisplayObject/Filter",
"BetweenAS3", "", "Fast, powerful and professional new tweening engine.", "DisplayObject/Filter",
"Metasequoia", "", "Papervision3D parser for .mqo (Metasequoia) files.", "3D",
"AS3D", "", "3D engine by muta.", "3D",
"FLARToolKit", "", "AS3 version of the ARToolKit.", "3D",
"Metasequoia(for Away3D)", "", "Away3D parser for .mqo (Metasequoia) files(ported from Metasequoia project).", "3D",
"FL3DViewer", "", "Viewer for various kinds of 3D models in Flash.", "3D",
"SeamCarving", "", "Seam carving image scaling algorithm that tries to safe important parts from being squeezed.", "Image Processing",
"PotrAs", "", "Generates vector graphics from a b/w image.", "Image Processing",
"PowerBalance", "", "Left/right aware moving object detection algorithm for Camera.", "Image Processing",
"ColorPickUper", "", "Main Color selecting util of BitmapDatas.", "Image Processing",
"Marilena", "", "AS3 port of the OpenCV Object detection algorithm.", "Image Processing",
"Escher", "", "Escher droste image effect class BitmapData.", "Image Processing",
"QRCodeReader", "", "Event based reading of QR codes.", "Image Processing",
"FaceIt", "", "AS 3.0 library for Face (or object) tracking.", "Image Processing",
"sazameki", "", "The Audio library to arrange or sounds the waveform which generated in Flash", "Sound",
"Craptune", "", "The MML sound library specified for game BGM", "Sound",
"BeatTimer", "", "The utility for the person who wants to do something sychronized with a rhythm.", "Sound",
"SiON", "", "Sound library for FlashPlayer 10, The PCM/FM/PSG sound module emulator, MML(Music Macro Language) compiler/sequencer and sound effectors are included.", "Sound",
"BeatDispatcher", "", "The libary to dispatch the event on every bar, beat or Tick value which registered. You can develop something like rhythm machine.", "Sound",
"ASound", "", "Easy audio library. (Planned to) Provide the API like DisplayObject.", "Sound",
"ASDeferred", "", "AS3 port of the JSDefered class.", "Async Processing",
"Chain", "", "Class to handle asynchronous processing easily.", "Async Processing",
"Thread/en", "", "Library to archive threading.", "Async Processing",
"ThreadViewer", "", "The AIR application to profile/monitor the ActionScript Thread's.", "Async Processing",
"ThreadStepProcessor", "", "Extension for the Thread Library to support multithreading with pseudo threads.", "Async Processing",
"Next", "", "Library to write asynchronous processing simpler.", "Async Processing",
"ForcibleLoader", "", "The loader to read the swf less than ver.9 as ver.9 form.", "Network/Load",
"AVM2Loader", "", "The subclass of Loader which load both AVM1, AVM2 swf as AVM2swf.", "Network/Load",
"GroupLoader", "", "The class to return the array of the BitmapData from the pushed image URL list.", "Network/Load",
"Cohesion Framework", "", "The framework project to create the multi user client using Socket (XMLSocket) easily", "Network/Load",
"ZipLoader", "", "Get the data from zip file directly like URLLoader", "Network/Load",
"Syndication", "", "The libary to whom wants to use the as3syndicationlib in Flash", "Network/Load",
"LineReader", "", "The class to help you read the line asyncronously from Socket, URLStream and FileStream", "Network/Load",
"MultipartFormDataBuilder", "", "Simple class to create the request for multipart/form-data request", "Network/Load",
"Graphoon", "", "Flex component and library to draw the graph which we learned at math class of junior or high school", "Math/Physics",
"JointModel", "", "Joint model", "Math/Physics",
"CollisionDetection", "", "The class to detect the collyoshihiko/Statistics", "Math/Physics",
"cannonML", "", "DSL library for barrage shooting", "Game Development",
"CharacterWalker", "", "Let the character of the "RPG Tsuku-ru" to walk with animation", "Game Development",
"GameAI", "", "Some libraries for Game AI", "Game Development",
"MyGameLib", "", "General library to utilize the messy processing when develop the game.", "Game Development",
"CountDown", "", "The class that returns the date, time until the Hideki's 60th birthday", "Date/Time",
"TeraClock", "", "You can create the clock. You can get two digit digital or angle of the analog clock handle data.", "Date/Time",
"SmartDate", "", "The class to treat the Date class intuitively.", "Date/Time",
"EnhancedTimer", "", "Enhanced timer which contain the date property.", "Date/Time",
"Eseclock", "", "You can develop something like UNIQLOCK", "Date/Time",
"CSVUtils", "", "Utility to process CSV files.", "Text",
"mmlemon/detect", "", "The library to detect the charactor code of a file.", "Text",
"Psycode", "", "Enhanced TextArea to input code.", "Text",
"RuntimeFontParser", "", "A port of a java library that can load .ttf/.otf fonts files at runtime into flash and display the glyphs.", "Text",
"SWFWheel", "", "The library to whom do not satisty at SWFMacMouseWheel", "Browser",
"SWFSize", "", "Reinvention of the wheel of the SWFForceSize", "Browser",
"OverlayFlash", "", "Supporting library to create the full-screen Flash contents.", "Browser",
"ASReflect", "", "The utility to do the reflection at ActionScript3 efficiently", "Utility",
"OverloadSupport", "", "Achieve the overload at AS3!", "Utility",
"TwoWayBinding", "", "The utility class to achieve the two-way bindings", "Utility",
"Flagment", "", "The Flag driven library", "Utility",
"CountTrigger", "", "Flag driven library based on counter", "Utility",
"AS3bind", "", "Currying like boost::bind", "Utility",
"HikaUrawaza", "", "The class to detect specifyed command and dispatch event.", "Utility",
"Recorder", "", "The class to record and remember the properties of the Object. You can bind the recorded properties on another Object.", "Utility",
"Pool", "", "The library for whom wants to keep using the newed object", "Utility",
"ECMAScript", "", "AS3 Port of yossy's ECMAScript-based scripting engine.", "Utility",
"kaede/MMExecute2", "", "Convenient MMExecute that connects SWFPanel and JSFL.", "Utility",
"swfJSFL", "", "The class to handle JSFL file as a class.", "Utility",
"Slides Library", "", "The library to create the presentation slide with timeline base", "Progression",
"EffectViewer", "", "The simple viewer for Progression3 to check how the several effects looks like when process together", "Progression",
"FlexTrace", "", "Custom trace() class for Flex", "Flex",
"CellCheckBox", "", "Custom CheckBox class for itemRenderer (require Flex 2 SDK)", "Flex",
"Genius Framework", "", "The framework to provide the architecture of the Flex application", "Flex",
"AirAutoUpdater", "", "Let to provide the update function to AIR application by writing just one line to the MXML", "Flex",
"AIRMigemo", "", "Migemo on AIR applications", "Flex",
"MEXSLT", "", "The library to generate the class from XML written by MXML like XSLT", "Flex",
"SQLControls", "", "The library to handle SQLite data easily from AIR application", "AIR",
"ChartData", "", "The library to display the chart at AIR application", "AIR",
"StreetView", "", "Google Maps Street View AIR application", "AIR",
"TLife", "", "Twitter client", "AIR",
"AirDao", "", "O/R Mapper for Adobe AIR", "AIR",
"AS3Unit", "", "The Unit test framework that can write by POJO like JUnit4", "Debug/Test",
"ASUnit", "", "A simple Unit test framework like JUnit3.8", "Debug/Test",
"Profiler", "", "The helper class to debug the memory leak", "Debug/Test",
"Dumper", "", "The class to Dump inside the Object and trace or display to the console of the firebug", "Debug/Test",
"Sanzoku", "", "The class to trace or display the properties of several Sprite/MovieClip to the firebug console", "Debug/Test",
"ASDebuger", "", "The library to handle the several Flash der with common interface", "Debug/Test",
"FlaProfiler", "", "The memory profiler for flash", "Debug/Test",
"swfassist", "", "The ActionScript library to create the SWF binary", "Binary Processing",
"BMPDecoder", "", "The decoder class to display the BMP file", "Binary Processing",
"ICODecoder", "", "The decoder class to display the ICO file", "Binary Processing",
"PSDParser", "", "The parser of the PSD file", "Binary Processing",
"Exif", "", "The library to get the Exif information from JPEG file", "Binary Processing",
"PlaceEngine", "", "The library to use the PlaceEngine service (that estimates location via Wi-Fi signals) from ActionScript", "Service Connection",
"Amazon", "", "The wrapper library to handle the Amazon Associates Web Service (A2S) easily", "Service Connection",
"SMSas", "", "The library to handle the motion sensor value of the MacBook", "Device/Sensor",
"ndsas", "", "The AS3 library to communicate with Nitendo DS", "Device/Sensor",
"iphoneas", "", "The AS3 library to comunicate with iPhone", "Device/Sensor",
"multitouch", "", "The library to create the multi tap application", "Device/Sensor",
"chumbyas", "", "The AS3 library to communicate with chumbt", "Device/Sensor",
"AOContainer", "", "Lightweight container for Dependency Injection.", "Dependency Injection"

sparklist = [
{ :name => "AverageColor", :homepageUrl => "", :description => "A util-class to calculate the average between 2 colors (Hex, RGB or HSB format).", :category => "Graphics/Color"},
{ :name => "Frocessing", :homepageUrl => "", :description => "AS3 drawing library similar to Processing.", :category => "Graphics/Color"},
{ :name => "gunyarapaint", :homepageUrl => "", :description => "Painting component for picture blog.", :category => "Graphics/Color"},
{ :name => "TeraFire", :homepageUrl => "", :description => "Fire effect, useful to render animated candles or stoves.", :category => "Graphics/Color"},
{ :name => "UniqueShape", :homepageUrl => "", :description => "special form of Shape", :category => "Graphics/Color"},
{ :name => "CurveLib", :homepageUrl => "", :description => "Formula based curve drawing library.", :category => "Graphics/Color"},
{ :name => "LCDBitmap", :homepageUrl => "", :description => "Displays a BitmapData like a LCD display.", :category => "Graphics/Color"},
{ :name => "SvgEditor", :homepageUrl => "", :description => "A library for editing SVG formatted vector graphics data.", :category => "Graphics/Color"},
{ :name => "RepeatButton", :homepageUrl => "", :description => "Special button that triggers on mouse down after a delay in a given interval a event.", :category => "DisplayObject/Filter"},
{ :name => "DepthManager", :homepageUrl => "", :description => "The class to manage the depths of children within a DisplayObjectContainer", :category => "DisplayObject/Filter"},
{ :name => "RepeatedClickDispatcher", :homepageUrl => "", :description => "Dispatcher that sends events on a interval basis between mouse-down and mouse-up.", :category => "DisplayObject/Filter"},
{ :name => "HikaToolTips", :homepageUrl => "", :description => "Simple class to display tooltips.", :category => "DisplayObject/Filter"},
{ :name => "FreezableMovieClip", :homepageUrl => "", :description => "Util to freeze a MovieClip and all child MovieClips", :category => "DisplayObject/Filter"},
{ :name => "Anime", :homepageUrl => "", :description => "Class to simplify the playback by code of MovieClips.", :category => "DisplayObject/Filter"},
{ :name => "JPPScrollbar", :homepageUrl => "", :description => "Simple Scrollbar to be used by just adding it to the stage.", :category => "DisplayObject/Filter"},
{ :name => "mouseZoom", :homepageUrl => "", :description => "A library which offers events for zooming and panning by mouse-wheel and dragging.", :category => "DisplayObject/Filter"},
{ :name => "BetweenAS3", :homepageUrl => "", :description => "Fast, powerful and professional new tweening engine.", :category => "DisplayObject/Filter"},
{ :name => "Metasequoia", :homepageUrl => "", :description => "Papervision3D parser for .mqo (Metasequoia) files.", :category => "3D"},
{ :name => "AS3D", :homepageUrl => "", :description => "3D engine by muta.", :category => "3D"},
{ :name => "FLARToolKit", :homepageUrl => "", :description => "AS3 version of the ARToolKit.", :category => "3D"},
{ :name => "Metasequoia(for Away3D)", :homepageUrl => "", :description => "Away3D parser for .mqo (Metasequoia) files(ported from Metasequoia project).", :category => "3D"},
{ :name => "FL3DViewer", :homepageUrl => "", :description => "Viewer for various kinds of 3D models in Flash.", :category => "3D"},
{ :name => "SeamCarving", :homepageUrl => "", :description => "Seam carving image scaling algorithm that tries to safe important parts from being squeezed.", :category => "Image Processing"},
{ :name => "PotrAs", :homepageUrl => "", :description => "Generates vector graphics from a b/w image.", :category => "Image Processing"},
{ :name => "PowerBalance", :homepageUrl => "", :description => "Left/right aware moving object detection algorithm for Camera.", :category => "Image Processing"},
{ :name => "ColorPickUper", :homepageUrl => "", :description => "Main Color selecting util of BitmapDatas.", :category => "Image Processing"},
{ :name => "Marilena", :homepageUrl => "", :description => "AS3 port of the OpenCV Object detection algorithm.", :category => "Image Processing"},
{ :name => "Escher", :homepageUrl => "", :description => "Escher droste image effect class BitmapData.", :category => "Image Processing"},
{ :name => "QRCodeReader", :homepageUrl => "", :description => "Event based reading of QR codes.", :category => "Image Processing"},
{ :name => "FaceIt", :homepageUrl => "", :description => "AS 3.0 library for Face (or object) tracking.", :category => "Image Processing"},
{ :name => "sazameki", :homepageUrl => "", :description => "The Audio library to arrange or sounds the waveform which generated in Flash", :category => "Sound"},
{ :name => "Craptune", :homepageUrl => "", :description => "The MML sound library specified for game BGM", :category => "Sound"},
{ :name => "BeatTimer", :homepageUrl => "", :description => "The utility for the person who wants to do something sychronized with a rhythm.", :category => "Sound"},
{ :name => "SiON", :homepageUrl => "", :description => "Sound library for FlashPlayer 10, The PCM/FM/PSG sound module emulator, MML(Music Macro Language) compiler/sequencer and sound effectors are included.", :category => "Sound"},
{ :name => "BeatDispatcher", :homepageUrl => "", :description => "The libary to dispatch the event on every bar, beat or Tick value which registered. You can develop something like rhythm machine.", :category => "Sound"},
{ :name => "ASound", :homepageUrl => "", :description => "Easy audio library. (Planned to) Provide the API like DisplayObject.", :category => "Sound"},
{ :name => "ASDeferred", :homepageUrl => "", :description => "AS3 port of the JSDefered class.", :category => "Async Processing"},
{ :name => "Chain", :homepageUrl => "", :description => "Class to handle asynchronous processing easily.", :category => "Async Processing"},
{ :name => "Thread/en", :homepageUrl => "", :description => "Library to archive threading.", :category => "Async Processing"},
{ :name => "ThreadViewer", :homepageUrl => "", :description => "The AIR application to profile/monitor the ActionScript Thread's.", :category => "Async Processing"},
{ :name => "ThreadStepProcessor", :homepageUrl => "", :description => "Extension for the Thread Library to support multithreading with pseudo threads.", :category => "Async Processing"},
{ :name => "Next", :homepageUrl => "", :description => "Library to write asynchronous processing simpler.", :category => "Async Processing"},
{ :name => "ForcibleLoader", :homepageUrl => "", :description => "The loader to read the swf less than ver.9 as ver.9 form.", :category => "Network/Load"},
{ :name => "AVM2Loader", :homepageUrl => "", :description => "The subclass of Loader which load both AVM1, AVM2 swf as AVM2swf.", :category => "Network/Load"},
{ :name => "GroupLoader", :homepageUrl => "", :description => "The class to return the array of the BitmapData from the pushed image URL list.", :category => "Network/Load"},
{ :name => "Cohesion Framework", :homepageUrl => "", :description => "The framework project to create the multi user client using Socket (XMLSocket) easily", :category => "Network/Load"},
{ :name => "ZipLoader", :homepageUrl => "", :description => "Get the data from zip file directly like URLLoader", :category => "Network/Load"},
{ :name => "Syndication", :homepageUrl => "", :description => "The libary to whom wants to use the as3syndicationlib in Flash", :category => "Network/Load"},
{ :name => "LineReader", :homepageUrl => "", :description => "The class to help you read the line asyncronously from Socket, URLStream and FileStream", :category => "Network/Load"},
{ :name => "MultipartFormDataBuilder", :homepageUrl => "", :description => "Simple class to create the request for multipart/form-data request", :category => "Network/Load"},
{ :name => "Graphoon", :homepageUrl => "", :description => "Flex component and library to draw the graph which we learned at math class of junior or high school", :category => "Math/Physics"},
{ :name => "JointModel", :homepageUrl => "", :description => "Joint model", :category => "Math/Physics"},
{ :name => "CollisionDetection", :homepageUrl => "", :description => "The class to detect the collyoshihiko/Statistics", :category => "Math/Physics"},
{ :name => "cannonML", :homepageUrl => "", :description => "DSL library for barrage shooting", :category => "Game Development"},
{ :name => "CharacterWalker", :homepageUrl => "", :description => "Let the character of the "RPG Tsuku-ru" to walk with animation", :category => "Game Development"},
{ :name => "GameAI", :homepageUrl => "", :description => "Some libraries for Game AI", :category => "Game Development"},
{ :name => "MyGameLib", :homepageUrl => "", :description => "General library to utilize the messy processing when develop the game.", :category => "Game Development"},
{ :name => "CountDown", :homepageUrl => "", :description => "The class that returns the date, time until the Hideki's 60th birthday", :category => "Date/Time"},
{ :name => "TeraClock", :homepageUrl => "", :description => "You can create the clock. You can get two digit digital or angle of the analog clock handle data.", :category => "Date/Time"},
{ :name => "SmartDate", :homepageUrl => "", :description => "The class to treat the Date class intuitively.", :category => "Date/Time"},
{ :name => "EnhancedTimer", :homepageUrl => "", :description => "Enhanced timer which contain the date property.", :category => "Date/Time"},
{ :name => "Eseclock", :homepageUrl => "", :description => "You can develop something like UNIQLOCK", :category => "Date/Time"},
{ :name => "CSVUtils", :homepageUrl => "", :description => "Utility to process CSV files.", :category => "Text"},
{ :name => "mmlemon/detect", :homepageUrl => "", :description => "The library to detect the charactor code of a file.", :category => "Text"},
{ :name => "Psycode", :homepageUrl => "", :description => "Enhanced TextArea to input code.", :category => "Text"},
{ :name => "RuntimeFontParser", :homepageUrl => "", :description => "A port of a java library that can load .ttf/.otf fonts files at runtime into flash and display the glyphs.", :category => "Text"},
{ :name => "SWFWheel", :homepageUrl => "", :description => "The library to whom do not satisty at SWFMacMouseWheel", :category => "Browser"},
{ :name => "SWFSize", :homepageUrl => "", :description => "Reinvention of the wheel of the SWFForceSize", :category => "Browser"},
{ :name => "OverlayFlash", :homepageUrl => "", :description => "Supporting library to create the full-screen Flash contents.", :category => "Browser"},
{ :name => "ASReflect", :homepageUrl => "", :description => "The utility to do the reflection at ActionScript3 efficiently", :category => "Utility"},
{ :name => "OverloadSupport", :homepageUrl => "", :description => "Achieve the overload at AS3!", :category => "Utility"},
{ :name => "TwoWayBinding", :homepageUrl => "", :description => "The utility class to achieve the two-way bindings", :category => "Utility"},
{ :name => "Flagment", :homepageUrl => "", :description => "The Flag driven library", :category => "Utility"},
{ :name => "CountTrigger", :homepageUrl => "", :description => "Flag driven library based on counter", :category => "Utility"},
{ :name => "AS3bind", :homepageUrl => "", :description => "Currying like boost::bind", :category => "Utility"},
{ :name => "HikaUrawaza", :homepageUrl => "", :description => "The class to detect specifyed command and dispatch event.", :category => "Utility"},
{ :name => "Recorder", :homepageUrl => "", :description => "The class to record and remember the properties of the Object. You can bind the recorded properties on another Object.", :category => "Utility"},
{ :name => "Pool", :homepageUrl => "", :description => "The library for whom wants to keep using the newed object", :category => "Utility"},
{ :name => "ECMAScript", :homepageUrl => "", :description => "AS3 Port of yossy's ECMAScript-based scripting engine.", :category => "Utility"},
{ :name => "kaede/MMExecute2", :homepageUrl => "", :description => "Convenient MMExecute that connects SWFPanel and JSFL.", :category => "Utility"},
{ :name => "swfJSFL", :homepageUrl => "", :description => "The class to handle JSFL file as a class.", :category => "Utility"},
{ :name => "Slides Library", :homepageUrl => "", :description => "The library to create the presentation slide with timeline base", :category => "Progression"},
{ :name => "EffectViewer", :homepageUrl => "", :description => "The simple viewer for Progression3 to check how the several effects looks like when process together", :category => "Progression"},
{ :name => "FlexTrace", :homepageUrl => "", :description => "Custom trace() class for Flex", :category => "Flex"},
{ :name => "CellCheckBox", :homepageUrl => "", :description => "Custom CheckBox class for itemRenderer (require Flex 2 SDK)", :category => "Flex"},
{ :name => "Genius Framework", :homepageUrl => "", :description => "The framework to provide the architecture of the Flex application", :category => "Flex"},
{ :name => "AirAutoUpdater", :homepageUrl => "", :description => "Let to provide the update function to AIR application by writing just one line to the MXML", :category => "Flex"},
{ :name => "AIRMigemo", :homepageUrl => "", :description => "Migemo on AIR applications", :category => "Flex"},
{ :name => "MEXSLT", :homepageUrl => "", :description => "The library to generate the class from XML written by MXML like XSLT", :category => "Flex"},
{ :name => "SQLControls", :homepageUrl => "", :description => "The library to handle SQLite data easily from AIR application", :category => "AIR"},
{ :name => "ChartData", :homepageUrl => "", :description => "The library to display the chart at AIR application", :category => "AIR"},
{ :name => "StreetView", :homepageUrl => "", :description => "Google Maps Street View AIR application", :category => "AIR"},
{ :name => "TLife", :homepageUrl => "", :description => "Twitter client", :category => "AIR"},
{ :name => "AirDao", :homepageUrl => "", :description => "O/R Mapper for Adobe AIR", :category => "AIR"},
{ :name => "AS3Unit", :homepageUrl => "", :description => "The Unit test framework that can write by POJO like JUnit4", :category => "Debug/Test"},
{ :name => "ASUnit", :homepageUrl => "", :description => "A simple Unit test framework like JUnit3.8", :category => "Debug/Test"},
{ :name => "Profiler", :homepageUrl => "", :description => "The helper class to debug the memory leak", :category => "Debug/Test"},
{ :name => "Dumper", :homepageUrl => "", :description => "The class to Dump inside the Object and trace or display to the console of the firebug", :category => "Debug/Test"},
{ :name => "Sanzoku", :homepageUrl => "", :description => "The class to trace or display the properties of several Sprite/MovieClip to the firebug console", :category => "Debug/Test"},
{ :name => "ASDebuger", :homepageUrl => "", :description => "The library to handle the several Flash der with common interface", :category => "Debug/Test"},
{ :name => "FlaProfiler", :homepageUrl => "", :description => "The memory profiler for flash", :category => "Debug/Test"},
{ :name => "swfassist", :homepageUrl => "", :description => "The ActionScript library to create the SWF binary", :category => "Binary Processing"},
{ :name => "BMPDecoder", :homepageUrl => "", :description => "The decoder class to display the BMP file", :category => "Binary Processing"},
{ :name => "ICODecoder", :homepageUrl => "", :description => "The decoder class to display the ICO file", :category => "Binary Processing"},
{ :name => "PSDParser", :homepageUrl => "", :description => "The parser of the PSD file", :category => "Binary Processing"},
{ :name => "Exif", :homepageUrl => "", :description => "The library to get the Exif information from JPEG file", :category => "Binary Processing"},
{ :name => "PlaceEngine", :homepageUrl => "", :description => "The library to use the PlaceEngine service (that estimates location via Wi-Fi signals) from ActionScript", :category => "Service Connection"},
{ :name => "Amazon", :homepageUrl => "", :description => "The wrapper library to handle the Amazon Associates Web Service (A2S) easily", :category => "Service Connection"},
{ :name => "SMSas", :homepageUrl => "", :description => "The library to handle the motion sensor value of the MacBook", :category => "Device/Sensor"},
{ :name => "ndsas", :homepageUrl => "", :description => "The AS3 library to communicate with Nitendo DS", :category => "Device/Sensor"},
{ :name => "iphoneas", :homepageUrl => "", :description => "The AS3 library to comunicate with iPhone", :category => "Device/Sensor"},
{ :name => "multitouch", :homepageUrl => "", :description => "The library to create the multi tap application", :category => "Device/Sensor"},
{ :name => "chumbyas", :homepageUrl => "", :description => "The AS3 library to communicate with chumbt", :category => "Device/Sensor"},
{ :name => "AOContainer", :homepageUrl => "", :description => "Lightweight container for Dependency Injection.", :category => "Dependency Injection"}
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jasonm23 commented Jun 3, 2010 is the root url for all the Spark hosted AS3 libs.

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jasonm23 commented Jun 3, 2010

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