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Forked from swistak/generate_savon_objects.rb
Created January 25, 2013 02:45
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module MyModule
# Regenerating code
end unless __FILE__ == $0
if __FILE__ == $0
require 'savon'
split_on = "#" + " Regenerating code"
code =
wsdl_file_path = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), ARGV.first || raise("Gimme file!"))
client = Savon.client(wsdl_file_path)
wsdl = client.wsdl
output = [
"# Authomatically generated from WSDL. Use bundle exec objects.rb to regenerate",
"module MyModule"
wsdl.parser.xpath("//xs:complexType[@name]").each do |complex_type|
name = complex_type["name"]
parent = complex_type.xpath('.//xs:extension', "xs" => "").first
parent = parent ? parent["base"].split(":").last : "ServiceBase"
output << " class #{ name } < #{parent}"
to_validate = []
complex_type.xpath('.//xs:element', "xs" => "").each do |element|
a = element.attributes.dup
name = a.delete("name").value
type = a.delete("type").value.split(":").last
minO = a.delete("minOccurs")
maxO = a.delete("maxOccurs")
required = minO ? minO.value.to_i : 0
p a.keys unless a.empty?
output << " # %-40s : %-40s" % [name, type]
to_validate << " validates :#{name}, :presence => true" if required > 0
output << ""
output += to_validate
output << " end\n"
output << "\n"
output << split_on
output << code.strip, "w"){|f| f.write(output.join("\n")) }
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