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Last active August 29, 2015 14:02
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Save jasonm23/4990cc1e02a3c2a8e159 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop. config


This is a nice, fairly comprehensive, relatively self-documenting, configuration for, a lightweight scriptable OS X window manager.


Install, and convert this file (.phoenix.litcoffee) to plain JS, for use with using:

coffee --bare --literate --compile .phoenix.litcoffee

(Or use the ./compile script included in this gist)

Install CoffeeScript

If you don't have CoffeeScript installed, you'll need to install node/npm (or use brew install node --with-npm) first, and then:

npm install -g coffee-script

Debugging helpers

We'll use a 20 second alert to show debug messages, +1 for a Phoenix REPL!

debug = (message)->
  api.alert message, 10

Basic Settings

MARGIN_X     = 3
MARGIN_Y     = 3

Application config

EDITOR       = "Emacs"
BROWSER      = "Google Chrome"
TERMINAL     = "iTerm"
FINDER       = "Finder"
MUSIC        = "iTunes"
VIDEO        = "MPlayerX"

Layout config

A few helpful app layouts. note: The last app in a layout array will get focus.

layouts =
  "Editor and Browser":
    0: app: BROWSER,  whereTo: "toRightHalf"
    1: app: EDITOR,   whereTo: "toLeftHalf"

  "Editor and Terminal":
    0: app: TERMINAL, whereTo: "toRightHalf"
    1: app: EDITOR,   whereTo: "toLeftHalf"

  "Terminal and Browser":
    0: app: TERMINAL, whereTo: "toLeftHalf"
    1: app: BROWSER,  whereTo: "toRightHalf"

  "Finder and Terminal":
    0: app: TERMINAL, whereTo: "toRightHalf"
    1: app: FINDER,   whereTo: "toLeftHalf"

  "Finder and Browser":
    0: app: BROWSER,  whereTo: "toRightHalf"
    1: app: FINDER,   whereTo: "toLeftHalf"


Window Grid

Snap all windows to grid layout

snapAllToGrid = ->
  Window.visibleWindows().map (win) ->

Change grid by a width factor

changeGridWidth = (by_) ->
  GRID_WIDTH = Math.max(1, GRID_WIDTH + by_)
  api.alert "grid is now " + GRID_WIDTH + " tiles wide", 1

changeGridHeight = (by_) ->
  GRID_HEIGHT = Math.max(1, GRID_HEIGHT + by_)
  api.alert "grid is now " + GRID_HEIGHT + " tiles high", 1

Get the current grid as {x:,y:,width:,height:}

Window::getGrid = ->
  winFrame = @frame()
  screenRect = @screen().frameWithoutDockOrMenu()
  thirdScreenWidth = screenRect.width / GRID_WIDTH
  halfScreenHeight = screenRect.height / GRID_HEIGHT
  x: Math.round((winFrame.x - screenRect.x) / thirdScreenWidth)
  y: Math.round((winFrame.y - screenRect.y) / halfScreenHeight)
  width: Math.max(1, Math.round(winFrame.width / thirdScreenWidth))
  height: Math.max(1, Math.round(winFrame.height / halfScreenHeight))

Set the current grid from an object {x:,y:,width:,height:}

Window::setGrid = (grid, screen) ->
  screenRect = screen.frameWithoutDockOrMenu()
  thirdScreenWidth = screenRect.width / GRID_WIDTH
  halfScreenHeight = screenRect.height / GRID_HEIGHT
  newFrame =
    x: (grid.x * thirdScreenWidth) + screenRect.x
    y: (grid.y * halfScreenHeight) + screenRect.y
    width: grid.width * thirdScreenWidth
    height: grid.height * halfScreenHeight
  newFrame.x += MARGIN_X
  newFrame.y += MARGIN_Y
  newFrame.width -= (MARGIN_X * 2.0)
  newFrame.height -= (MARGIN_Y * 2.0)
  @setFrame newFrame

Snap the current window to the grid

Window::snapToGrid = ->
  @setGrid @getGrid(), @screen()  if @isNormalWindow()

Calculate the grid based on the parameters, x, y, width, height, (returning an object {x:,y:,width:,height:})

Window::calculateGrid = (x, y, width, height) ->
  screen = @screen().frameWithoutDockOrMenu()
  x: Math.round(x * screen.width) + MARGIN_X + screen.x
  y: Math.round(y * screen.height) + MARGIN_Y + screen.y
  width: Math.round(width * screen.width) - 2.0 * MARGIN_X
  height: Math.round(height * screen.height) - 2.0 * MARGIN_Y

Window to grid

Window::toGrid = (x, y, width, height) ->
  rect = @calculateGrid(x, y, width, height)
  @setFrame rect

Window top right point

Window::topRight = ->
  f = @frame()
    x: f.x + f.width
    y: f.y

Windows on the left

Window::toLeft = ->
  p = @topLeft()
  .filter (win)->
    win.topLeft().x < p.x - 10

Windows on the right

Window::toRight = ->
  p = @topRight()
  .filter (win) ->
    win.topRight().x > p.x + 10

Window information

Window::info = ->
  f = @frame()
  "[#{@app().pid}] #{@app().title()} : #{@title()}\n{x:#{f.x}, y:#{f.y}, width:#{f.width}, height:#{f.height}}\n"

Sort any window collection by most recently with focus. We use info() as a way of identifying the windows in place. Not too performant, but with collections of this size, it's not a problem.

Window.sortByMostRecent = (windows)->
  allVisible = Window.visibleWindowsMostRecentFirst()
  .sortBy (win)->, (w)->

Window moving and sizing

Temporary storage for frames

lastFrames = {}

Set a window to full screen

Window::toFullScreen = ->
  fullFrame = @calculateGrid(0, 0, 1, 1)
  unless _.isEqual(@frame(), fullFrame)
    @toGrid 0, 0, 1, 1
  else if lastFrames[this]
    @setFrame lastFrames[this]

Remember and forget frames

Window::rememberFrame = -> lastFrames[this] = @frame()
Window::forgetFrame = -> delete lastFrames[this]

Set a window to top / bottom / left / right

#                                  x:   y:   width: height:
Window::toTopHalf     = -> @toGrid 0,   0,   1,     0.5
Window::toBottomHalf  = -> @toGrid 0,   0.5, 1,     0.5
Window::toLeftHalf    = -> @toGrid 0,   0,   0.5,   1
Window::toRightHalf   = -> @toGrid 0.5, 0,   0.5,   1
#                                  x:   y:   width: height:
Window::toTopRight    = -> @toGrid 0.5, 0,   0.5,   0.5
Window::toBottomRight = -> @toGrid 0.5, 0.5, 0.5,   0.5
Window::toTopLeft     = -> @toGrid 0,   0,   0.5,   0.5
Window::toBottomLeft  = -> @toGrid 0,   0.5, 0.5,   0.5

Move the current window to the next / previous screen

moveWindowToNextScreen = ->
  win = Window.focusedWindow()
  win.setGrid win.getGrid(), win.screen().nextScreen()

moveWindowToPreviousScreen = ->
  win = Window.focusedWindow()
  win.setGrid win.getGrid(), win.screen().previousScreen()

Move the current window by one column

moveWindowLeftOneColumn = ->
  win = Window.focusedWindow()
  frame = win.getGrid()
  frame.x = Math.max(frame.x - 1, 0)
  win.setGrid frame, win.screen()

moveWindowRightOneColumn = ->
  win = Window.focusedWindow()
  frame = win.getGrid()
  frame.x = Math.min(frame.x + 1, GRID_WIDTH - frame.width)
  win.setGrid frame, win.screen()

Grow and shrink the current window by a single grid cell

windowGrowOneGridColumn = ->
  win = Window.focusedWindow()
  frame = win.getGrid()
  frame.width = Math.min(frame.width + 1, GRID_WIDTH - frame.x)
  win.setGrid frame, win.screen()

windowShrinkOneGridColumn = ->
  win = Window.focusedWindow()
  frame = win.getGrid()
  frame.width = Math.max(frame.width - 1, 1)
  win.setGrid frame, win.screen()

windowGrowOneGridRow = ->
  win = Window.focusedWindow()
  frame = win.getGrid()
  frame.height = Math.min(frame.height + 1, GRID_HEIGHT)
  win.setGrid frame, win.screen()

windowShrinkOneGridRow = ->
  win = Window.focusedWindow()
  frame = win.getGrid()
  frame.height = Math.max(frame.height - 1, 1)
  win.setGrid frame, win.screen()

Shift the current window to the bottom or top row

windowDownOneRow = ->
  win = Window.focusedWindow()
  frame = win.getGrid()
  frame.y = Math.min(Math.floor(frame.y + 1), GRID_HEIGHT - 1)
  win.setGrid frame, win.screen()

windowUpOneRow = ->
  win = Window.focusedWindow()
  frame = win.getGrid()
  frame.y = Math.max(Math.floor(frame.y - 1), 0)
  win.setGrid frame, win.screen()

Expand the current window's height to vertically fill the screen

windowToFullHeight = ->
  win = Window.focusedWindow()
  frame = win.getGrid()
  frame.y = 0
  frame.height = GRID_HEIGHT
  win.setGrid frame, win.screen()

Transpose windows

transposeWindows = (swapFrame = true, switchFocus = true)->
  win = Window.focusedWindow()
  left = win.toRight()
  right = win.toLeft()
  targets = if left.length > 0
  else if right.length > 0

  unless targets?.length > 0
    api.alert "Can't see any windows to transpose"

  target = Window.sortByMostRecent(targets)[0]

  t_frame = target.frame()
  w_frame = win.frame()

  if swapFrame
    win.setFrame t_frame
    target.setFrame w_frame
    target.topLeft x:w_frame.x, y:w_frame.y
    win.topLeft    x:t_frame.x, y:t_frame.y

  target.focusWindow() if switchFocus


Select the first window for an app

App::firstWindow = -> @visibleWindows()[0]

Find an app by it's title

App.byTitle = (title) ->
  apps = @runningApps()
  i = 0
  while i < apps.length
    app = apps[i]
    if app.title() is title
      return app

Find all apps with title

App.allWithTitle = (title) ->
  _(@runningApps()).filter (app) ->
    true  if app.title() is title

Focus or start an app with title

App.focusOrStart = (title) ->
  apps = App.allWithTitle(title)
  if _.isEmpty(apps)
    api.alert "Attempting to start #{title}"
    api.launch title

  windows = _.chain(apps)
  .map (x) ->

  activeWindows = _(windows)
  .reject (win) ->

  if _.isEmpty(activeWindows)
    api.launch title

  activeWindows.forEach (win) ->

Run the given function fn for an app with title

forApp = (title, fn) ->
  app = App.byTitle(title)
  _.each app.visibleWindows(), fn  if app

Manage layouts

Switch to a predefined layout as above

switchLayout = (name)->
  _.each layouts[name], (config)->
    app = App.byTitle

Binding alias

Alias api.bind as key_binding, to make the binding table extra readable.

key_binding = (key, modifier, fn)->
  api.bind key, modifier, fn


Keyboard Guide

Mash is Cmd + Alt/Opt + Ctrl pressed together.

mash = 'cmd+alt+ctrl'.split '+'

Transpose/Swap Windows

# Transpose
key_binding "T",     mash, -> transposeWindows(true, false)
# Transpose and switch focus
key_binding "Y",     mash, -> transposeWindows(true, true)

Move the current window to the top / bottom / left / right half of the screen and fill it.

key_binding 'up',    mash, -> Window.focusedWindow().toTopHalf()
key_binding 'down',  mash, -> Window.focusedWindow().toBottomHalf()
key_binding 'left',  mash, -> Window.focusedWindow().toLeftHalf()
key_binding 'right', mash, -> Window.focusedWindow().toRightHalf()

Move to the corners of the screen

key_binding 'Q',     mash, -> Window.focusedWindow().toTopLeft()
key_binding 'A',     mash, -> Window.focusedWindow().toBottomLeft()
key_binding 'W',     mash, -> Window.focusedWindow().toTopRight()
key_binding 'S',     mash, -> Window.focusedWindow().toBottomRight()

Focus to direction

key_binding 'R',     mash, -> Window.focusedWindow().focusWindowUp()
key_binding 'D',     mash, -> Window.focusedWindow().focusWindowLeft()
key_binding 'F',     mash, -> Window.focusedWindow().focusWindowRight()
key_binding 'C',     mash, -> Window.focusedWindow().focusWindowDown()

Maximize the current window

key_binding 'space',     mash, -> Window.focusedWindow().toFullScreen()

Switch to or lauch apps, as defined in the Application config

key_binding '0',     mash, -> App.focusOrStart EDITOR
key_binding '9',     mash, -> App.focusOrStart TERMINAL
key_binding '8',     mash, -> App.focusOrStart BROWSER
key_binding '7',     mash, -> App.focusOrStart FINDER

# Entertainment apps...

key_binding 'V',     mash, -> App.focusOrStart VIDEO
key_binding 'B',     mash, -> App.focusOrStart MUSIC

Switch layouts using the predefined Layout config

key_binding '5',     mash, -> switchLayout 'Editor and Browser'
key_binding '4',     mash, -> switchLayout 'Editor and Terminal'
key_binding '3',     mash, -> switchLayout 'Terminal and Browser'
key_binding '2',     mash, -> switchLayout 'Finder and Terminal'
key_binding '1',     mash, -> switchLayout 'Finder and Browser'

Move window between screens

key_binding 'N',     mash, -> moveWindowToNextScreen()
key_binding 'P',     mash, -> moveWindowToPreviousScreen()

Setting the grid size

key_binding '=',     mash, -> changeGridWidth +1
key_binding '-',     mash, -> changeGridWidth -1
key_binding '[',     mash, -> changeGridHeight +1
key_binding ']',     mash, -> changeGridHeight -1

Snap current window or all windows to the grid

key_binding ';',     mash, -> Window.focusedWindow().snapToGrid()
key_binding "'",     mash, -> Window.visibleWindows().map (win)-> win.snapToGrid()

Move the current window around the grid

key_binding 'H',     mash, -> moveWindowLeftOneColumn()
key_binding 'K',     mash, -> windowUpOneRow()
key_binding 'J',     mash, -> windowDownOneRow()
key_binding 'L',     mash, -> moveWindowRightOneColumn()

Size the current window on the grid

key_binding 'U',     mash, -> windowToFullHeight()

key_binding 'I',     mash, -> windowShrinkOneGridColumn()
key_binding 'O',     mash, -> windowGrowOneGridColumn()
key_binding ',',     mash, -> windowShrinkOneGridRow()
key_binding '.',     mash, -> windowGrowOneGridRow()

That's all folks.

Quick reference, open the keyboard cheatsheet in a browser

Mash + `

key_binding "`", mash, -> # mash backtick
  api.runCommand "/usr/bin/open", [""]

Note: api.runCommand is undocumented in the API ref, I've included the method signature in the API ref in this gist.

coffee --bare --compile --literate -o ~/ .phoenix.litcoffee
/* JavaScript API documentation.
(Yes, it's not written in JavaScript. But this pseudo-code conveys more information, so yeah.) */
class api
static Hotkey bind(String key, Array<String> mods, Fn()->boolean callback);
/* valid mods: "cmd", "alt", "ctrl", "shift"; case insensitive
valid keys: single case insensitive character.
OR, special keys (F-keys, numpad, etc) are listed here: */
static void reload(String path);
static void launch(String appName);
static void alert(String msg, double durationSeconds);
static void runCommand(String comamndPath, Array args); // Uses NSTask to run commands
static void setTint(Array red, Array green, Array blue);
class Window
static Window focusedWindow();
static Array<Window> allWindows();
static Array<Window> visibleWindows();
static Array<Window> visibleWindowsMostRecentFirst();
Array<Window> otherWindowsOnSameScreen();
Array<Window> otherWindowsOnAllScreens();
/* Every screen (aka monitor or display) combines to form a giant rectangle. Every window lives in this
rectangle. So this is why window positions and sizes don't have a "screen" parameter. It's already
taken into account by the coordinates you give it. To figure out coordinates on a given screen, use
the Screen methods. */
Rect frame();
Point topLeft();
Size size();
void setFrame(Rect frame);
void setTopLeft(Point thePoint);
void setSize(Size theSize);
void maximize();
void minimize();
void unMinimize();
Screen screen();
App app();
boolean isNormalWindow();
boolean focusWindow();
void focusWindowLeft();
void focusWindowRight();
void focusWindowUp();
void focusWindowDown();
Array<Window> windowsToWest();
Array<Window> windowsToEast();
Array<Window> windowsToNorth();
Array<Window> windowsToSouth();
String title();
boolean isWindowMinimized();
class App
static Array<App> runningApps();
Array<Window> allWindows();
Array<Window> visibleWindows();
String title();
boolean isHidden();
void show();
void hide();
int pid();
void kill();
void kill9();
class Screen
Rect frameIncludingDockAndMenu();
Rect frameWithoutDockOrMenu();
Screen nextScreen();
Screen previousScreen();
class Hotkey
boolean enable();
void disable();
String key();
Array<String> mods();
class MousePosition
static Point capture();
static void restore(Point mousePoint);
class Point
property double x
property double y
class Size
property double width
property double height
class Rect
property double x
property double y
property double width
property double height
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