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Created June 18, 2019 03:38
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import scalaz.nio._
import scalaz.nio.channels.{AsynchronousServerSocketChannel, AsynchronousSocketChannel}
import scalaz.zio.clock.Clock
import scalaz.zio.console._
import scalaz.zio.{App, ZIO, _}
object Main extends App {
override def run(args: List[String]): ZIO[Environment, Nothing, Int] = {
err => putStrLn(s"Execution Failed with: $err") *> ZIO.succeed(1),
_ => ZIO.succeed(0)
val theSocket =
for {
address <- SocketAddress.inetSocketAddress("", 1337)
socket <- AsynchronousServerSocketChannel()
_ <- socket.bind(address)
ref <- Ref.make[Int](0)
connections <- awaitConnection(ref, socket, doWork)
} yield ()
* Accept a connection from the server, fork the worker on it, and
* loop to wait for next connection
def awaitConnection(ref: Ref[Int], socket: AsynchronousServerSocketChannel, worker: (Int, Int) => AsynchronousSocketChannel => ZIO[Console with Clock, Throwable, Unit]): ZIO[Console with Clock, Throwable, Nothing] = {
for {
i <- ref.update(_+1)
_ <- putStrLn("accept")
_ <- socket.accept.flatMap(s => doWork(i)(s).ensuring(s.close.orDie).fork)
_ <- putStrLn("next")
loop <- awaitConnection(ref, socket, worker)
} yield loop
* From a connected AsynchronousSocketChannel, read forever, until connection termination
def doWork(i:Int, rep: Int = 0)(work: AsynchronousSocketChannel): ZIO[Console with Clock, Throwable, Unit] = {
for {
chunk <-
str = c => if (c.isControl) s" 0x${c.toHexString.toUpperCase} " else s"$c" ).mkString
_ <- putStrLn(s"content for con $i: " + str)
isOpen <- work.isOpen
_ <- putStrLn(s"connection status: $isOpen")
loop <- if (isOpen && rep < 5) doWork(i, rep + 1)(work) else ZIO.unit
} yield loop
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