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Created March 18, 2013 00:39
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package org.jarsonmar.neptune.universe
import akka.util._
import org.apache.thrift.TException
import org.apache.thrift.server._
import org.apache.thrift.transport._
import org.apache.thrift.protocol._
import collection.mutable
import concurrent.duration._
import java.util.Random
import org.jarsonmar.neptune.thrift
object Startup {
sealed trait Build
case object Fresh extends Build // rebuild redis cache
case object Resume extends Build // start without rebuilding redis cache
class ThriftListener {
def run(build_type: Startup.Build) = {
val redis: Redis = new Redis()
val proc = new RequestProcessor(redis)
val service_proc = new thrift.LocRequestService.Processor(proc)
try {
val serverTransport: TServerTransport = new TServerSocket(9090);
val server: TServer = new TSimpleServer(new TServer.Args(serverTransport).processor(service_proc));
build_type match {
case Startup.Fresh => Builder().build
case Startup.Resume => /* just start without building */
catch {
case e: Exception => e.printStackTrace();
case object NatureTick
case class MoveMobile(mob_key: String, speed_ref: Double, start: Boolean = true)
case class RandomTransfer(mob_key: String)
case class TransferComplete(mob: String, src_loc: String, dst_loc: String)
object Nature {
def tickMean = 2000.0
def tickStddev = 1000.0
// uses redis-dispatcher config
class RedisIO(redis: Redis) extends Actor {
import context.dispatcher
private val rand = new Random(System.currentTimeMillis())
def receive = {
case RandomTransfer(mob_key) => {
redis.getMobileProperty(mob_key, "location") map { (mob_loc) =>
val exits = redis.getLocationExits(mob_loc)
val available_dests = exits.values.collect({case Some(x) => x}).toList
if (available_dests.length > 0) {
val rand_idx = rand.nextInt(available_dests.length)
val dest = available_dests(rand_idx)
redis.moveMobile(mob_key, mob_loc, dest)
context.actorFor("/user/nature") ! TransferComplete(mob_key, mob_loc, dest)
// uses default-dispatcher config
class Nature extends Actor {
import context.dispatcher
def receive = {
case NatureTick => /* don't do anything here yet */
case MoveMobile(mob_key, speed_ref, start) => {
if (!start) {
context.actorFor("/user/redis_io") ! RandomTransfer(mob_key)
val randOffset = Nature.tickStddev * new util.Random().nextGaussian()
val period = Nature.tickMean / (speed_ref / 100.0)
val tick = period + randOffset
(if (tick >= 0.0) tick else 0.0) milliseconds,
MoveMobile(mob_key, speed_ref, false)
case TransferComplete(mob, src_loc, dst_loc) => {
//TODO thrift dispatcher
//println("transfer: " + List(mob, src_loc, dst_loc).toString)
class NatureThread extends Runnable {
def run = {
val system = ActorSystem.create()
import system.dispatcher
val redis: Redis = new Redis()
val nature_ref = system.actorOf(Props[Nature], "nature")
val redis_io_ref = system.actorOf(
Props(new RedisIO(redis)).withDispatcher(""),
redis.getMovables foreach { (m) =>
redis.getMobileProperty(m, "speed") map { (value) =>
nature_ref ! MoveMobile(m, value.toDouble)
while(true) {
nature_ref ! NatureTick
class Dispatcher {
def run(build_type: Startup.Build) = {
val nature = new Thread(new NatureThread())
val thrift_listener = new ThriftListener()
nature.start() // thread in the background
object Dispatcher {
def apply() = new Dispatcher()
object SendRequestToThrift {
import collection.JavaConversions._
def apply() = {
val transport: TTransport = new TSocket("localhost", 9090);;
try {
val protocol: TProtocol = new TBinaryProtocol(transport);
val client: thrift.LocRequestService.Client = new thrift.LocRequestService.Client(protocol)
val req: thrift.LocReadRequest = new thrift.LocReadRequest()
val myid = "start:church" = Set(myid)
req.props = mutable.Map(
thrift.LocProp.PROP -> setAsJavaSet(Set("title", "description")),
thrift.LocProp.EXIT -> setAsJavaSet(Set("n"))
val res: thrift.LocReadResponse = client.readRequest(req)
Option(res.locs.get(myid)) map { loc =>
println("North exit: " + loc.exits.get(thrift.ExitProp.NORTH))
if (loc.exits.get(thrift.ExitProp.SOUTH) != null) {
println("Failed to exclude south exit!")
} getOrElse { println("Location not found!") }
catch {
case e: TException => e.printStackTrace()
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