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Created January 1, 2011 03:27
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#!/usr/bin/env perl6
use JSON::Tiny;
my %opp-dir = (
north => 'south',
south => 'north',
east => 'west',
west => 'east',
up => 'down',
down => 'up',
my %opp-dir-fancy = (
north => 'the south',
south => 'the north',
east => 'the west',
west => 'the east',
up => 'above',
down => 'below',
class MySocket is IO::Socket::INET {
method recv-json () {
return from-json($!PIO.recv());
method send-json ($buf) {
return self.send(to-json($buf));
method send-output-to ($id, $string) {
return self.send-json(
param => 'output',
txn_id => qx<uuid>.chomp,
data => {
id => $id,
value => $string
class Universe {...}
class Player {...}
class Location {
has Str $.title;
has Str $.description;
has Universe $.universe is rw;
has Location %.exits;
method output(Player $except = Mu) {
my @exits = <north south east west up down>;
my $out = $!title ~ "\n " ~ $!description;
for $!universe.players.values.grep(*.in-game) -> $player {
next if $except && ($player === $except);
$out ~= "\n{$} is standing here.";
$out ~= "\n\nExits:\n";
for @exits -> $exit {
if %!exits{$exit} {
$out ~= $exit.ucfirst ~ ': ' ~ %!exits{$exit}.title ~ "\n";
return $out;
class Player {
has Int $.id;
has Str $.name is rw;
has Bool $.in-game is rw;
has Location $.location is rw;
class Universe {
has Location %.locations = ();
has Player %.players = ();
submethod BUILD {
my $center-loc =
:title('Center Room'),
:description('This is the center room.'),
%!locations<centerroom> := $center-loc;
for %opp-dir.keys -> $dir {
my $wing-loc =
:title("{$dir.ucfirst} Room"),
:description("This is the {$dir} room."),
:exits({%opp-dir{$dir} => $center-loc}),
%!locations{ "{$dir}room" } := $wing-loc;
$center-loc.exits{$dir} := $wing-loc;
.universe = self for %!locations.values;
my Universe $u .= new();
# XXX load up
# That's what this code honors.
# -jasonmay
my MySocket $s .= new();
my $r = $'', 9000) or die $r;
# NOTE main loop
while my $d = $s.recv-json() { parse($d) }
sub parse($obj) {
if $obj.WHAT.perl eq 'Array' {
parse($_) for $obj.values;
else {
my $data = $obj<data>;
given $obj<param> {
when 'connect' {
$u.players{$data<id>} =
$s.send-output-to($data<id>, "Welcome.\n\nPlease enter your name: ");
when 'input' {
dispatch($data<id>, $data<value>);
when 'disconnect' {
say $data<id> ~ ' disconnected!';
default {
say 'Invalid param!';
sub dispatch($id, $input) {
my $player = $u.players{$id};
if !$ {
if !$input {
$s.send-output-to($id, "No! Enter a name: ");
$ = $input;
$s.send-output-to($id, "Thanks! Enjoy the game.\n> ");
$ = True;
$player.location = $u.locations<centerroom>;
my $response = command-dispatch($u.players{$id}, $input);
$s.send-output-to($id, $response ~ "\n> ");
sub command-dispatch($player, $input) {
my @words = $input.split(' ');
my $args = ($input.split(' ', 2)[1]);
given @words[0] {
when 'chat' {
my $message = "[Chat] {$}: {$args}";
for $u.players.keys -> $other-id {
next if $other-id == $;
$s.send-output-to($other-id, "\n{$message}\n> ");
return $message;
when 'look' {
return $player.location.output($player) if $player.location;
return "You currently have no location.";
when /^north|south|east|west|up|down$/ {
my $dir = @words[0];
if $player.location.exits{$dir} {
for $u.players.values -> $p {
next unless $;
next if $p === $player;
next unless $p.location === $player.location;
$s.send-output-to($, "{$} has gone {$dir}.\n");
$player.location = $player.location.exits{$dir};
for $u.players.values -> $p {
next unless $;
next if $p === $player;
next unless $p.location === $player.location;
$s.send-output-to($, "{$} has arrived from {%opp-dir-fancy{$dir}}.\n");
return $player.location.output($player);
return "You can't go that way.";
default {
return "Unknown command.";
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