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Last active December 18, 2018 20:28
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Find Route53 records pointing to CloudFront with NO aliases (allows domain hijacking)
## Requires: jq, awk, sed, aws-cli - and that you are using creds for the aws account you want to connect to
function evaluateMissingAliasesInCloudFront() {
#INFO: This has been tested with the following use cases...
#INFO: * RECORD (CNAME) -> CF Distro
#INFO: * RECORD (A) -> CF Distro
#INFO: Note that Alias records are "A" records
ALIASES=`aws cloudfront list-distributions|jq -r '.DistributionList[][]|select(.Aliases.Items != null)|.Aliases.Items[]'`
#echo "INFO: Evaluating aliases $ALIASES for missing Route53 records"
ZONE_IDS="`aws route53 list-hosted-zones|jq -r '.HostedZones[]|select(.Config.PrivateZone == false)|.Id'|awk -F/ '{print $3}'`"
for zoneId in $ZONE_IDS; do
## Attack vector 1 - someone has a cname to a record that points to CF. CF misses this record, and someone else can take over the CNAME CF Distro
CNAMES=`aws route53 list-resource-record-sets --hosted-zone-id $zoneId|jq -r '.ResourceRecordSets[]|select(.Type == "CNAME")|"\(.ResourceRecords[0].Value),\(.Name)"'|sed 's/\.,/,/g'|sed 's/.\$//g'`
## Attack vector 2 someone has a Route53 record pointing to CF, but no alias in CF for that record.
RECS=`aws route53 list-resource-record-sets --hosted-zone-id $zoneId|jq -r '.ResourceRecordSets[]|select(.Type == "A")|select(.AliasTarget.DNSName!=null)|select(.AliasTarget.DNSName|contains("")).Name' |sed 's/\.$//'`
echo "INFO: Looking for CF aliases missing a CF alias"
for rec in $RECS; do
FOUND=`echo "$ALIASES"|grep "^$rec\$"`
#echo "INFO: Looking to see if $rec has a CF Alias"
if [[ -z "$FOUND" ]]; then
echo "FAILED: Found Route53 record pointing to CloudFront with NO CloudFront alias for the record! $rec"
echo "INFO: Looking for CNAMES missing a CF alias"
for cname in $CNAMES; do
AREC=`echo $cname|awk -F, '{print $1}'`
R53_RECORD=`echo $cname|awk -F, '{print $2}'`
## Evaluate if the destination points to a CF Distro...
if [[ ! -z "`echo $AREC|grep ""`" ]] && [[ -z "`echo \"$ALIASES\"|grep \"$R53_RECORD\"`" ]];then
echo "FAILED: Found a $R53_RECORD CNAME that points $AREC (CF Distro) and CF is missing the alias. Another account could create a CF distro with the cname and hijack our content"
## Check the chain... look for a pointer to a record which points to CF
if [[ ! -z "`echo $RECS|grep "$AREC"`" ]] && [[ -z "`echo \"$ALIASES\"|grep \"$R53_RECORD\"`" ]];then
echo "FAILED: Found a $R53_RECORD ALIAS -> $AREC -> CF, but CF is missing an alias for $R53_RECORD Another account could create a CF distro with the alias and hijack our content"
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Author . for more info... script is a work in progress!

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