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Created September 9, 2009 21:11
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<p>Thanks to new imagers installed in May 2009 during a visit from the space shuttle Atlantis, Hubble can now see farther, clearer, and across a wider spectrum than ever before. </p>
<p>NASA says it's a new beginning for the 19-year-old orbiting observatory, and will extend its life into the next decade. For astronomers, it's a chance to probe deeper into space, capture never-before-seen images from the early days of the universe, and perhaps observe the birth of planets like ours. </p>
<p>And for ordinary folks who like to look up at the night sky and dream, it's what some astronomy enthusiasts call "space porn." </p>
<p>To learn more about the new and improved Hubble Space Telescope, and see more far-flung images, visit <a href="">HubbleSite</a>. Also, check out this <a href="" target="_new">audio slideshow</a> of astronomers discussing their favorite Hubble photos.</p>
<p class="pictureshow"><font color="gray">Have an idea? <a href=""><b>Pitch it!</b></a>
<br>The Picture Show on <a href="">Facebook</a> | on <a href="">Twitter</a></font></p>
<p><noscript><p><img src="" alt="[Photo]" /></p><p><strong>This slideshow requires version 8 or higher of the Adobe Flash Player.</strong> <a href="" target="_blank">Get the latest Flash Player.</a></p><p>TEXT.</p></noscript></p>
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