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Forked from grisu48/mosquitto.hpp
Created March 1, 2021 16:26
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Mosquitto C++ Wrapper
* Mosquitto C++ Wrapper
* (C) 2017, Felix Niederwanger
* MIT License
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <mosquitto.h>
class Mosquitto {
struct mosquitto *mosq;
volatile bool running;
virtual ~Mosquitto();
/** Enable tls
* @param cacert CaCert file
* @param certfile Client certificate file. usually a .crt file
* @param keyfile Client key file, usually a .key file
void set_tls(const char* cacert, const char* certfile, const char* keyfile);
/** Enable or disable insecure TLS connections (No certificate check) */
void set_tls_insecure(bool enabled);
/** Set username and password for login */
void set_username_password(const char* username, const char* password);
/** Disconnects the client */
void close();
/** Subscribe to the given topic */
void subscribe(const std::string &topic);
void publish(const std::string &topic, const std::string &message);
* Connects to the given remote host
* @param remote Remote host where to connect to
* @param port Remote port. 1883 for unencrypted, 8883 usually for encrypted traffic
* @param aliveDelay Delay in seconds for pings for the connection to stay alive
void connect(const char* remote, const int port = 1883, const int aliveDelay = 30);
/** Method called when the client is connected */
virtual void onConnected() {}
/** Method called then an error occurred */
virtual void onError(const char* msg) { (void)msg; }
/** Method called when a new message arrives */
virtual void onMessage(std::string topic, std::string message) { (void)topic; (void)message; }
/** Loop through messages. This call usually blocks until the connection is closed
*@param tryReconnect if true, the client tries to reconnect if an error occurs */
void loop(const bool tryReconnect = true);
/** Cleanup mosquitto library. This call should be called before program termination */
static void cleanup_library();
void mosquitto_callback_on_connect(struct mosquitto *mosq_obj, void *obj, int rc) {
Mosquitto *mosq = (Mosquitto*)obj;
switch(rc) {
case 0:
// Connected
case 1:
mosq->onError("Connection refused (unacceptable protocol version)");
case 2:
mosq->onError("Connection refused (identifier rejected)");
case 3:
mosq->onError("Connection refused (broker unavailable)");
case 5:
mosq->onError("Connection refused (Username/Password wrong)");
std::stringstream ss ;
ss << "Connection failed (Error code " << rc << ")";
std::string msg = ss.str();
static void mosquitto_callback_on_message(struct mosquitto *mosq_obj, void *obj, const struct mosquitto_message *mosq_message) {
Mosquitto *mosq = (Mosquitto*)obj;
std::string topic(mosq_message->topic);
// Build message
std::stringstream ss;
const int len = mosq_message->payloadlen;
char* payload = (char*)mosq_message->payload;
for(int i=0;i<len;i++) ss << (char)(payload[i]);
mosq->onMessage(topic, ss.str());
Mosquitto::Mosquitto() {
this->running = false;
this->mosq = mosquitto_new(NULL, true, this);
if(this->mosq == NULL) throw "Error creating mosquitto instance";
mosquitto_connect_callback_set(this->mosq, &mosquitto_callback_on_connect);
mosquitto_message_callback_set(this->mosq, &mosquitto_callback_on_message);
Mosquitto::~Mosquitto() {
static int mosquitto_hpp_pw_callback(char *buf, int size, int rwflag, void *userdata) {
return -1;
void Mosquitto::set_tls(const char* cacert, const char* certfile, const char* keyfile) {
if(mosquitto_tls_set(this->mosq, cacert, NULL, certfile, keyfile, &mosquitto_hpp_pw_callback) != MOSQ_ERR_SUCCESS)
throw "Error setting tls settings";
void Mosquitto::set_tls_insecure(bool enabled) {
int value = (enabled?1:0);
if(mosquitto_tls_insecure_set(this->mosq, value) != MOSQ_ERR_SUCCESS)
throw "TLS insecure set failed";
void Mosquitto::set_username_password(const char* username, const char* password) {
if(mosquitto_username_pw_set(this->mosq, username, password) != MOSQ_ERR_SUCCESS)
throw "Error setting username and password";
void Mosquitto::connect(const char* remote, const int port, const int aliveDelay) {
int ret = mosquitto_connect(this->mosq, remote, port, aliveDelay);
throw mosquitto_strerror(ret);
this->running = true;
void Mosquitto::subscribe(const std::string &topic) {
const int qos = 0;
int ret = mosquitto_subscribe(this->mosq, NULL, topic.c_str(), qos);
throw mosquitto_strerror(ret);
void Mosquitto::publish(const std::string &topic, const std::string &message) {
const char *payload = message.c_str();
const int len = (int)message.size();
const int qos = 0;
int ret = mosquitto_publish(this->mosq, NULL, topic.c_str(), len, (const void*)payload, qos, false);
throw mosquitto_strerror(ret);
void Mosquitto::close() {
this->running = false;
void Mosquitto::loop(const bool tryReconnect) {
int errorCounter = 0;
// XXX: Consider switching to mosquitto_loop_forever
do {
const int ret = mosquitto_loop(this->mosq, 10000, 10);
if(!this->running) return;
if(ret != MOSQ_ERR_SUCCESS) {
// Sleep for some time, if necessary
if(errorCounter > 1) {
int duration = errorCounter*errorCounter;
if(duration > 60 || duration <= 0) duration = 60;
::sleep(duration); // Wait some time before trying again
if(mosquitto_reconnect(mosq) == MOSQ_ERR_SUCCESS) {
// Reconnect successfull
} else {
// Reconnect failed. Increase counter
} else
errorCounter = 0;
} while(this->running && tryReconnect);
void Mosquitto::cleanup_library() {
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