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Last active December 16, 2015 20:19
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  • Save jasonmoo/5491260 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save jasonmoo/5491260 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
some bash profile shorties to make golangin easier...
function cd() {
builtin cd $@
if [[ -e .goenv ]]; then
source .goenv
function gengo() {
local project=${1?:"Usage: gengo <projectname> [<git origin url>]"}
[ ! -d "$project" ] && mkdir "$project" && builtin cd "$project" && mkdir -p src bin pkg &&
# jank to make embedded newlines show up on a mac
echo "package main\nimport(\"fmt\")\nconst()\nvar()\nfunc init() {}\n\nfunc main() {\nfmt.Println(\"$project\")\n}" | perl -pe "s/\\\n/\n/g;" > "$project.go" &&
echo "package main\nimport(\"testing\")\nfunc TestExample(t *testing.T){if false {t.Errorf(\"%s\", \"hi\")}}\nfunc BenchmarkExample(b *testing.B){b.StopTimer()\na, aa := 1, 0\nb.StartTimer()\nfor i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {a, aa = aa, a}}" | perl -pe "s/\\\n/\n/g;" > "${project}_test.go" &&
go fmt *.go &&
echo "#$project" > &&
touch "bin/.gitdir" "pkg/.gitdir" "src/.gitdir" &&
echo "export ORIG_PATH=\${ORIG_PATH-\$PATH}" > .goenv &&
echo "export GOPATH=$(pwd)" >> .goenv &&
echo "export GOBIN=\$GOPATH/bin" >> .goenv &&
echo "export PATH=\"\$GOBIN:\$ORIG_PATH\"" >> .goenv &&
git init . &&
git add . &&
git commit -m "First" &&
echo "bin/" >> .gitignore &&
echo "pkg/" >> .gitignore &&
echo "$project" >> .gitignore &&
echo "*.log" >> .gitignore &&
git add .gitignore &&
git commit -m "Adding .gitignore"
if [[ -n "$2" ]]; then
git remote add origin "$2" &&
git push -u origin master
cd "$project" 2>/dev/null
open -a "Sublime Text 2" .
function benchgo() {
go test -bench $1 | tee /dev/stderr | grep Bench | column -t | sort -n -k3
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