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Created January 13, 2011 23:08
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Save jasonmoo/778812 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A perl script for hooking into a Mercurial hook event. -In it's current form it will make a backup, convert indenting to tabs, and lint check php files. -Allows for anonymous subs to be passed as adhoc filters.
### HG Hook script
### - allows filtering and other actions to be
### run at a designated hook.
# a copy of each file along with it's directory structure
# is placed here when the script is initially run.
$BACKUP_DIR = "~/_hg_modified";
## initializing stuff
mkdir $BACKUP_DIR;
$CWD = `pwd`;
chomp $CWD;
@FILES = map { /^. (.+)$/; "$CWD/$1"; } split "\n", `hg st`;
exit unless @FILES;
## end initializing stuff
## User defined filters here
# first backup each file
filter(sub {
(undef,$file,$filename,$dir) = @_;
`mkdir -p $BACKUP_DIR$dir`;
`cp $file $BACKUP_DIR$dir/$filename`;
# process tabs and spaces
filter(sub {
return unless $_[1] =~ /\.(php|js|html|pl)$/i;
return map { s/(^|\G)( |\t)/\t/g; $_; } @{$_[0]};
# output the post processing diff
print `hg diff` || "<<NO DIFF>>\n";
# lint check php files
filter(sub {
$file = $_[1];
print `php -l $file` if $file =~ /\.php$/i;
## Final actions
print `\nread -p "Continue? [Enter|CTRL+C]"`;
## end Final actions
# filter handler
# -takes a single function
# --params available to function: ref @data, $file (full path), $filename, $dir
# -must return void to disable writing output
sub filter {
my $func = shift;
foreach my $file (@FILES) {
my ($filename) = ($file =~ m|([^/]+)$|);
my ($dir) = ($file =~ m|^(.+)/[^/]+$|);
# modify the file
open IN, $file or die "Cannot open for reading $file: $!";
my @data = <IN>;
close IN;
my @newdata = &$func(\@data,$file,$filename,$dir);
if (@newdata) {
open OUT, ">$file" or die "Cannot open for writing $file: $!";
print OUT @newdata;
close OUT;
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