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Last active August 29, 2015 13:57
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Save jasonnicholson/9863296 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
package hw2;
import static org.junit.Assert.*;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;
public class GameTest {
private String secretWord1;
private String secretWord2;
private Game game1;
private Game game2;
private final int maxGuessesGame2 = 75;
public void setUp() throws Exception {
secretWord1 = "Scooby Doo";
game1 = new Game(secretWord1);
secretWord2 = "Scrappy Doo";
game2 = new Game(secretWord2, maxGuessesGame2);
public final void testGetMaxGuesses1() {
assertEquals("Default max guesses is wrong",7, game1.getMaxGuesses());
public final void testGetMaxGuesses2() {
assertEquals("Max guesses is wrong.",7, game1.getMaxGuesses());
public final void testGetSecretWord1() {
assertTrue(game1.getSecretWord().equals(secretWord1) );
public final void testGetSecretWord2() {
* Tests a sequence fo inputs for the class Game.
* <ol>
* <li>Test a sequence of wrong input and then check game1 properties</li>
* <li>Test the sequence of wrong input again. Then check the game1 properties again.</li>
* <li>Test a sequence of correct guesses that will allow winning of the game. Check game1 properties again. </li>
* </ol>
public final void testGame1() {
String correctGuesses = "ScobyD";
String wrongGuesses = "agf";
String redundantWrongGuesses = wrongGuesses; // String immutability makes this safe
// iterate through wrong guesses
for (int iWrongGuess = 0; iWrongGuess < wrongGuesses.length(); iWrongGuess++){
assertFalse("Found letter that should not be found",game1.guessLetter(wrongGuesses.charAt(iWrongGuess)));
// check properties of game1
assertEquals("Number of wrong guesses should be " + wrongGuesses.length(), wrongGuesses.length(), game1.numWrongGuesses());
assertTrue("Letters guessed is incorrect. It should be \"" + wrongGuesses + "\".", wrongGuesses.equals(game1.lettersGuessed()));
assertFalse("Game is over when it should not be over.",game1.gameOver());
assertFalse("Game is won when it should not be won.",game1.won());
// S c o o b y space D o o
boolean[] isHidden1 = {true, true, true, true, true, true, false, true, true, true};
testDisplayWord(game1, isHidden1);
// iterate through redundant wrong guesses
for (int iRedundantWrongGuess = 0; iRedundantWrongGuess < redundantWrongGuesses.length(); iRedundantWrongGuess++){
assertFalse("Found letter that should not be found",game1.guessLetter(redundantWrongGuesses.charAt(iRedundantWrongGuess)));
// check properties of game1
assertEquals("After redundant guesses, number of wrong guesses should be " +
(wrongGuesses.length() + redundantWrongGuesses.length()),
wrongGuesses.length() + redundantWrongGuesses.length(),
assertTrue("After redundant guesses, letters guessed is incorrect. It should be \"" +
wrongGuesses + "\". It was \"" +
game1.lettersGuessed() + "\"",
assertFalse("Game is over when it should not be over.",game1.gameOver());
assertFalse("Game is won when it should not be won.",game1.won());
// S c o o b y space D o o
boolean[] isHidden2 ={true, true, true, true, true, true, false, true, true, true};
testDisplayWord(game1, isHidden2);
// iterate through right guesses
for (int iCorrectGuess = 0; iCorrectGuess < correctGuesses.length(); iCorrectGuess++){
assertTrue("Did not find a letter that should have been found.",game1.guessLetter(correctGuesses.charAt(iCorrectGuess)));
// check properties of game1 again
assertEquals("After correct guesses, numbers of wrong guesses should be " +
(wrongGuesses.length() + redundantWrongGuesses.length()),
wrongGuesses.length() + redundantWrongGuesses.length(),
assertTrue("After correct guesses, letters guessed is incorrect. It should be \"" +
wrongGuesses + correctGuesses + "\". It was \"" +
game1.lettersGuessed() + "\".",
(wrongGuesses + correctGuesses).equals(game1.lettersGuessed()));
assertTrue("Game should be over.",game1.gameOver());
assertTrue("Game should be won.",game1.won());
// S c o o b y space D o o
boolean[] isHidden3 ={false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false};
testDisplayWord(game1, isHidden3);
* Tests a sequence for inputs for the class Game.
* <ol>
* <li>Test game2 over the maximum allowed guesses. check the properties of game2.</li>
* </ol>
public final void testGame2(){
char wrongGuess1 = 'h';
int numberOfGuesses = maxGuessesGame2 + 10;
for (int iGuess = 0; iGuess < numberOfGuesses; iGuess++){
assertEquals("Number of guesses is incorrect", maxGuessesGame2, game2.numWrongGuesses());
assertTrue("Guessed letters is wrong.",game2.lettersGuessed().equals(""+ wrongGuess1));
assertFalse("Game should not be won.",game2.won());
assertTrue("Game should be over.", game2.gameOver());
// S c r a p p y space D o o
boolean[] isHidden = {true, true, true, true, true, true, true, false, true, true, true};
testDisplayWord(game2, isHidden);
public final void testGameOver1(){
assertFalse("Game should not be over.", game1.gameOver());
public final void testGameOver2(){
assertFalse("Game should not be over.", game2.gameOver());
public final void testWon1(){
assertFalse("Game should not be won.", game1.won());
public final void testWon2(){
assertFalse("Game should not be won.", game2.won());
* Used to check getDisplayWord while running a sequence of inputs to a Game object
* @param g
* game object to use to check getDisplayWord
* @param isHidden
* boolean array of what characters should be hidden and what characters should not
public final void testDisplayWord(Game g,boolean[] isHidden){
HideableChar[] h = g.getDisplayedWord();
if (h.length == isHidden.length){
for (int iChar=0; iChar < h.length; iChar++){
assertTrue("Character incorrect displayed.", h[iChar].isHidden() == isHidden[iChar]);
else {
fail("Hidden characters and correctAnswer are not the same length.");
package hw2;
import static org.junit.Assert.*;
import java.util.Random;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;
public class PhraseSelectorTest {
private PhraseSelector phrases1;
private PhraseSelector phrases2;
public void setUp() throws Exception {
phrases1 = new PhraseSelector("words.txt");
* check that an error is thrown when file is not found
public final void testPhraseSelector() {
try {
phrases2 = new PhraseSelector("");
fail("FileNotFould Exception was not thrown.");
} catch (Exception e) {
// Do nothing
* Check that selectWord returns the same string for the same random seed
* @throws FileNotFoundException
public final void testSelectWord() throws FileNotFoundException {
// Setup random
Random randy1 = new Random(6131983);
Random randy2 = new Random(6131983);
// Setup 2nd phraseSelector
phrases2 = new PhraseSelector("words.txt");
// iterate through 5 phrases
for (int iPhrase = 0; iPhrase < 5; iPhrase++){
String singlePhrase1 = phrases1.selectWord(randy1);
String singlePhrase2 = phrases2.selectWord(randy2);
assertTrue("The same word is not returned for the same random seed. " +
"Are you using your own random inside PhraseSelector? " +
"Failed on " +
iPhrase +
"th phrase. " +
"singlePhrase1 was \"" +
singlePhrase1 +
"\". singlePhrase2 was \"" +
singlePhrase2 +
} // end for, check phrase 5 times
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