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Created July 20, 2009 17:30
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//General function for retrieving verses
function verseQuery ( apiParams, callback) {
var apiUrl = "";
type: "GET",
url: apiUrl,
dataType: "html",
data: apiParams,
error: function() {
callback ( "Error searching the ESV Bible." );
success: function(responseData) {
callback ( responseData );
//General function for previewing verses
function versePreview (previewBlock, inputObject, myVerseQuery, myNoInputMessage) {
if (inputObject.text.length < 1) {
previewBlock.innerHTML = myNoInputMessage;
previewBlock.innerHTML = "Searching for ESV Bible passages matching " + inputObject.summary + "...";
var originalInput = inputObject.text;
myVerseQuery( inputObject.text, function( verse ) {
if (inputObject.text == originalInput) {
previewBlock.innerHTML = verse;
//General function for inserting verses
function verseInsert (inputObject, myVerseQuery) {
if (inputObject.text.length < 1) {
displayMessage("Please enter a verse reference.");
myVerseQuery( inputObject.text , function( verse ) {
CmdUtils.setSelection( verse, "text" );
//Main function for rich-text esv-insert command
name: "esv-insert",
synonyms: [ "insert-esv", "esvinsert" ],
homepage: "",
author: { name: "Duncan Johnson", email: "" },
license: "GPL",
takes: { "verse reference": noun_arb_text },
icon: "",
description: "Inserts a passage from the ESV Bible in rich-text format. Also responds to \"insert-esv\" and \"esvinsert\".",
help: "Best for inserting ESV text when rich-text editing is supported. Try selecting a Bible reference and then issuing \"esv-insert this\". You can also insert a verse by issuing \"esv-insert\" and then typing your reference into the command window. ESV footnotes and section headings \<b\>are\</b\> inserted. \<h3\>Sample output:\</h3\>\<div class=\"esv\"\>\<h2\>Mark 1:1\</h2\>\<div class=\"esv-text\"\>\<h3 id=\"p41001001.01-1\"\>John the Baptist Prepares the Way\</h3\>\<p class=\"chapter-first\" id=\"p41001001.07-1\"\>\<span class=\"chapter-num\" id=\"v41001001-1\"\>1:1&nbsp;\</span\>The beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God.\<span class=\"footnote\"\>&nbsp;\<a href=\"#f1\" id=\"b1\" title=\"Some manuscripts omit 'the Son of God'\"\>[1]\</a\>\</span\> (\<a href=\"\" class=\"copyright\"\>ESV\</a\>)\</p\>\</div\>\<div class=\"footnotes\"\>\<h3\>Footnotes\</h3\>\<p\>\<span class=\"footnote\"\>\<a href=\"#b1\" id=\"f1\"\>[1]\</a\>\</span\> \<span class=\"footnote-ref\"\>1:1\</span\> Some manuscripts omit \<i\>the Son of God\</i\>\</p\>\</div\>\</div\>",
_getVerse: function ( inputText, callback ) {
var apiParams = {
key: "IP",
"link-url": "",
"include-audio-link": "false",
"passage": inputText
verseQuery(apiParams, callback);
preview: function(previewBlock, inputObject) {
versePreview(previewBlock, inputObject, this._getVerse, this.description);
execute: function(inputObject) {
verseInsert(inputObject, this._getVerse);
//Main function for plain-text esv-insert-plain command
name: "esv-insert-plain",
synonyms: [ "insert-plain-esv", "esvinsertplain", "esvplaininsert", "plainesv" ],
homepage: "",
author: { name: "Duncan Johnson", email: "" },
license: "GPL",
takes: { "verse reference": noun_arb_text },
icon: "",
description: "Inserts a passage from the ESV Bible in plain-text format. Also responds to \"insert-plain-esv\", \"esvinsertplain\", \"esvplaininsert\", or \"plainesv\".",
help: "Best for inserting ESV text when rich-text editing is not supported. Try selecting a Bible reference and then issuing \"esv-insert-plain this\". You can also insert a verse by issuing \"esv-insert-plain\" and then typing your reference into the command window. ESV footnotes and section headings are \<b\>not\</b\> inserted. \<h3\>Sample output:\</h3\>Mark 1:1 The beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. (ESV)",
_getVerse: function ( inputText, callback ) {
var apiParams = {
key: "IP",
"output-format": "plain-text",
"include-passage-horizontal-lines": "false",
"include-heading-horizontal-lines": "false",
"include-headings": "false",
"include-subheadings": "false",
"include-footnotes": "false",
"include-first-verse-numbers": "false",
"passage": inputText
verseQuery(apiParams, callback);
preview: function(previewBlock, inputObject) {
versePreview(previewBlock, inputObject, this._getVerse, this.description);
execute: function(inputObject) {
verseInsert(inputObject, this._getVerse);
//Main function for esv-search command
name: "esv-search",
synonyms: [ "esvsearch", "search-esv", "searchesv" ],
url: "{QUERY}",
homepage: "",
author: { name: "Duncan Johnson", email: "" },
license: "GPL",
takes: { "verse reference": noun_arb_text },
icon: "",
description: "Searches the ESV Bible by verse reference or keyword. Also responds to \"esvsearch\", \"search-esv\", or \"searchesv\".",
help: "Try selecting a Bible reference or phrase and then issuing \"esv-search this\". You can also search by issuing \"esv-search\" and then typing your reference into the command window. Press ENTER to open the ESV search results in your browser window.",
_getVerse: function ( inputText, callback ) {
var apiParams = {
key: "IP",
"link-url": "",
"include-audio-link": "false",
q: inputText
verseQuery(apiParams, callback);
preview: function(previewBlock, inputObject) {
versePreview(previewBlock, inputObject, this._getVerse, this.description);
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